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Walter Peter, merchant

Дата рождения:
Смерть: до 29 сентября 1714
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Thomas Peter of Crossbasket и Janet Cordiner
Муж Elizabeth Johns
Отец Thomas Peter; Alexander Peter и Jonet Peter
Брат Jonat Peter; Thomas Peter; Christian Peter; John Peter, merchant; Mary Peter и ещё 1

Менеджер: Private User
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Ближайшие родственники

About Walter Peter, merchant


merchant in Glasgow

is the third son of Bailie Thomas Peter of Crossbasket (1639 X 1640-1721), sometime Dean of Guild of Glasgow. A baptismal record has not been identified for him but he would have been of perfect age when he was admitted as a burgess of Glasgow on 29 June 1700 and this suggests that he was born on or before 29 June 1679 [J. R. Anderson,The Burgesses & Guild-Brethren of Glasgow, 1573-1750 (Scottish Record Society, Edinburgh, 1925), page 243] https://archive.org/stream/scottishrecordso43scotuoft#page/243/mode...

Naming Custom

It has been suggested that Walter Peter's paternal grandfather was also named Walter.This was first suggested by J. Thomas Scharff in his History of Western Maryland (1882) and he was followed, fifty years or so later, by Walter Gibson Peter (1869-1945), who produced an account of the family for private circulation. The name of Walter Peter's grandfather has not as yet been identified but it seems much more likely that he was named after his mother's maternal grandfather, Walter Lochead, baxter, burgess, and guild brother of Glasgow Walter Lochhead, baxter The Peter family owe a lot to Walter Lochead, for their entry to burgesship in Glasgow came through him. David Peter, evidently the first of his name to settle in Glasgow, became a burgess in right of his wife, Bessie Lochead, who was a daughter of Walter Lochead, and Bailie Thomas Peter of Crossbasket and Cardarroch became a burgess in right of his wife, Janet Cordiner, who was a granddaughter of Walter Lochead.

Burgess and Guild Brother of Glasgow

On 29 June 1700 Walter Peter, merchant, was enrolled as a burgess and guild brother of Glasgow. The town council admitted him in right of his being the second son of Thomas Peter, merchant, burgess, and guild brother of Glasgow, afterwards Dean of Guild of Glasgow [J. R. Anderson, The Burgesses & Guild-Brethren of Glasgow, 1573-1750 (Scottish Record Society, Edinburgh, 1925), page 243] https://archive.org/stream/scottishrecordso43scotuoft#page/243/mode...


Walter Peter died before 29 September 1714. Witness the Account of the Burgh of Glasgow for the financial year, 1713-1714: "John Whythill, debtor to the toun of Glasgow for his intromissions as treasurer, frae Michaelmess 1713, to Michaelmess 1714..........To cash from Eliz. Johns, relict of Walter Peter, for a seat in the north loft in the new kirk, ... ... ... £16.0.0" [Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, A.D. 1691-1717 (Scottish Record Society, Glasgow MDCCCCVIII), pp. 637-38].


Walter Peter married Elizabeth Johns [Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow, A.D. 1691-1717 (Scottish Record Society, Glasgow MDCCCCVIII), pp. 637-38].The request for proclamation was booked at Glasgow in Lanarkshire, Scotland, on 7 November 1698 [Scotland, Marriages, 1561-1910, index, FamilySearch] https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XTYP-V6V


Walter Peter, merchant in Glasgow, and his wife, Elizabeth Johns, had three children whose names have been identified from the old parochial registers of the burgh of Glasgow:

(1) Thomas Peter [Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950, index, FamilySearch] https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XYS2-P5C

(2) Alexander Peter [Registrar General for Scotland, New Register House, Edinburgh, Glasgow Deaths, 1699-1723, reference OPR.644/45]

(3) Jonat Peter [Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950, index, FamilySearch] https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XYSK-PXW

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Хронология Walter Peter, merchant

29 июня 1679
24 августа 1699
probably at Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (Соединённое Королевство)
2 января 1701
29 сентября 1714
Возраст 35