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1820 Settlers - Neave's Party

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  • John Thomas Fleetwood (1798 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= John Fleetwood 20. Agriculturist was a member of Neave's Party of 19 Settlers on the Settler Ship Stentor .Party originated from Lancashire, England.Departed Liverpool, 13 January...
  • Elizabeth Wessels (1815 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= Elizabeth Huddlestone 5, together with her parents and brother John Huddlestone 2, were members of Neave's Party of 19 Settlers on the Settler Ship Stentor .Party originated from ...
  • Sarah Huddlestone, SM/PROG (1794 - 1846)
    1820 British Settler= Sarah Washington 26, together with her husband Richard Huddlestone 25, Blacksmith, and their 2 children, were members of Neave's Party of 19 Settlers on the Settler Ship Stentor ....
  • John Huddleston (1818 - d.)
    1820 British Settler= John Huddlestone 2, together with his parents and sister Elizabeth Huddlestone 5, were members of Neave's Party of 19 Settlers on the Settler Ship Stentor .Party originated from L...
  • Richard Huddlestone, SV/PROG (1795 - 1834)
    1820 British Settler= Richard Huddlestone 25, Blacksmith, together with his wife Sarah Washington 26 and their 2 children, were members of Neave's Party of 19 Settlers on the Settler Ship Stentor .Part...

Neave's Party

1820 Settlers

Main References - The Settler Handbook by MD Nash

See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence and Neave's Party - Return of Settlers §

Additional information at 1820

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Party Details

  • Leader Joseph Neave
  • Number 19 (see note § below)
  • Area Party originated from Lancashire
  • Area Allocated to the Party Zonder End River and Albany District
  • 1820 Settler Ship


  • Dates
  • Departure Liverpool, 13 January 1820
  • Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 19 April 1820

(Other parties on this voyage - Griffith, Richardson, George Smith,White.)

M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook

"No 34 on the Colonial Department list, led by Joseph Neave, a bank clerk of Liverpool. Neave was the son of a substantial farmer and miller and had entered a banking house at 17; he told the Colonial Department that on his salary of £100 a year and with no prospect of promotion he could not afford to support his wife who was still living with her parents. He proposed to emigrate with a party of labourers, and if he prospered his wife would be able to join him within a few years. Neave's application was supported by a recommendation from Charles Stoker Dudley Esq.

This was a proprietary party, recruited in Liverpool; Neave undertook to give each of his men the use of 20 acres of land and to feed and clothe them in return for their labour. After five years they would receive title to their 20 acres plus the gift of £10, a cow and a pig. Neave asked to be located near Hayhurst's party, also from Liverpool, and proposed that the two groups should form themselves into a corps of militia - a suggestion that received no encouragement from the Colonial Department. The party left Liverpool in the regular freight ship Stentor on 13 January 1820, reaching Table Bay on 19 April, where her charter expired and all her passengers were disembarked. Two of the settler parties on board were trans-shipped to the Weymouth to be taken on to Algoa Bay; the three proprietary parties led by Neave, the Griffith brothers and Thomas White, as well as Captain Duncan Campbell's party from the Weymouth, were assigned land at the Zonder End River about 70 miles from Cape Town. White, Campbell and the Griffiths refused to accept their loca­tions and were given the option of removal to Albany; the Griffiths chose to remain in the western districts, as did Neave, although he did not persevere for long with agriculture and his party soon dispersed to find other employment".

Members of Neave's Party

[Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes]

Thomas Downing 21. Cooper.

John Fleetwood 20. Agriculturist. (Later married Elizabeth Singleton of White's Party.)

Richard Greary 21. Mason.

Thomas Gregory 24. Carpenter.

Richard Huddlestone 25, Blacksmith.

Wife Sarah Washington 26.

John Keegan 32. Gardener.

Wife Jane 23.

Richard Holding Knowles 35. Planter.

Joseph Neave 30. Clerk.

Richard Quilham 35. Farmer.

Wife Ann 30.

  • Ann Quilham 12.

Frederick George Rann 22. Draper.

James Simmons 20. Labourer.

Joseph Tyler 32. Labourer.

Joseph Garrett

Note The name of Joseph Garrett does not appear on any official list, but he described himself as a member of Neave's party in his application for a colonial pass, and may have sailed as a last minute replacement for some other man.

§ The original 19 names on the Neave's Party - Return of Settlers differ from the list above (Corresponding names are in bold) The list on that transcription are -

Jos'h Neave 30
Jane Neave 27
Hugh Stagg 40
Ann Stagg 27
Sarah Stagg 1
Rd. Hudlestone 25 [Huddlestone]
Sarah Hudlestone 26
Betsy Hudlestone - 5
Jno. Hudlestone 2
Thos Bather 21
Jane Lloyd 23
Thos. Pritchard 23
Thos. Moore 22
Rd. Dwerryhouse 22
Wm. Wright 20
Jas. Simmonds 20
Rd. Geary 21 [Greary]
Rd. Copley 23
Jos'h Tyler 32

National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 889 at eGGSA show how the names of those in the party changed with the final listing the same as that in MD Nash (with the exception of Joseph Garrett]

Main source for party list

List of settlers under the direction of Joseph Neave (Cape Archives CO 6138/1,99). This agrees with the final list sub­ mitted to the Colonial Department by Neave on 26 December 1819, but it is not known whether all the men named actually sailed for the Cape. References have been traced in colonial records to Fleetwood, Gregory, Quilham and his family, Tyler and Simmons. John Keegan's wife Jane was entered on the final Liverpool list as Jane Lloyd; the couple may have married before leaving England.

The 1820 Settler Correspondence - Joseph Neave

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