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Jesse Allen Bussard

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Bunker Hill, Miami, Indiana
Смерть: 11 марта 1911 (34)
Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын John Henry Bussard и Mary Elizabeth Bussard
Муж Mary Elizabeth 'lizzie' Bussard и Mary Rose Justice
Отец Davona Ione Hall; Marie (Ruth Marie) Reichard и Lottie Gertrude Bussard
Брат Emma Rosetta Bussard; Clement Leroy Bussard; John Wesley Bussard; Mary Ellen or Ella Bussard и Lottie Leonra Bussard

Менеджер: Judith "Judi" Elaine (McKee) Burns
Последнее обновление:

About Jesse Allen Bussard

It is said that he committed sucide because he had stolen a wagon load of grain. this is speculation since newspaper account states - 'without leaving a scrap of paper or message of any that would indicate what induced him to take his own life. '


1. Pharos Tribune, Saturday 11 Mar 1911, Pharos Tribune, Broadway St.; P.O. Box 210, Logansport, In. 46947-210. " Jesse Bussard Shot Himself; Died Soon

Bought Revolver and cimmitted Deed in killian & M'Closkey Morgue Today

For the second time within two days, the city was thrown into a state of excitement early this morning by the news, spreading like wildare, that a man had taken his own life by shooting..

Jesse Bussard living on a farm just at the edge of the Carroll county Iine, four miles south of the city was the victim this time and he selected the Killian & McCloskey morgue on Third street for the scene of death.

Dan Killian, veteran undertaker familiar with death in all forms from his years of expereince int the undertaking business, recieved a shock that startled him, when about 8 o'clock he arrived at his place of buisness and went into the back room, occupied at night by Charles Updegraff as a sleeping room.

There lying on the bed in a pool of blood and with the walls spattered with blood, he unexpectely came upon bussard, with the blood flowing from a ugly hole in the right side of his head and apparently gasping his last.

Hurriedly summoning Rollo Mccloskey, the latter russhed out and found Coroner Palmer, who responded at once by he immediately saw .that the shooter had succeeded in his work and death ensued in a few moments alter his .arrival. The circumstances, surrounding the death are quite unusual, In that the suicide should choose a morgue In which to end his life.

Bussard drove into the city at an early hour and had probably made all the plansfor committing the terbble deed. Going to the Berman Sporting Goods store, he purchased a 38-calibre revolver and twenty cartridges. At that time he seemed to be in a particularly pleasant mood, laughed and joked about the purchase, and by his actions gave no hint of what was going on in his mind.

A little later he drove up in front of the morgue and .greeted Updegraft, employed there as embalmer. Heasked Updegraff if any one was in the back room and upon rerceiving a reply in the negative, asked undegraff towatch his horse for a few moments untill he could visit the lavatory. When he went back undegraff became engaged in conseration with other partied and the fact theat bussard was in the back room slipped his mind.

When. Killian arrived to relieve him so that he could go to breakfast. he neglected to tell Killian that Bussard was in the rear, so the finding of Bussard there was all the more ot a surprise and shock.

Bussard was familiar with the place as he had visited the morgue on many occasions. He must have set on the edge of the bed and fired the fatal shot, falling back upon it as the bullet crashed into his brain from a point about an inch above the right ear. rendering him unconscious, but not producing instant death. He lived for about art hour but never regained consciousness and without leaving a scrap of paper or message of any that would indicate what induced him to take his own life.

Decased was 36 years of age and according to relatives, he was in the best of health so the theory o ill health being advanced as a cause for self destruction would not be a feasible one.

He was a brother of Wesley Bussard. , city mail carrier, and the latter was called from, his duties at once but did not arrive until after death had taken place. Sorrow stricken and halt stupefied at his brother's crime, he soon rallied and departed for thd country home to break the sad news to a loving wife and aged mother; a heart rendering task.

Deceased was living with his second wife, who is the daughter of Frank Justice, well known farmer, residing near the Bussard home. He is . survived by three small children, one by a former marriage and two by the present wife. They resided on the old family farm with the mother of the deceased, Mrs Mary E bussard, but formerly resided in this city. bussard was at one time being a driver for the local brewery.

Mrs. John Yeakley, a sister of deceased, on account of ill health that, made her almost a physical wreck, became despondent and took her own life by hanging about nine months ago at the country home in the same locality.

The motive for self-destruction is a matter of speculation. Various rumors are in circulation, as is usual in such cases, and some one of themmight, have produced an effect upon a sensative mind that would prompt Such a deed.

Relatives say he was subject to preoccupation of mind and depression of spirits, and one of them said today that he believed Bussard was insane at the time lhe killed himself.

The body was removed to the family home this afternoon, but no arrangements were made for holding the funeral."

2. Mrs. Walter A. Rumbarger & Mrs. John L. Merkling, Christain Rumbarger Descendants and Ancestors, chart 1967. 1930-1967 Hand written chart - 35" inches wide and 12.5 feet long. Researched and complied by the above. Genevieve (MC Ginnis) Rumbarger RR#1 Box 70 Farmersburg, Ohio and Meneve L. (Rumbarger) Merkling Roegan Tr. Momma, Wis. 53716.

3. United States Census, 1910, Washington, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: T624_341; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 0044.

  • "Name: Jasa Bossard
  • [Jesse Bussard]
  • Age in 1910: 34
  • Birth Year: 1876
  • Birthplace: Indiana
  • Home in 1910: Washington, Carroll, Indiana
  • Race: White
  • Gender: Male
  • Relation to Head of House: Head
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Spouse's Name: Mary Bossard
  • Father's Birthplace: Ohio
  • Mother's name: Elizabeth Bossard
  • Mother's Birthplace: Ohio
  • Neighbors: View others on page
  • Household Members: Name Age
  • Jasa Bossard 34
  • Mary Bossard 26
  • Ione Bossard 8
  • Lotter Bossard 1 11/12 [1]
  • Elizabeth Bossard 66."


4. Indiana State Death Certificate, Certif. #373, Indiana State Health Department, Vital Records Division, Michaigan St., Indianapolis, Indiana.

5. Record of Death Cass County Indiana . "Bk. CH-2 pg. 78 # 373 Date: Mar. 11, 1911, Jesse A. Bussard, Male, White, married, Logansport, Ind., Mar ?; boron June 24, 1875; 35y 8m 15d; Farmer; born Indiana; father: John H. Bussard born Indiana; mother: Mary E. Rembarger born Ohio; caus of death: Gunshot wound in head - Sucide; A. L. Palmer corner Logansport, Ind.; burieal:P lank Cemtery March 16, 1911; undertaker: Killean & McCloskey."

6. Indiana Death 1882-1920.

* "Name: Jesse A. Bussard 

* Date: 11 Mar 1911

  • Location: Logansport
  • Age: 35 Yr
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: White
  • Source Location: City Health Office, Logansport
  • Source notes: The source of this record is the book CH-2 on page 78 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration."
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Хронология Jesse Allen Bussard

24 июня 1876
Bunker Hill, Miami, Indiana
7 апреля 1902
Logansport, Cass, Indiana
17 февраля 1911
Logansport, Cass County, Indiana, USA, Logansport, Cass County, Indiana, United States (США)
11 марта 1911
Возраст 34
Logansport, Cass, Indiana
14 марта 1911
Возраст 34