Binduccio de' Pannocchieschi

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Binduccio de' Pannocchieschi

Death: 1300 (7-13)
Place of Burial: Massa Marittima, Grosseto, Toscana, Italy
Immediate Family:

Son of Nello de' Pannocchieschi and Margherita Aldobrandeschi, 3^contessa di Sovana
Half brother of Anastasia de Montfort, Contessa di Nola, Dame de Chailly, Dame de Longjumeau; Tommasia de Montfort; Angela Savelli and Maria Annibaldeschi

Managed by: Emily Damiano
Last Updated:

About Binduccio de' Pannocchieschi

Binduccio or Bindoccio was the illegitimate son of Nello de' Pannocchieschi and Margherita Aldobrandeschi. After his birth, he was immediately given to the care of his father. During his lifetime, his mother rejected him and his father ignored him. He was assassinated when he was ten to thirteen years old, drowned in a well in Massa Marittima.

This page, though in Italian, discusses the life of Binduccio and the conflicts of his parents.

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Binduccio de' Pannocchieschi's Timeline

Age 12
San Francesco, Massa Marittima, Grosseto, Toscana, Italy