Geni Pro Just Got a Whole Lot Better

Started by Private User on Thursday, August 11, 2011
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Lois which profile?

Mike - one I originally looked at is Private. Looked around a bit - it seems a common problem currently. This Public Profile also shows it (tho it updated a bit further back): Carl A. Rudnick

Do you need the Private one? And if so, listed here? Also - think saw same problem at least with Birth Location as well.

Using IE7. At least for the one above with the link - would alternate between being told No Revisions Found, and seeing the list when clicked on "View" (same "View" - i.e. not that some there, others not - but same one sometimes worked, sometimes not; but fields always blank for these locations)

@Mike Stangel,

1) New Entry - type in - Given name, Birth Name, Birth year

2) click on Edit Locations (for full info. entry) - and what you Typed in Birth Name - Dissapears

Judi/Judith I am with you on that one! Very annoying!

Mike Stangel:

1.) Address entry back to normal. Can enter city/state and it DOES translate to full edit in proper slots.
2.) Also not sure what Peter R (above) is referring to: have had no problem with entering name/birth year....either on tree view or as edit....
3.) If, for some reason, we are ON-LINE with Geni and power goes off AND cannot access our own computer to EXIT so that we can get back onto Geni....can Geni (say from another computer) let us log-in? or log-off.

Heck of a way to learn geography....

Mike Stangel, Fay Baldwin:

1) New Entry - type in XXXX - in the Birth Surname field

2) Click: Edit Details - on Place of Birth

Result = XXXX - Disappears

ps. I use Internet Explorer-9

Mike....Forget question #3.....found out the answer.....If power goes off, Geni automatically cuts your do NOT remain signed in....

Peter...I'm not having any trouble.....I know this is stupid , but you ARE remembering to 'save' the data, aren't you.? I've wiped out enough 'about me's' etc to at least ask....

Fay - are you Also using IE-9 ?

It is Not during Edit - it is New Profile Typing (saving does not apply).

Entry Field - should Not Clear - when you start Typing in Another Field OR when you Click the "Edit Details" - next to the Place of Birth Field

I'm on iPad using Safari. On another discussion I reproduced the bug two other users noted. Seems to be browser independent.


I'm on Windows Vista basic.

fay i use chrome and firefox as opposed to ie-9 on my win vista is way too buggy froze up my system too much for my likeing!

IE9 is referring to the version of the browser Internet Explorer, not to hte Windows Operating System like your Vista.

Don't think the problem has anything to do with the browser, as I use another version of IE, and had problems too yesterday. Don't know if it's the same today.


But I had problems with the Birth Name, as I had to edit twice to remove the wrong name which automatically appeared on the profile.

Why enter the birthname automatically?
It's going to be a mess if users are not aware of the problem at once they have added profiles.

My guess is that the name rules are not the same around the world. Not now and not for the past hundreds of years.
Isolated for Denmark the rules have changed over time.

Thanks that case...I'm on Internet Explorer 9.....

I don't use the birthname field ....but I DO edit birthname if it is capitalized to change it to standard font......sometimes it takes two times before it will take.....and I do leave the rest problems with that, for the rest of THIS problem, it obviously is outside my range of knowledge, so ....thanks for letting me know what IE9 is (Henny) and I'll leave you-all... to figure it out....

I have sent the Problem - Birth Name field Clearing (reverting) - to Geni Help on Sunday 8/28/2011

Peter Rohel (c) I see that issue as well. I just entered it as a ticket for this week's queue.

So -- I am not the only one that has to re enter the birth name when adding new females?

I have given up trying to add anything as I am not a Pro and the system won't let me! Too bad i have a lot of info that no one will ever see.

same here.. too much aggravation you can blame my first cousin 10 times removed's husband's second great nephew's wife's first cousin 7 times removed for that sh**ty idea.

That cousin of yours says nothing to me, Michael. But what's her name?? :-)

Same problem here. I count down for the day, when Geni has to change back.

I am still trying to get into my great grandparents , on my grandmother's side, line. It keeps saying there is a problem contact Geni Help or try later. Well tried both no luck. Tried contacting others including curators . People are trying to help to no avail. I am getting really upset, to put it mildly. This is gettting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please someone out there help me.!!!!!!!!

@Judith. 2 years of contributing to the "BIG TREE" with historical corrections, merges, and edits and my reward is that I cannot search a profile for someone who obviously is part of my family, even if extended. So goes the Non-PRO. Not everyone is a "professional" geni user but that by no means distinguishes the capabilities of contribution to the overall project that could be accomplished. Were there abusers of the system. Yes. Punish everyone who is not a PRO. Please NO!

Judith I see a couple exceptions for you, on Win***** I. Coo**** (name masked to protect your privacy) but I'm able to see that tree just fine. Can you try it one more time and let me know if it's still failing?

Marion Lisbeth Jensen

Hej Marion if you are looking.
I have contacted a Danish bank regarding payments abroad. It costs 390 DKK or about 80 USD to make a remittance to Geni. Cheaper if you use netbank.
So no doubt a Visa is the way to pay.

Gregory and Mike : This Judith can get into her tree again and has started putting dates back into profiles. However, she can not add any other profiles bryond a certain point. I never masked any name , including mine with something diferent . I , however, did have a problem with someone who was doing just that. Please let us non pros back in. Maybe some of us might decided to join when we can afford to do so.

Just to clarify, Judith, I was saying that I masked the name in my message, for your privacy. I'm glad you're able to get into your tree now.

If "beyond a certain point" means 4th great grandparents / 5th cousins then indeed it is the new non-Pro restrictions that are preventing you from adding onto your tree. We're watching the Pro situation very closely and trying hard to find the right balance between Pro and non-Pro features, in order to ensure that Geni is a sustainable project for years to come.

What is most people's reason for being on Geni? I certainly don't care one bit about the "historical tree" but look upon Geni as a way of recording my own relationships, and when I found someone who might link up with my tree, I've made some merges. But now I cannot.

I'm now not going to be able to do much more but look at what's already been put together. If I find out the name of someone else, I can add it on, but if someone else has already put in the same person, and I find this out after I've added them, I can't do anything to fix it up.

How many people really are interested in adding on to the "historical tree" as opposed to simply getting their own relationships organized?

People are not pro (professional) by paying to Geni, it is clear and has been seen so clearly. I think pro means profit. I do not want to be pro (paying), as long as the problems, I have often pointed out, still exist. The situation of Geni is hopeless for serious Danish genealogists because of a few Norwegian attempts to take dominance in the Danish trees, with whom they only very far out are related to, and in a language they only dimly understand. Some are missusing there curatorship. What does it need to become a curator at Geni? Nothing? These same Norwegian causes of the Danish genealogists being evicted from Geni, and as long as evictions have not been canceled, many serious Danish do not want to have anything to do with Geni. Those Americans from Geni, who at the Norwegians instigation, has received Danish genealogists thrown out, can not possibly be professional either.

I have received copies of the 2 following letters. I have the sender's consent to bring publicity.

Dear Ashiya,

I cannot accept your decision, I demand that you reactivate my account immediately.

I have entered a contract with Geni Inc. to use the Geni program and invested considerable resources to add information to the Geni database.

You give two reasons why you unilaterally terminate your contract with me:

1. Geni may not be the proper fit for my personal genealogical studies.
2. It seems I am not willing to cooperate with the rest of the Geni community.

Both reasons are false, and even if they were correct they do not give you the right to terminate my contract with you. My wife Hanne Munk have written you separately asking you to reactivate her account. Whatever complaints some of your users may have had to my activities in trying to clean up the Geni Big Tree close to my bloodlines, definitely these complaints do not apply to her as she is not undertaking such activities (and as I have not use her accounts for such activities).

Furthermore according to the legal advice I have received a decision terminate our contract can only be taken by someone providing their full name who manifestly has the authority to take such decisions. Indeed it reflects very negatively on Geni Inc. that it let such an important decision be communicated to me by a person not giving his/her full name.

Therefore, if you are not reactivating my account, please transfer this complaint to a person in a position of authority in Geni Inc. I request this person to make the necessary arrangements for my account to be reopened, or if this is not done, with a view to a legal procedure, to specify which conditions in my contract, Geni Inc. considers give Geni Inc. the right to deactivate my account.

I am open to a compromise solution. In particular I am willing to undertake to follow any general guidelines which Gini Inc. may specify for merging and disconnecting profiles. However, you may inform your superiors, that if a satisfactory compromise solution cannot be found, I will endeavour with other dissatisfied Geni customers to make a complaint to the appropriate public authorities about your business practices, in addition to the fact that you have deactivated accounts without reason, that you with misleading information about what Geni is about induce people with a genuine interest in genealogy to spent large amount of time putting their family information on Gini Inc., which you then make available for another group of users which use Geni as a social game and which compromise the information.

For you convenience I include links to the EU and the Danish consumer protection agencies.


Knud Munk

To Geni Management,

I give you one week to reactivate my account and that of my wife.

If you do not do so I will

1. Bring complaints to the Consumer Protection agencies at the Danish and the EU level
2. Bring a complaint to the Danish Police for fraudulent behaviour
3. Write a short article to the influential Danish newspaper "Weekenavisen" explaining your business practices and pointing to your links to Linkedin which seems to use similar practices and warning people to rely too heavily on either Geni and Linkedin
4. Approach the European competition authorities to ask them to put an end to youf dishonourable practices representing the worst in the US business model.

In disgust

Knud J. Munk
Professeur Invité
UCL Université

Mike , well as it has often been said it's Geni's lost isn't it !

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