David Terrell and his wife joined the Society of Friends, or Quakers. The first Quaker Meeting in that part of Virginia is said to have been set up in Hanover County and known as Cedar Creek. At the organization of this meeting 12 Mar 1739, David Terrell was appointed as one of the overseers and contributed to the erecting of a meeting house. Some of the children and grandchildren of David and Henry Terrell belonged to the Friends Society, but most of the grandchildren joined churches of another faith. Some were ejected from the Quaker felowship for their violation of strict Quaker rules and for marriages outside the faith. (Sources: Bell, "Our Quaker Friends." Dicken, "Terrell Genealogy," p.166)
There were two sisters, Anne and Agatha Chiles, supposed to have been daughters of Henry Chiles, who married two brothers, Henry and David Terrell, sons of William and Susannah Terrell. [3]
Agatha CHILES was born in 1709. She died in 1766 in , Caroline Co., Virginia and was buried in , Caroline Co., Virginia.
Agatha married David TERRILL about 1727.
David TERRELL died in 1759 in Caroline Co., Virginia. His will was dated 15 Mar 1751 and entered into probate on 12 Apr 1759. It names his wife, Agatha; children, David, Henry, Micajah, Plesant, Chiles, Christopher, Mary, Millicent, Ann and Rachel. Two other children, Susannah and Jonathan had been born after the will was written. They were provided for by the will of their uncle, Henry Terrell, Sr.. Parents: William TERRELL (I) and Susannah WATERS.
Know all men by these presents that I William Terrell of Hanover County, in Virginia, Planter, do hereby give grant and make over to my son David Terrell of the said county, a certain parcel of land lying and being in King William County in St. Margaret's Parish, containing four hundred acres more or less, bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at two red oaks, thence west 440 poles to a willow oak, sweet gum and white oak on the south side –the north fork of the south fork of Polecat swamp above the mouth of the branch, thence south 168 poles to two white oaks and a red oak on the east side of a branch, thence south 85 degrees, east 442 poles to a stake standing between two white oaks and a red oak on the west side of a branch, and on the south of the run, thence north 350 poles to a place it first begun. To have and to hold the said 400 acres of land unto him the said David Terrell, his heirs or assigns forever; together with all woods, underwoods, privileges, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining with warranty against all person or persons laying any claim to the same, or to any part or parcel thereof by from or under me or by my heirs, he the aid David or they shall become due, and I hereby acknowledge myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to acknowledge this deed together with Susannah, my wife, in King William County upon demand. In Witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals this instant 16 March 1725/6.
William Terrell (Seal)
Susannah X Terrell (Seal)her mark
Signed sealed and O.R. in the presence of
James Terrell
Joseph Woolfolk[1]
The will of Agatha [Chiles] Terrell was probated at a court held for Caroline County 7 Dec.1766,with Pleasant Terrell as executor. Pleasant Terrell was on the same date appointed guardian of Jonathan Terrell and Christopher chose him to be his guardian,he then being old enough to make his own choice.{O.B.1765-1767.p.438]
My research shows that David Terrell was born 1695 in New Kent County Virginia, and he died 04/12/1759 in Golanville Caroline County Virginia. My source is the Mormon Church Archives.
Legacy's Pedigree Chart for Rupert L. Martin show Agatha Chiles as David Terrell Sr. wife . She was born in St. Peters Parish, New Kent, VA. on 14 Oct 1714. She died in Golansville, Caroline,VA on 14 Feb. 1805. I'm certain someone with access to Henshaw's book of Quaker meetings can find the correct information.
U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935
Lynchburg City
South River Monthly Meeting
Births, Deaths, Removals, Marriages, 1757-1848
on Ancestry
Lists the children of David Terrell as Sarah, Winifred, David, Henry, Samuel, Susanna, and Ann
1695 |
New Kent, Virginia
1729 |
July 10, 1729
Madison, Caroline County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1730 |
1732 |
Caroline County, Virginia, United States
1734 |
Province of Virginia
1738 |
Golansville, Caroline, Virginia
1739 |
August 11, 1739
Age 44
Richmond City, Virginia
1741 |
June 17, 1741
Golansville, Caroline County, Virginia
1745 |
Golansville, Caroline, Virginia, United States