This project will collect profiles of people mentioned in historical ASIO files. These may include subjects under surveillance, security vetted, or Historical ASIO personnel mentioned in the files.
Almost all ASIO files contain a wealth of genealogical data. In some cases ASIO compiled almost complete family trees.
A suggestion is to add a link to the ASIO file to a profile's source page and then add them to this project, but since not all are digitised as yet, just add the profile, and add the source after the file is digitised
For more than twenty years the files of Australia’s internal security agency, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), have slowly been coming to light. Individuals who have been under ASIO surveillance have been able to read what was said about them and historians have been able to piece together ASIO’s secret operations during the Cold War. Nearly 10 000 ASIO files are now publicly available at the National Archives of Australia (NAA) in Canberra.
Reading an ASIO file is an unusual experience