Persons who have not been online for a year (Abandoned Trees)

Started by Eldon Lester Clark on Thursday, December 30, 2010
Problem with this page?


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The mother (Lucy Ludwell Lee) is a public profile, so anyone collaborating with her manager, or any curator. How is this different than before, other than the question of whether that manager is an inactive user?

Mike, I did not go to her profile, just tried to contact the manager of Maj. Gen. Henry Lee, "Light Horse Harry", Governor of Virginia in regards to the correctness of Ann Grymes as the name on his profile was wrong.

Can someone please go to this profile
Robert John Warriner
and report it as an abandoned tree? The submit button isn't working for me.

@David Kaleita, I reported it. :)

Can someone please report the following as abandoned?

David Lee Kaleita - Reported

Does reporting abandoned trees do anything for a user's family inside their "Fourth Cousins and closer" tree?

Like this one - XYZ DO NOT MERGE XYZ

I posted it to this thread a month ago.... I reported it as an inactive tree 4 months ago, and it is clearly a spoof account used to merely upload a giant GedCom, and do this day I still cannot merge with it, it hasn't accepted merge requests, nor collaboration or family group invites.

Does this mean that since this is a fake account, and the user will never come back, that I will never be able to merge?

And what's worse, is that since the new privacy revisions, I can't even view the pending merge, I get the message:

You don't have permission to view this page

What's more... I have over 200 pending merges now that I can't even review, and I'm sure the other user I'm trying to merge with cannot either, because they almost certainly can't see the merge either?

Stephen and others:

I have made a suggestion to Mike Stangel that would at least solve the problem of pending merges that you can't review.

Also I think that Private User told us in another thread that all abandoned trees had been addressed, so I am not quite sure why XYZ DO NOT MERGE XYZ has not.

Private User I don't know what happened when you submitted it but it was not there when I cleaned out the queue. Unfortunately, 4 cousins are within his max family so unless someone from the family group invites you or completes the merge you will not be able to merge with his family.

Stephen, I am having the same problem with the error message. I haven't counted lately but at one time, the first 10 merges on a page caused that message.

David, would you share the suggestion and Mikes answer. Mike and I discussed the problem in a public forum when the problem first surfaced but I don't remember where it is. However, nothing seems to have improved.

Something happened - now there are a ton of private profiles previously added by XYZ XYZ that have no manager and need to be made public / taking over someone. Can a curator help? is in my opinion the acknowledged expert on such matters. There are things I could do to release those profiles - and would have done in the past - but for various reasons am not going to do here and would rather leave this to a curator.

David what is the purpose of doing what you just did?

Line 2 should have read "need to be made public / taken over by someone".

I am now managing the XYZ profile itself (and it's a she not a he) but the important thing is that there are now a ton of private profiles currently left unmanaged as a result.

Charles just came on here and said that there are 4 cousins within this profile's family range, wouldn't it be best if they took over the management of those profiles..


Look at the tree.

Though the XYZ profile says she was born in 1948, her wife (yes I did say that right) was born in 1639. All the profiles around her are in the 1600s - ripe for zombie treatment by a curator.

For example, her parents in law's profiles were both private - so I just took them over and made them public to make my point. They are both profiles from the 1600s.

I can't speak for all his private profiles, but the ones in the immediate family group of someone from the 1600s should surely be made public? That's why I would think a curator who is specialised in this kind of thing should take a look.

I am not trying to breach anyone's privacy.

Angus and Charles: I don't know who are the 4 Charles referred to. I just searched for claimed profiles in XYZ's family group, and Geni returned zero. I can't imagine that someone from the 1600s has real live people in their family group - but I am happy to be proved wrong.

And Geni is telling me that XYZ has no claimed cousins, so again I don't know who they are.

David, it looks like he attached himself to a legitimate tree. What would happen if you just removed him?

All done...

Sorry I was saying that what we do for abandoned trees wouldn't help because up to 4th cousins would still be considered private. is response to

Does reporting abandoned trees do anything for a user's family inside their "Fourth Cousins and closer" tree?

That was not specific to mr XYZ. I unclaimed his profile which is why David could take over management of that profile.

Private User and others:

With some help from some friends, I think the bottleneck that Stephen brought to our attention should now have cleared.

Charles - that explains things - you didn't mean that XYZ had four cousins. Rather you were talking generically about fourth cousins!

Quite funny how that got misunderstood and sent hares racing unnecessarily.

All I think sorted now, and no privacy breach in the 1600s!

Thank you all for your help.

Neither a hare nor a turtle am I...

Glad this all got sorted out.... I was able to complete the merges, as well as claim a bunch of immediate family members the XYZ Gedcom had added, and then mark them private (since they are people who are still alive, and my fourth cousins)

But yes, there are still 10,000+ unclaimed profiles, although David and a man named Peter Dutton Jr. claimed large swathes of the "historic" tree. From what I can see, 100% of XYZ's profiles have been made public, and can be claimed by relatives, which is probably the best course of action.


Here's a few more abandoned trees:

These are almost certainly a GEDCOM uploads. All the indicators point to that. (Zero profiles invited... zero photos, etc, etc)
Unknown Profile

These appear to simply be abandoned:
Private User

I recognize most of the profiles in for these two users are "private" trees, but I'm related to chunks of their tree... is there any other way to complete pending merges with such abandoned trees?


look at these :

the manager is stil active,but with a new acount.
3 gedcoms it looks like.

In the so called abandonded trees or those who refuse to answer their contact mail, refuses to merge, refuses to join family group, reuses to collobraroate is there any way I can clami my grandfather's profiles, and those of his parents, siblings and those of my gr. or gr. grandparents that this non-co-operative geni user has entered into his famil tree and the nearest connectin grandparent is back 6-7 generations - this is one reason I have made public all my profiles since all but us 'direct cousins' of which there is only 3 on my mothers side and also dad's side - and thus far non are interested in genealogy - and think i have totally lost my mind the last 35+ years because I have done it and still do it

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