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  • Johann Hinrichs de Lange, SV/PROG (1720 - 1792)
    [ VOC employment 1747] Death registration 27 April 1792 Stellenbosch LANGE JOHANN HEINRICH. “Oltrop” (i.e. Holtrup, Holtrop or Oldentrup ?). Arr. 1748 as sa., farmhand 1748-71, in 1771 loaned as fa...
  • Jan Robberts (1704 - 1758)
    Marriage 1730 Cape of Good Hope Death register 7 November 1758 Inventory MOOC8/9.46 7 November 1758 Family of Robbert Jansz van Hoorn Jan Robbertz born 1704, at the Cape
  • Johann Hasse (c.1730 - c.1779)
    VOC: Passengers, First name of passenger: Johan Period: 1699 - 1794 First name of passenger Johan Surname of passenger Hasse Origin of crew member Bronswijk Date of entry into service 1750-12-26 Posi...
  • Louis van As (c.1663 - c.1695)
    FFY no parents known ! Louis van As + married to Helena Janse van Leiden, 11 November 1691 in Cape Town Catherina van As born 1695 in Cape Town Louis van As 1691 , 1693 and 1695. Married to He...
  • Abraham Duvinage (1744 - 1817)
    Abraham Duvinage Most sources and himself use name Abraham and surname Duvinage ! Abraham Duvinaar 1765 VOC records Referred to as Abraham Duvinaar of Stettin, he sailed from Amsterdam to the Cap...

Burgher People of the Cape of Good Hope ~ Suid-Afrika

 Company's Garden, at Rondebosch
 Company's grain-fields, at Groote Schuur
 Land Granted to Free Burghers in 1657 at Groeneveld(Stephen's Colony) and Dutch Garden (Harman's Colony)[9]
 Military forts and watch-houses
 Company's orchards, near the Fort of Good Hope
 Jan van Riebeeck's farms
 Boundary fence which were later by a hedge also known as Van Riebeeck's Hedge
1 Oliphant Street (to-day Longmarket Street)
2 Reijger Street (to-day Shortmarket Street)
3 Heere Street (to-day Castle Street)
 Small freehold farms granted later
4 Otto van Vrede and J Cornelissen
5 S. Botma and H Elbrechts
6 J. Martens de Wacht
7 H. Reyniers
8 H.C. Hoogervelt and H. ter Schelhoorn
9 Cornelis Claassen and D Meyer
 Rivers and water indication

Please add all those Burgher People at the Cape. EN: Free Burghers ~ NL: Vrij-burgher ~ AF: Vry-burger DE: ?? -- were early European settlers at the Cape of Good Hope in the 18th century.


  • ...supplements WELCOME!

Countries / Places where free-burgher also settled

  • Burgher People of Sri Lanka - Ceylon
  • ??

European countries/provincies/places of origine

SEE also Geni-pages about DUTCH DIASPORA - Farewell Nederland - from....

  • 30 October 1655 : Van RIEBEECK received a reply from the HERE XVII that they accepted his proposal and that he could continue with setting up the farms. The employees who choose to enter the program had to stay for TEN years and their children TWENTY years before they may go back to their country of origin.
  • 1657 feb 21 : First applicants selected - 21st of February 1657; Families entered the program and they could do so until 13 February 1658. The region in which they settle next to the LIESBEECK river became know as the AMSTEL. By 1658 three groups of Vryburgers were recognisable namely the COORNHOOP Colonie, the HOLLANTSE THUIJN Colonie and the GROENEVELT Colonie.
Coornhoop Colonie
  • Hendrick BOOM - x -
  • Wouter Cornelisz. MOSTERT - x - forefather of the MOSTERT family
  • Jan Reijniersz. - x -
Hollantse Thuijn Colonie
Groenevelt Colonie
  • Jacob CLOETE - x -
  • Warnar CORNELISZ. - Nunspeet x - deck hand
  • Roelof JANSZ. - Dalen x - soldier
  • Jan MARTENSZ. - Vreelandt x - gunner
  • Jan van PASSEL - Geel x - soldier / builder / brandy-maker
  • Harman REMAJENNER - Köln - gunner

Huguenots, along with other Free Burghers, had been granted rights to land by the VOC management (1652-1795), and began farming to generate income. In the area of the Cape Peninsula, where they had limited access to education and cultural opportunities, these Free Burghers soon established grain and wine farms, which thrived due to favourable economic conditions.

1657 : Founders of Harman’s Colony

  • Herman REEMANJENNE - Köln x - marine
  • Jan Maartensz de WACHT - Vreeland x - marine
  • Jan van PASSEL - Geel x - soldier
  • Warnaar CORNELISZ. - Nunspeet x - boatman
  • Roelof JANSEN - Dalen x - soldier

1657 : Founders of Stephen's Colony

1652-1680 : "More comfort, better prosperity, and greater advantage": Free burghers, alcohol retail and the VOC authorities at the Cape of Good Hope
1652-1680 : "Meer gemack, beter welvaert, en grooter vordeelen": Vryburgers, die drankkleinhandel en die VOC-gesag aan die Kaap de Goede Hoop

Full age in the Netherlands - Europe
  • 1600's : 25 years
  • As of the Middle Ages : 25 jr. with regional differences
  • 1804/'11-1838 : 21 jr. - Napoleonic era
  • 1838-1901 : 23 jr.
  • 1901-1988 : 21 jr.
  • Jan 1985-to date : 18 jr. or earlier marriage.

With reference to Nationality law

This article contributes to a larger historical investigation of out-of-wedlock births in Cape Town from its beginning as an outpost of the Dutch East India Company. The near-two centuries when the fact of slavery was central to the history of illegitimacy have been the subject of earlier research.1 Here the focus is on the mid- to late nineteenth century when patterns of sexual behaviour and family formation, shaped by that history, came under the scrutiny of policy-makers steeped in British traditions and jurisprudence.2 The essay asks to what extent the Cape's family law was reshaped by the altered circumstances, and how the welfare of out-of-wedlock children and their parents (or caretakers) was affected.

Under Roman-Dutch law, 'crimes of incontinence' were defined as 'adultery, polygamy or bigamy, rape, fornication, concubinage, sodomy, and incest'.3 The Company soon learned to treat its servants' resort to concubinage as inevitable given the shortage of marriage partners, that is, of women from Europe. Numbers of European men formed relationships with slaves and freed slaves (vryswarten) or, more rarely, with Cape indigenes. From the founding of the Cape settlement, the churches - exclusively, to begin, the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) - partnered government as guardians of the colony's morals. The DRC encouraged cohabiting couples to marry (possible only when both parties were baptised) and present their offspring for a Christian baptism.4 With the passage of time, and with gender parity amongst the settler population, the crime of adultery joined that of concubinage as a threat to stable families - perceived as the bedrock of well-ordered polities.

The short-lived Dutch ('Batavian') government, which followed Britain's first occupation of the Cape (1795-1803), enacted a measure facilitating secular marriage.5 On their return in 1806 the British reinstated marriage as a religious (specifically Christian) event. In 1818 the option of marriage by special licence was introduced;

  • in 1829 the age of majority /Full age was lowered, from 25 to 21
  • a change which freed a cohort of youths from parental control at the point of marriage.6 Potentially of great significance were ordinances of 1823 and 1826 which permitted slaves to enter into legal marriage - if they were Christians. Few applicants presented themselves. The early decades of British rule were more remarkable for the rate at which slaves embraced Islam and sought marriage by Muslim rites despite the fact that such marriages lacked legality.7 By mid-century, crucial measures prompted by emancipation were in place. Britain's Marriage Order-in-Council of 1838 (in effect from 1 February 1839) had formalised certain slave unions as marriage. It also eased access to that rite by authorising civil marriage officers.
reference / Source
