APTA (Hasidic Dynasty)
Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt, popularly known as the Apter Rebbe or Apter Rov, was born in Zhmigrid, Poland in 1748 and died in Mezhbizh, Ukraine, Russian Empire in 1825.
Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel was the founder of the Apt - Mezhbizh - Zinkover Hasidic Dynasty. In honor of the dynasty's founder, his descendants adopted the family name Heshel.
The males in this family took wives several different times from the family of the Ryzhiner Rebbe.
Lineage of the Mezhbizh-Zinkov dynasty
- R. Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt (1748–1825)
- R. Yitschak Meir of Zinkov (1776-1854)
- R. Yosef Moshe of Mezhbizh
- R. Meshulam Zusia of Zinkov (1813-1865)
- R. Chaim Menachem of Zinkov (1837-1894)
- R. Pinchas of Zinkov (1872-1916)
- R. Abraham Joshua Heshel of Zinkov
- R. Moses of Zinkov (1879-1923)
- R. Chaim Menachem of Zinkov-Bnei Brak
- R. Abraham Joshua Heshel of Mezhbizh (1832-1881)
- R. Israel Shalom Joseph of Mezhbizh (1853-1911)
- R. Yitshak Meir of Mezhbizh-Haifa (1904-1985)
- R. Abraham Joshua Heshel of Mezhbizh-Tarnopol (1892-1943)
- R. Yitshak Meir of Kopyczynce (1862-1936)
- R. Abraham Joshua Heshel of Kopyczynce (1888-1967). His daughter Chava was married to Shneur Zalman Gurary, a chassid of the last two Lubavitcher Rebbes.[
- R. Moshe Mordechai Heshel of Kopyczynce (1914-1975) Died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage.
- R. Avraham Y. Heschel, the youngest son of R. Moshe Mordechai Heshel ZT"L. In 1999, together with the assistance of his mother and older brother R. Isaac M. Heschel, they founded Chasdei Moshe-Kopyczynitz an outreach organization in Brooklyn, N.Y. dedicated in memory of the late Grand Rabbi and the continuity of the Kopyczynitzers. A division of that organization was inaugurated in the fall of 2000, the Brandler Institute of Chasidic Thought, a think tank devoted to bringing a greater understanding of Chasidic culture to the secular society.
- R. Meshulam Zusia Heschel, the youngest son of R. Abraham Joshua Heschel
- Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Flitenstein, grandson of Reb Abraham Joshua Heshel is currently the Kapishnitzer Rebbe in Jerusalem. He is the founder and director of the Ohev Yisrael Institutions, the world famous Machon Sifsei Tzaddikim for publishing of manuscripts and chassidic writings. He has a large following in both Israel and around the world.
- R. Meshulam Zusia of Mezhbizh (1871-1920)
- R. Moses Mordecai of Mezhbizh and Pelzovizna, Warsaw (1873-1916)
- Prof. R. Abraham Joshua Heschel (January 11, 1907, Warsaw, Poland – December 23, 1972), Professor of Jewish Ethics and Mysticism at Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS), the main seminary of Conservative Judaism. He was an important author, civil rights activist, and leader in the Conservative movement.
- Prof. Susannah Heschel (born 1952), Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth and an important modern Jewish scholar.