Arthur Edmund Rice

public profile

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Arthur Edmund Rice

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA
Смерть: 21 октября 1941 (61)
Biglerville Butler, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA
Место погребения: Cem Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Leighton Hartzell Rice и Florence Jane Rice
Муж Edna Belle Royer
Отец Arthur Edmund Rice и Jane Elizabeth Rice
Брат Oscar Curtis Rice; Harry Richmond Rice; Gertrude M. Rice; Guy L. Rice и John Stanley Rice

Менеджер: Randall Charles McCauslin
Последнее обновление:

About Arthur Edmund Rice


Gettysburg Times 10/21/1941 Arthur Edmund Rice, one of Adams county's most prom- inent fruit jrroivers and manu- facturers, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Get- tysburg Lutheran Theological Seminary and a former mem- ber of the Board of Dirwinrs of the Annie M. Warner hos- pital, died at 5:20 o'clock this morning. His death followed a cerebral hemorrhage he suf- fered Monday moaning from, which he never recovered. Death came quietly to the 61-year-old Biglemlle resi- dent at his home. Members of his immediate family were at the l>edside. His passing marks the cli- max of «t long ,ind courageous fight to regain his health, a struggle that continued over a period of ten years when he first suffered a heart attack. On many occasions his condi- tion v.,u-. icpoited as critics I but ho always rallied to re- sume the active, energetic life j he always lived.

College Graduate The deceased ns a lifelong resi- dent of Adams couc'.j- He was bom m Mcnallen township. January 21. 1880. * son of the late Lelgtiton H.. and Florence Jane (Haxunan) Hipp. He attended the public schools of the count) and then enrolled at Geujaourg Academy. lie graduated frooa Gettysburg College iii 1WM. one of the most prominent students at the institution at the time. Always a firm believer in ath- letics Mr nice played lour years of va«*tr foot ball for hit alma malar. Daring hi* gridiron career his major injury nu a broken leg. He tito managed thr college baseball team Rio isollotiiitU affiliation! 'nrhiilecl the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity Id which he retained an active Interest all tus bit, and the Fen and Sword club.

Organizes Company After his graduation he became a salesman for the C. C. Miller com- pany, of Pittsburgh, a position he retained for five years. In 1910 he organize*! the Rice Produce Com- pany with headquarters in Bigler- ville and branch offices in Gettys- burg. Chambersburg and Newport. Pa. The firm dealt in eggs, poultry and fruit. The interests of the com- pany expanded to fruit growing which continues on an extensive scale today. In 1929 the firm of Rice. Trew and Rice was organized for the purpose of manufacturing and distributing | paper products used to pack fruit ! and vegetables. The company has branch offices in several sections of the country. In addition to his service as trustee of the seminary and his former af- filiation on the Warner hospital board, a position he resigned some- time ago because oi ill health. Mr. Rico also served for many years as a member of the College Athletic Council.

Services on Thursday He was a member of the Gettys- burg Lodge of Mason and the Shrine of Zembo Temple. Harrisburg. He was also a member of the Gettys- burg Lodge of Elks and a former member of the Gettysburg Cham- ber of Commerce He is survived by his wife, for- merly Miss Ecuia Royer. of Hunt- ingdon, whom he marrird ir. 1914: two children. Arthur Edmund Rice. Jr.. and Mrs Philip Jones. Gettys- burg: two brothers also survive. Os- car C. Rice, of BigJerviUe ar.d for- mer State Senator John S. Rics. Gettysburg. Funeral services will be conducted a: the residence in Biglerol'r? Thursday afternoon a; 3 o'clock- The officiating ministers will be the dc- ccas'cTs pasior. the Rev Dwicht F. PBTroan. of Chris: Lutheran church. Gettysburg, and the Rev Dr. H C Alleman. retired member o' the ^minary faculty Burial will b" in Bverrrefn cemetery. Gettysburg Friends may cal] at The Sender fur.rra'i heme a'tcr seven D"c:r»c?c Wednesday evening.

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Хронология Arthur Edmund Rice

21 января 1880
Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA
28 марта 1918
Biglerville Butler, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA
22 января 1919
Biglerville Butler, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA
21 октября 1941
Возраст 61
Biglerville Butler, Adams, Pennsylvania, USA
Cem Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania