Marcus “Pops” & Lena Mayer “Momps” Loeb
Pops was born Dec 27, 1852 in Edenkoben (Kirrweiler, Germany) - Rhinephalsz Region. He died Tuesday morning Sept. 16, 1930 at his residence 1142 St. Charles Place , N.E. in Atlanta Georgia at age 77. Momps was born (Kirrweiler, Germany) Aug 4, 1863. She died Jan. 19, 1949 in Atlanta at age 86. They are buried in Oakland Cemetery, Section 16 Block: J4, Lot 123, Graves 2 & 3.
Lena’s father, Lehman, was born in Noestdat Germany -Rheinland-Pfalz was blind and was a lawyer in Germany. Her mother’s name was Rebecca (Rivka). Lena’s brothers arrived in Demopolis, Alabama in 1868 or 1869. Lena came to Demopolis, Alabama in 1882 with her brother, Simon, who was returning to Demopolis after a visit back to Germany. She and Marcus Loeb married Dec 18, 1882 in Demopolis Alabama at the home of another of Lena’s brothers, Morris. The Mayer brothers ran a general merchandise store in Demopolis and were founding officers of the local Bnai Brith Lodge (1877) and the local “Temple” where a third brother, Lehman was acting Rabbi for many years.
Marcus’ father, Lazarus was a farmer, and specialized in growing grapes and making fine wines. Marcus attended local schools and apprenticed in the wine business. At age 18 he obtained permission from his parents to leave home for greater opportunities in the United States. Marcus set sail to America from Hamburg on the "CYBRIA" on Nov 02, 1870. It took 11 days to reach New York.
Marcus first located in Plymouth, Indiana, and spent 2 years there working as a clerk in a store. He decided to go “South” and worked in the Carolinas, and then in the late 1870's or early 1880's he moved to Palatka, Florida. After amassing $600, he started a small store and saloon in Palatka. Marcus became active in the business, financial and political affairs of Palatka. He was vice-president of the Old East Florida Saving & Trust Co., President of the Palatka Telephone Company when it was organized in 1894 and had connections with several other business enterprises. He was a member of the city council from 1884-1886 and served a term as Mayor, being considered quite a factor in local politics. Marcus was a member of the fraternal order of Masons and served in Palatka as Treasurer for 12 years and as Grandmaster. Palatka’s great fire occurred Friday night November 7, 1884 virtually wiping out the entire business district, including Marcus’s store. Marcus’s damages were estimated at $25,000, of which $10,000 was covered by insurance.
Mrs. Andrews, a resident of Palatka Florida had this to say in her late 90's, remembering the Loebs from her years as a young girl. "The Loebs were quite a well- to-do Jewish family, built that house, (Whitehall). And they had a horse and carriage, servants, so we could go across the alley into the vacant lot and pick flowers, and play, where we were never supposed to ... you know, horses ran all over the streets, and you were bound to get hurt." Mrs. Andrews remembered that the Loebs had a parrot that would remark "Daddy's home", Daddy's Home" whenever Mr. Loeb returned from work.
Marcus and Lena had had 4 daughters, Viola (born Feb. 24, 1886 Palatka Fl), Helen (born Sept 24, 1888), Rosalie (born Sept 7, 1890) and Lillian (born Oct 31,1892) and 1 son Leman (born July 30, 1894) who died at age 19. Two babies died in infancy. Momps went home to Germany to have one child born there, Rosalie, who was born in Trier Germany. .
Marcus was an owner of orange groves in the area when a freeze in 1898 devastated the crop. That, coupled with a desire to be a part of a larger Jewish community caused him to move his family in 1898 to Atlanta, Georgia, where in 1899 he opened a factory for the manufacture of overalls and other work clothes for men. The corporation was known as Marcus Loeb and Company and employed approximately 300 people.
Neither Marcus nor Lena ever drove and each had a chauffeur and their own large car. On Sundays Marcus would pick up the grandchildren and drive them 19 miles outside of Atlanta to Marietta. During the week, Ed Smith would drive Marcus, Uncle Billy and Uncle Milton Rice to the Loeb home and serve them lunch. In the afternoons he would work as a shipping clerk. Ed Smith lived in the Loeb home, but had a family and named his son Marcus. Both Ed Smith and Ed Owen drove the daughters around; the only one who learned to drive was Helen. Ed Owen worked ½ day Sunday to drive around Pops. Both worked as butlers and served meals at the house.
One son-in-law, grand son-in-law or grandson from each daughter worked for Marcus Loeb and Co. at a time: Milton Rice (Helen’s husband), Marion Rosenberg (Lillian’s husband), Jacob Haas (Viola’s son), Herbie Rosenberg (Rosalie’s son) and Cecil Marks (Helen’s son-in-law).
Momps would have family, including children and grandchildren over on Sunday’s for dinner. She generally had 5-6 servants working in the home. The family was at Momps Loeb’s house for the customary family Sunday dinner when Pearl Harbor was bombed.
Momps would pick up her daughters with her chauffeur and take them shopping for groceries. They would mark the bags with their names and take them home. The chauffeur would place them on the lawn and each daughter’s maid would take the groceries inside and put them away.
Marcus was described as gentle and smiled often. He always smoked a cigar. He and Lena were known by the family as “Pops” and “Momps”. Pops served as president of The Temple in Atlanta from 1921-1924 and as a member of that organization’s board of trustees for 15 years. He was a Mason for over 50 years. After Pops’ death in 1931, Momps became the family matriarch and was treated with special respect by the family and was perceived as being aristocratic.
After her husband’s passing in 1931, Momps, considered a very feisty woman, succeeded her husband as chairman of the board of Marcus Loeb & Co. After Pops’ death in 1931, Milton Rice succeeded him as President. In 1959, Uncle Milton Rice was succeeded by Uncle Jacob Haas. The firm was acquired in 1961 by Oxford Industries, Inc. She was active in The Temple, the Temple Sisterhood, The Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah and the Standard Club.
1852 |
December 27, 1852
Kirrweiler, Germany
1886 |
February 24, 1886
Palatka, FL, United States
1888 |
September 24, 1888
Demopolis, AL, United States
1890 |
September 7, 1890
Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1892 |
October 31, 1892
Palatka, Putnam County, Florida, United States
1894 |
July 30, 1894
Palatka, Putnam County, FL, United States
1930 |
September 16, 1930
Age 77
Atlanta, GA, United States