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- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_I,_Duke_of_Saxony
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering his birth family):
HERMANN [Billung] ([905/10]-Quedlinburg 27 Mar 973, bur Lüneburg St Michael).
The Cronica Principum Saxonie names "Bilingus…filium Hermannum"[200]. His birth date range is estimated on the assumption that he was adult when appointed military commander in 936.
He was given military command in Saxony ("princeps militiæ") by Otto I King of Germany in 936, which triggered the revolt of his brother Wichmann[201].
Graf in Wetigau.
Procurator of the king in Saxony 953, 961 and 966.
"Otto…rex" granted property "Ozmina marcam…et Tarata marcam cum castello Grodista" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 26 Jun 952[202]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of St Moritz, Magdeburg by charter dated 953, which names "Billingus…noster miles"[203].
Graf in dem Gauen Tilithi und Marstem 955.
Markgraf 956:
"Otto…rex" granted rights to salt duties to Lüneburg St Mikhael at the request of "Herimanni marchionis" by charter dated 13 Aug 956[204]. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Willihelmi" to "nostro fideli vasallo comitique Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[205], which may refer to Hermann Billung although he is not titled Markgraf in the document. "Otto…rex" granted property "in locis Vurmerstat, Otunpach, Gozarstat, Haholtestat…in pago Usiti in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vasallo comitisque…Billinc" by charter dated 2 Dec 958[206]. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[207]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property "in pago Neletici in comitatu Billingi comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 965[208].
Dux in Saxony 965.
He founded St Michaeliskloster at Lüneburg.
The necrology of Fulda records the death in 973 of "Heriman dux"[209]. Thietmar records the death of Duke Hermann, father of Bernhard, at Quedlinburg on 1 Apr, the transportation of his body to Lüneburg, and the refusal by Bruno Bishop of Verden (maybe his nephew) to allow his burial in church because of his prior excommunication[210]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "27 Mar" of "Herimannus dux"[211].
m firstly ODA, daughter of --- (-15 Mar ----). The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's first wife has not so far been identified.
m secondly HILDESUIT, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Hermann's second wife has not so far been identified. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed the donation of property "aliquando Bilingo nostro comiti…in Neletici…quitquid coniunx sua hereditarii iuris habere" to Magdaburg St Moritz by charter dated 28 Jul 966[212].
Duke Hermann & his [first/second] wife had five children:
a) BERNHARD (-Corvey 9 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michael).
The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh"[213].
He succeeded as BERNHARD I Herzog in Sachsen.
b) LIUTGER (-26 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michael).
The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh"[214]. "Otto…Romanorum imperator augustus" gave property "Stipenlo in comitatu ipsius Liutgeri comitis et in pago Westfalon" to "Liutgero comiti" by charter dated 27 Apr 1001 on the petition of "Berenhardi nostri ducis et…capellani nostri"[215]. The Vita Meinwerci records the death "IV Kal Apr" of "frater…ducis Bernhardi, comes Liutderus"[216]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "26 Feb" of "Liudger com"[217].
m EMMA, daughter of IMMED [III] & his wife Agnes --- (-3 Dec 1038, bur Bremen Cathedral). The Vita Meinwerci names "Emma" as wife of "comes Liutderus", but does not give her origin[218]. Her parentage is confirmed by Adam of Bremen who names "Emma" as wife of "Liudgerus frater [Benno dux Saxonum]" when recording her husband's death in 1011, calling her "Emma…soror Meginwerki episcopi Padarburnensis" when recording her death and her burial in Bremen Cathedral[219].
Liutger & his wife had two children.
c) MECHTILD of Saxony ([942]-Gent 25 May 1008, bur Gent St Peter).
The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", recording the names of Mechtild's two husbands[220]. The Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis names "Mathildis, filiam principis Herimanni" as wife of "Balduinum [filius comitis Arnulfi]", specifying that it was hoped that the couple would have many children[221]. This suggests that their marriage date may have been some years earlier than 961 considering that the Genealogia was supposedly compiled in [951/59], probably during the earlier part of this date range considering which children of Louis IV King of the West Franks are named in the document[222]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildis comitissa Saxonie" as wife of "Godefridi Ardennensis"[223]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and property of Kloster Mouzon donated by (among others) "dux Fredericus pro anima Ottonis…[et] Godefridus comes et coniux sua Mathildis pro anima sui fratris Adalberonis archiepiscopi" by charter dated 1023[224]. The Annales Blandinienses record the death in 1008 of "Mathildis comitissa"[225]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "25 May" of "Mattild com"[226].
m firstly ([951/59]%29 BAUDOUIN III joint Count of Flanders, son of ARNOUL I "le Grand" Count of Flanders & his second wife Adela de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([940]-1 Jan 962).
m secondly ([963]%29 GODEFROI Comte de Verdun, son of comte GOZELON [Wigeriche] & his wife Uda --- [Matfriede] (-3 Sep 995, bur Gent St Peter).
d) SCHWANEHILDE [Suanhild] ([945/50]-26 Nov 1014, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).
The Annalista Saxo names "domna Suanehildis" as daughter of "Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh", names her brothers "Bennonis ducis et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" and her two husbands[227]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of her sister being born in [942] and Schwanehilde herself giving birth to seven children by her second husband. Thietmar records the marriage of Ekkehard and "Swanhild widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard's sister"[228]. Thietmar records the death of Suanhild 26 Nov 1014[229].
m firstly THIETMAR [III] Markgraf [der Ostmark], son of CHRISTIAN Graf im Nordthüring- und Schwabengau & his wife Hidda [der Ostmark] (-3 Aug after 979, bur Kloster Nienburg an der Saale).
m secondly (before 1000) EKKEHARD [I] Markgraf von Meissen, son of GUNTHER Markgraf im Bischofstum Merseburg & his wife --- (-murdered Pöhlde 30 Apr 1002, bur Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche).
e) IMMA . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not so far been identified.
Nun at Herford. 995.
[200] Cronica Principum Saxonie, MGH SS XXV, p. 472.
[201] Reuter (1991), p. 152.
[202] D O I 152, p. 231.
[203] D O I 165, p. 246.
[204] D O I 183, p. 266.
[205] D O I 198, p. 278.
[206] D O I 198, p. 278.
[207] D O I 223, p. 307.
[208] D O I 303, p. 418.
[209] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123.
[210] Thietmar 2.31, p. 115, footnote 121 commenting that the date is mistaken for 27 Mar.
[211] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[212] D O I 329, p. 443.
[213] Annalista Saxo 1002.
[214] Annalista Saxo 1002.
[215] D O III 401, p. 834.
[216] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p. 114.
[217] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[218] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p. 114.
[219] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum II.44 and II.76, MGH SS VII, pp. 321 and 333.
[220] Annalista Saxo 1002.
[221] Genealogiæ Comitum Flandriæ, Witgeri Genealogica Arnulfi Comitis MGH SS IX, p. 304.
[222] MGH SS IX, p. 302, Introduction to Witgeri Genealogia Arnulfi Comitis.
[223] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1005, MGH SS XXIII, p. 778.
[224] D H II 492, p. 626.
[225] Annales Blandinienses 1008, MGH SS V, p. 25.
[226] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[227] Annalista Saxo 1002.
[228] Thietmar 4.39, p. 179.
[229] Thietmar 7.7, p. 312.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering his married family):
BERNHARD Billung, son of HERMANN Billung dux in Saxony & his [first/second] wife [Oda ---/Hildesuit---] (-Corvey 9 Feb 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).
The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Bennonis ducis, qui et Bernhardus et Liudigeri comitis et Machtildis comitisse" as brothers and sister of "domna Suanehildis [filia] Herimanni ducis de Liuniburh"[303].
He succeeded as BERNHARD I Herzog in Sachsen. Adam of Bremen names "dux Benno et Sigafridus marchio" when recording their victory against the Vikings at Stade[304]. The passage is undated but adjacent paragraphs suggest that it relates to an incident in the late 908s/early 990s.
The necrology of Fulda records the death in 1011 of "Berinhart dux"[305]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "9 Feb" of "Bernhardus dux"[306]. The Vita Meinwerci records the death "Id Feb" of "Bernhardus dux Saxonicus, filius Herimanni ducis"[307].
m ([990]%29 HILDEGARDE von Stade, daughter of HEINRICH [I] "dem Kahlen" Graf von Stade [Nordmark] & his second wife Hildegard [von Reinhausen] ([974/77]-3 Oct 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).
The primary source which confirms Hildegarde's parentage and her marriage has not so far been identified. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "3 Oct" of "Hildegarth ducissa"[308].
Mistress (1): ---. The name and origin of Duke Bernhard's mistress are not known.
Duke Bernhard I & his wife had [five] children:
1. HERMANN (-young). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not so far been identified.
2. BERNHARD (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael).
The Annalista Saxo names "duce Bernhardo, filius eius Bernhardus" when recording his succession to his father in 1011 as BERNHARD II Herzog in Sachsen[309]. As "Bernard Duke of Westfalia", he signed the 1013 document of Heinrich II King of Germany under which the king renewed his settlement of a dispute over Gandersheim, listed first among the lay signatories[310]. The Annalista Saxon records that he rebelled against Emperor Heinrich in 1020, captured "Scalkesburh", but withdrew and was restored to his properties after the intercession of the empress[311]. "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" renewed the privileges of Kloster Fulda by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated 1020, witnessed by "Godifridi ducis, Berinhardi ducis, Thiederici ducis, Welphonis comitis, Cunonis comitis, Kunrati comitis, Ottonis comitis, Adilbrahtis comitis, Bobonis comitis, Friderici comitis, Bezilini comitis, Ezonis comitis palatini"[312], the order of witnesses presumably giving some idea of the relative importance of these named nobles at the court of Emperor Heinrich II at the time. Adam of Bremen records the death in 1059 of "Bernardus Saxonum dux"[313]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "29 Jun" of "Bernhardus dux"[314].
m ([1020]%29 EILIKA von Schweinfurt, daughter of HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Markgraf der Nordgau & his wife Gerberga [von Hammerstein] ([1000]-10 Dec after [1055/56]). The Annalista Saxo names "Eilica…filia marchionis Heinrici de Suinvorde" as wife of "Bernhardus iunior"[315]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "10 Dec" of "Eila ducissa"[316].
Duke Bernhard II & his wife had five children.
3. THIETMAR (-killed in battle Pöhlde 1 Oct 1048).
The Vita Meinwerci names "Thietmarus senior frater Bernhardi ducis Saxonie" when recording his donation to Paderborn, stating that his brother Bernhard was his heir, witnessed by "Udone, Herimanno, Bernhardo, Liudero comitibus"[336]. Thietmar names "Thietmar, Duke Bernhard's brother" when recording that he despoiled Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn[337]. "Thietmarus comes" is named brother of Bernhard in the Annalista Saxo, which records that he was killed in a duel at the court of Emperor Heinrich[338].
m ---. The name of Thietmar's wife is not known.
Thietmar & his wife had one child (Thietmar, the outlaw).
4. GODESDIN (-30 Jun after 1040).
"Abbess Godesti" is named sister of Duke Bernhard by Thietmar[339].
[Abbess of Metelen 993].
Abbess of Herford 1002-1040. She founded the Abbey of Herford 2 Jun 1011.
5. [MATHILDE (-Gernrode 28 Apr 1014).
Thietmar records the death of "my cousin Mathilde" on 28 Apr 1014, noting that "she had long resided at Gernrode with Abbess Hathui to whom she was related by blood"[340]. There is no direct proof that Mathilde was the daughter of Duke Bernhard I. However, Duke Bernhard's children are the only cousins of Thietmar who appear to have been related to Hathui, who as shown above was probably the daughter of Wichmann [I].]
Duke Bernhard I & Mistress (1) had one illegitimate daughter.
6. EMMA .
"Otto…rex" gave property "Hedun in pago Hedergo et in comitatu Hoiconis comitis" to "Imme sanctimoniali filiæ Bernhardi ducis" by charter dated 26 Oct 995[341]. This date appears early for Emma to have been Duke Bernhard's legitimate daughter by his marriage. It is therefore assumed that she was illegitimate.
[303] Annalista Saxo 1002.
[304] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum II.30, MGH SS VII, p. 317.
[305] Annales Necrologici Fuldenses, MGH SS XIII, p. 123.
[306] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[307] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 14, MGH SS XI, p. 114.
[308] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[309] Annalista Saxo 1010.
[310] D H II 255, p. 293.
[311] Annalista Saxo 1020.
[312] D H II 427, p. 542.
[313] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum III.42, MGH SS VII, p. 351.
[314] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[315] Annalista Saxo 1059.
[316] Althoff, G. (ed.) (1983) Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg (Hannover), Lüneburg.
[336] Vita Meinwerci Episcopi Paderbornensis 100, MGH SS XI, p. 128.
[337] Thietmar 8.26, p. 379.
[338] Annalista Saxo 1010.
[339] Thietmar, p. 379 footnote 54.
[340] Thietmar 7.3, p. 309.
[341] D O III 179, p. 589.
From the German Wikipedia page on Bernhard I (Sachsen):
Bernhard I. (* um 950; † 9. Februar 1011 in Corvey) aus der Familie der Billunger war Herzog in Sachsen. Er war der Sohn und Nachfolger von Hermann Billung. Bernhard wurde in der Kirche St. Michaelis in Lüneburg begraben.
Bernhard I. war seit etwa 990 mit Hildegard von Stade verheiratet († 3. Oktober 1011), einer Tochter des Grafen Heinrich I. der Kahle von Stade [1]. Auch sie wurde in der St.-Michaelis-Kirche beigesetzt. Bernhard und Hildegard hatten mindestens vier Kinder:
1. Hermann († jung)
2. Bernhard II. († 1059) Herzog in Sachsen ∞ Eilika († 10. Dezember nach 1055/56, Tochter des Heinrich von Schweinfurt, Markgraf des Nordgau
3. Thietmar (X im Zweikampf 1. April 1048 in Pöhlde) Graf, 1004 bezeugt
4. Gedesdiu (Gedesti) († 30. Juni nach 1040), wohl 993 Äbtissin von Metelen, 1002/40 Äbtissin von Herford, gründete 2. Juni 1011 das Stift Herford
Darüber hinaus können ihnen vermutlich zwei weitere Töchter zugerechnet werden:
1. Mathilde, neptis des Bischofs Thietmar von Merseburg († 28. April 1014 in Gernrode), Nonne in Gernrode, begraben daselbst
2. Othelendis († 9. März 1044) ∞ Dietrich III. Hieroselymita Graf von Holland 963 († 27. Mai 1039)
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
Anton Christian Wedekind: Notea zu einigen Geschichtsschreibern des Deutschen Mittelalters, Erster Band Note 1 XXX und Beilagen aus ungedruckten Handschriften Hamburg 1823, Note XXIV, Genealogie der älteren Grafen von Stade, S. 247–256
Ruth Bork: Die Billunger mit Beiträgen zur Geschichte des deutsch-wendischen Grenzraums im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. Dissertation phil. masch. Greifswald 1951
Richard G. Hucke: Die Grafen von Stade 900–1144, Genealogie, politische Stellung, Comitat und Allodialbesitz der sächsischen Udonen, Diss. Kiel, Stade 1956
Ernst Steindorff: Bernhard I.. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 2. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1875, S. 433–435.
Genealogie Mittelalter: Mittelalterliche Genealogie im Deutschen Reich bis zum Ende der Staufer:
1. ↑ Hildegards Herkunft wurde 1823 von Wedekind ohne diplomatischen Nachweis postuliert. Seitdem wird die Angabe ungeprüft übernommen. Hucke hatte in seiner Dissertation über die Udonen 1956 diese Verbindung mit Hinweis auf die Spitzeneintragung Graf Heinrich, seine Frau Hildegard und ihre Tochter Hildegard bei einer Gedenkeintragung der Udonen in Fulda kurz vor 1000 zu untermauern versucht. Für ihn handelte es sich dabei um Graf Heinrich den Kahlen von Harsefeld/Stade. Bork hatte 1951 in ihrer Dissertation über die Billunger die Fragen aufgeworfen, aber nicht vertieft, ob die Eheverbindung zwischen den Billungern und Udonen überhaupt gesichert sei und ob es sich bei der Spitzeneintragung nicht vielmehr um den Grafen Heinrich den Guten (Sohn des Kahlen) handele. Hucke hat Borks Arbeit gekannt, aber sich nicht mit ihr auseinandergesetzt. Dabei muss man berücksichtigen, dass er seine Arbeit mit den Dissertationen seiner Kollegen abstimmte, die zeitgleich über die Northeimer und die sächsischen Pfalzgrafen schrieben. Seitdem wurde die Heirat – gegen die in der Literatur Bedenken erhoben werden – nicht mehr in Frage gestellt.
Herzog von Sachsen 973–1011
Vorgänger Otto II.
Nachfolger Bernhard II.
From the English Wikipedia page on Bernard I Duke of Saxony:
Bernard I (c. 950–9 February 1011) was the duke of Saxony (973–1011), the second of the Billung dynasty, a son of Duke Herman and Oda. He extended his father's power considerably.
He fought the Danes in 974, 983, and 994 during their invasions. He supported the succession of Otto III over Henry the Wrangler. In 986, he was made marshal and in 991 and 995 he joined the young Otto on campaign against the Slavs. He increased his power vis-à-vis the crown, where his father had been the representative of the king to the tribe, Bernard was the representative of the tribe to the king [1]. Bernard died in 1011 and was buried in the Church of Saint Michael in Lüneburg.
In 990, Bernard married Hildegard (d. 1011), daughter of Count Henry I the Bald of Stade (d. 976). They had the following issue:
1. Herman, died young
2. Bernard II, his successor
3. Thietmar, a count, died in a duel on 1 April 1048 in Pöhlde
4. Gedesdiu (or Gedesti) (died 30 June c. 1040), abbess of Metelen (from 993) and Herford (from 1002)
and probably:
1. Matilda, nun
2. Othelindis (died 9 March 1044), married Dirk III of Holland
Bernard I, Duke of Saxony
House of Billung
Born: ca. 950
Died: 9 February 1011 in Corvey
Duke of Saxony, Reigned 973-1011
Preceded by Herman
Succeeded by Bernard II
1. Genealogie Mittelalter: Mittelalterliche Genealogie im Deutschen Reich bis zum Ende der Staufer:
Unattributed information in Norwegian(?):
Another name for Bernhard was Bernhard of Saxony Billung.
General Notes:
Bernhard deltok med keiser Otto II i hans felttog mot Danmark i 974. Ved de tronstridigheter som oppsto etter Otto II's død 07.12.983, sto han på Otto III's side.
Han var tilstede ved innvielsen av domkirken i St. Stephan i 992, oppholdt seg ofte ved hoffet og ble gjerne spurt om råd.
Bernhard døde i klosteret Corvey hvor kong Heinrich II kort tid tidligere hadde ankommet. Han ble bisatt i kirken i klosteret St. Michaelis i Lüneburg.
Noted events in his life were:
• Acceded: Duke of Saxony, 973.
Bernhard married Hildegarde von Stade, daughter of Henrik I der Kahle of Stade and Hildegard. (Hildegarde von Stade was born between 974 and 976 and died on 3 Oct 1011.)
Regjeringstid: Sachsen: 973 - 1011
Født: ca 950
Død: 1011
Foreldre: Hermann av Sachsen,
mor ukjent
Ektefelle(r): bl.a. Hildegard av Stade
Barn: Herman
Bernhard II av Sachsen
Bernhard I av Sachsen (født ca 950, død i Corvey i 1011) var en av hertug Herman Billungs sønner. Han etterfulgte sin far som hertug av Sachsen i 973. Bernhard støttet Liudolfingernes keisere og økte Billungenes makt i Saksen.
Bernhard var blant annet gift med Hildegard av Stade (-1011), datter av grev Henrik I den skallede, og hadde de følgende barna:
Bernhard II av Sachsen (-1059)
Thietmar (-1048)
Mathildis (-1014), nonne i Gernrode
Godesti (-1041), abbedisse i Meteln og Herford
Imma, nonne i Herford
Othelinde (-1044), gift med grev Dirk III av Holland (-1039).
Bernard I (c. 950–9 February 1011) was the duke of Saxony (973–1011), the second of the Billung dynasty, a son of Duke Herman and Oda. He extended his father's power considerably.
He fought the Danes in 974, 983, and 994 during their invasions. He supported the succession of Otto III over Henry the Wrangler. In 986, he was made marshal and in 991 and 995 he joined the young Otto on campaign against the Slavs. He increased his power vis-à-vis the crown, where his father had been the representative of the king to the tribe, Bernard was the representative of the tribe to the king. Bernard died in 1011 and was buried in the Church of Saint Michael in Lüneburg.
In 990, Bernard married Hildegard, daughter of the count of Stade. They had the following issue:
Herman, died young
Bernard II, his successor
Thietmar, a count, died in a duel on 1 April 1048 in Pöhlde
Gedesdiu (or Gedesti) (died 30 June c. 1040), abbess of Metelen (from 993) and Herford (from 1002)
and probably:
Matilda, nun
Othelindis (died 9 March 1044), married Dirk III of Holland
Bernard I: Duke of Saxony
Reign 973-1011
Born 950
Died 1011
Predecessor Herman
Successor Bernard II
Bernard I (c. 950–9 February 1011) was the duke of Saxony (973–1011), the second of the Billung dynasty, a son of Duke Herman and Oda. He extended his father's power considerably.
He fought the Danes in 974, 983, and 994 during their invasions. He supported the succession of Otto III over Henry the Wrangler. In 986, he was made marshal and in 991 and 995 he joined the young Otto on campaign against the Slavs. He increased his power vis-à-vis the crown, where his father had been the representative of the king to the tribe, Bernard was the representative of the tribe to the king [1]. Bernard died in 1011 and was buried in the Church of Saint Michael in Lüneburg.
In 990, Bernard married Hildegard, daughter of the count of Stade. They had the following issue:
Herman, died young
Bernard II, his successor
Thietmar, a count, died in a duel on 1 April 1048 in Pöhlde
Gedesdiu (or Gedesti) (died 30 June c. 1040), abbess of Metelen (from 993) and Herford (from 1002)
and probably:
Matilda, nun
Othelindis (died 9 March 1044), married Dirk III of Holland
Bernard I (c. 950 – 9 February 1011) was the duke of Saxony (973–1011), the second of the Billung dynasty, a son of Duke Herman and Oda. He extended his father's power considerably. He fought the Danes in 974, 983, and 994 during their invasions. He supported the succession of Otto III over Henry the Wrangler. In 986, he was made marshal and in 991 and 995 he joined the young Otto on campaign against the Slavs. He increased his power vis-à-vis the crown, where his father had been the representative of the king to the tribe, Bernard was the representative of the tribe to the king . Bernard died in 1011 and was buried in the Church of Saint Michael in Lüneburg.
940 |
Lüneburg, Braunschweig/Lüneburg, Deutschland(HRR)
973 |
March 27, 973
- February 9, 1011
Age 33
Saxony, Germany
986 |
Age 46
Saxony, Germany
990 |
Namur, Namur, Wallonie, Belgium
997 |
999 |
1001 |
1003 |
Sachsen, Germany