Albert Whitehouse, Convict "Eliza" 1828

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Albert Whitehouse

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Burton
Смерть: 1833 (27-28)
Port Macquarie, New South Wales
Ближайшие родственники:

Муж Elizabeth / Eliza Whitehouse - Hayes - Sheen / Sheahan, Free Settler "Broxbournbury" 1814
Отец Emma Elizabeth Amelia Ballard / Bollard

Менеджер: Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Au...
Последнее обновление:

About Albert Whitehouse, Convict "Eliza" 1828

Convicted of Horse Theft. Name; Albert Whitehouse Ship; Eliza No; 137 - 130 Age; 23 Est birth Year; 1805 Read & Write; Married. Religion; Protestant Native Place; Burton on Trent Calling; Lithographic Printer Offence; Horse Stealing Date of Trial: 10 March 1828 Sentence; Life Height; 5 ft. 7 1/2 Complexion; Ruddy Hair Brown Eyes; Hazel Assigned; Surveyor General Dept. Noted against name; Died at Port Macquarie 14 Nov 1833

Convict Changes History Meryl Naismith on 20th May, 2013 made the following changes:

date of birth 1805, date of death 1833, gender, occupation, crime

Meryl Naismith on 22nd May, 2018 made the following changes:

date of death: 0000 (prev. 1833)

Penny-Lyn Beale on 11th September, 2020 made the following changes:

date of death: 14th November, 1833 (prev. 0000)

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Хронология Albert Whitehouse, Convict "Eliza" 1828

май 1831
New South Wales
Возраст 28
Port Macquarie, New South Wales