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Admiraals van de Lage Landen (1356-1573)

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Admirals of the Low Countries

In the late Middle Ages, in the Low Countries, the political powers of the day appointed a single admiral, "commander of the sea", as the head of the fleet. This project lists all the admirals in the 1356-1573 timeframe.




Admiraals van Vlaanderen

  • 1356- : Jacob Buuc
  • 1371- : Jan Pieterszoon
  • 1377- : Mathys Claissone
  • 1383-1389 : Jan Buuc
  • 1395?-1396 : Jan van Cadzand
  • 1401?-1406 : Jan Blankaert
  • 1419-1424 : Victor van Vlaanderen, heer van Ursel
  • 1436?-1436 : Jan van Horne, seigneur de Baucigny
  • 1436-1462 : Simon de Lalaing, seigneur de Montigny
  • 1462-1483 : Josse de Lalaing, seigneur de Montigny

Admiraals van de Bourgondische Nederlanden (zonder Vlaanderen)

Admiraals der Nederlanden