The first settler from Surrey or Kent, England. Landed in Boston, 1637; New Haven, 1638; Guilford 1639. Info. compiled by Rev. Erastus Scranton, "Memorial to the Scranton Family", Descendant of the First Settler, John Scranton, A.M. Harford , Press of Case, Tiffany and Co. 1855, p.104, CS71.S433, published: 1855.
John and about 40 others left Surry & Kent England to escape religious persecution. They were referred to as "Puritans". Erastus listed over 800 descendants.
"JOHN SCRANTON, with the number of about twenty-five heads of families, made a settlement in Guilford on or about the 10th of October, 1639.
Original Planters: Guilford, Connecticut, 1639 « Back to Projects Dashboard
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Photos and Documents Project Tags Connecticut Related Projects Early Families of Milford, Connecticut Founders of Norwich CT New England town seals Oldest Homes in Connecticut Original Planters: Plympton, Massachusetts, 1640 Original Proprietors: Farmington, CT State of Connecticut Town Founders Top Surnames Hand, Cruttenden, Leete, Bushnell and 16 others view all Profiles John Scranton, Sr., of Guilford (c.1610 - 1671) The first settler from Surrey or Kent, England. Landed in Boston, 1637; New Haven, 1638; Guilford 1639. Info. compiled by Rev. Erastus Scranton, "Memorial to the Scranton Family", Descendant of the F... John Stone, of Guilford (1610 - 1687) From page 1 of ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF ANSON PARMILLE STONE *** Descended from JOHN STONE of Guilford, Conn. Compiled by Christine Rose and Seymour T. Rose, 150 Copies Privately Printed at San Jo... Stephen Hand (1674 - 1755) 15.STEPHEN5 HAND (JOSEPH4, JOHN3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 08 Feb 1674, and died 14 Aug 1755 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut in the 81st yr of his age. He was the son of Joseph (Josiah) Hand (1637... Joseph Hand, I (aft.1637 - c.1724) THE NEW-ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, 1901, VOLUME LV. BOSTON, PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. 1901 JOSEPH HAND OF EAST GUILFORD (NOW MADISON), CONN., AND HIS DESCENDANTS. Compiled by RALPH D... Sarah Hand (1674 - 1706) Sarah Wright b.16 May 1674 Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut d.18 Sep 1706 Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut F. Deacon Joseph Wright (abt 1639 - 1714) M. Mary Stoddard (1643/44 - 1683) ... view all Collaborators
Erica Howton
Hatte Anne Blejer
photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle
Tammy Swingle (Tucker)
R.Owen Wyant (PhD)
Roland Henry Baker, III
Tracy Stevens view all 38 Followers
ELIZABETH Marchesani
Kathryn Hall
Tracy Stevens
Jennifer Sue Olmstead
Jourdan Dern
Roland Henry Baker, III
R.Owen Wyant (PhD)
Mrs. Nathan
Donna Dee Elder
Matthew Gregory Cox
Sue E Fitzpatrick AboutRevisions View in: English (default) history The first settlers of Guilford, Connecticut came to America as passengers on the Saint John. The company of settlers on the Saint John was led by the Reverend Henry Whitfield, who had been the rector of St. Margaret's at Ockley in Surrey since 1616.
They sailed from England on 20 May 1639 under the command of a Captain Richard Russell, and arrived at New Haven (then Quinnipac), Connecticut, between the 10th and 15th of July 1639.
While still at sea the settlers organized a single communal plantation; this was outlined in a document now known as the Plantation Covenant. It was signed by twenty five men.
Guilford, CT Plantation Covenant We whose names are herein written, intending by God's gracious permission, to plant ourselves in New England, and if it may be in the southerly part, about Quinpisac [Quinnipiac, later named New Haven], we do faithfully promise each for ourselves and families and those that belong to us, that we will, the Lord assisting us, sit down and join ourselves together in one entire plantation and to be helpful to the other in any common work, according to every man's ability and as need shall require, and we promise not to desert or leave each other on the plantation but with the consent of the rest, or the greater part of the company, who have entered into this engagement.
As for our gathering together into a church way and the choice officers and members to be joined together in that way, we do refer ourselves until such time as it shall please God to settle us in our plantation.
In witness whereof we subscribe our hands, this first day of June 1639.
Robert Kitchell Abraham Crittenden John Housingsoe John Mepham Wm. Plane John Bishop Wm. Crittenden Thomas Joanes Thomas Naish John Stone Francis Bushnell Henry Doude John Jurden William Noble Wm. Stone Francis Chatfield William Dudley Henry Kingstone John Norton Richd. Sutridge Thomas Cooke John Hoadley Wm. Leete John Parmarly Rev. Henry Whitfield The names of the Guilford settlers that came to New Haven in the second ship in July, 1639, are believed to be as follows:
Francis Austin George Bartlett Edward Benton Samuel Blachley William Boreman Richard Bristow Alexander Chalker John Caffinch, rem. to N.H. Samuel Desborough Thomas Dunk Thomas French George Highland John Johnson John Linsley Thomas Mills Thomas Reif John Scranton John Sheader or Sheather Jacob Sheafe William Somers John Stevens Edward Seward Jasper Stillwell Benjamin Wright Links http://www.wellswooster.com/tree/getperson.php?personID=I22437&tree... http://dunhamwilcox.net/ct/new_haven3.htm Sources HISTORY of THE COLONY OF NEW HAVEN To its absorption into CONNECTICUT by Edward E. Atwater with Supplementary History and Personnel of the Towns of Branford, Guilford, Milford, Stratford, Norwalk, Southold, etc. compiled by Robert Atwater Smith assisted by Bessie E. Beach and Lucy M. Hewitt Meriden, Conn. The Journal Publishing Company, 1902
They came from Guilford, and from the counties of Kent and Surrey, in England.
The year of John Scranton's birth is not known. It is probable he was not over twenty-nine or thirty at the time of emigration, and lived after his arrival about thirty-one or thirty-two years, and died 27th of August, 1671, aged about sixty or sixty-one, and about two years before his son John was married. [Town Records, p. 68.]
He was twice married.
First, to Joanna, (probably in England.) The name of her parents is not ascertained. She died July 22, 1661, about ten years before her husband.
Married second time to Ada, or Adaline Hill, who was the widow of Robert and had been the widow of Robert Johnson, May 22, 1666. She died April, 1685.
Mr. R. Johnson died 1661. Mr. R. Hill, to whom she was remarried January 7, 1662, died August 3, 1663.
Mr. Scranton was a member of General Court in 1669 and 1670."
History of the Colony of New Haven to its Absorption into Connecticut by Edward E. Atwater, Guilford Personal Sketches
"The names of the Guilford settlers that came to New Haven in the second ship in July, 1639, are believed to be as follows:
Francis Austin, George Bartlett, Edward Benton, Samuel Blachley, William Boreman, Richard Bristow, Alexander Chalker, John Caffinch, rem. to N.H., Samuel Desborough, Thomas Dunk, Thomas French, George Highland, John Johnson, John Linsley, Thomas Mills, Thomas Reif, John Scranton, John Sheader or Sheather, Jacob Sheafe, William Somers, John Stevens, Edward Seward, Jasper Stillwell, Benjamin Wright.
possibly one of the company that came in the second ship to New Haven with his wife Joanna, who died in 1651. He married in 1663 Mrs. Adeline (_____) Hill, widow of Robert Hill.
He died Aug. 27, 1671; his widow died in 1685.
The children, Thomas, John and Sarah, all by the first wife, married and left descendants. Probably most all persons of this name in Connecticut are descendants of this John Scranton."
Families of Ancient New Haven by Donald Lines Jacobus, pg. 997
"Deputy (Guilford) to N.H. Leg., Jan., 1664."
A "Mr. John Scranton" is buried at North Guilford Cemetery in Guilford, CT
"Lived in Guilford, Conn."
Families of Early Guilford, II:1036
Inscription Although this person was likely interred in Guilford's original village cemetery (now the commons and public park in downtown Guilford), no surviving gravestone was known in 1818 when all gravestones at the Village Green, but not the people's remains, were dispersed to other town cemeteries. Gravesite Details Time and weather had erased the location of this grave when the cemetery was moved
John Scranton, I BIRTH 1609 Cranbrook, Tunbridge Wells Borough, Kent, England DEATH 27 Aug 1671 (aged 61–62) Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA
Spouses Joanna Scranton 1621–1651 (m. 1638)
Adaline Thomas Scranton 1613–1685 (m. 1666)
Inscription Although this person was likely interred in Guilford's original village cemetery (now the commons and public park in downtown Guilford), no surviving gravestone was known in 1818 when all gravestones at the Village Green, but not the people's remains, were dispersed to other town cemeteries. Gravesite Details Time and weather had erased the location of this grave when the cemetery was moved
1610 |
Cranbrook, Turnbridge Wells Borough, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1639 |
October 10, 1639
Age 29
Guilford, , Connecticut
October 10, 1639
Age 29
Guilford, Connecticut
October 10, 1639
Age 29
Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
October 10, 1639
Age 29
Guilford, , Connecticut
1641 |
Guilford, New Haven Colony, Colonial America
1645 |
May 16, 1645
Guilford, New Haven Colony
May 16, 1645
Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut Colony
1647 |
Guilford, Ct