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British Army - Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

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Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

British Army - The Royal Regiment of Scotland

Badges above: left Belt-plate of the 79th Cameron Highlanders from the year of their formation (1793) by Seamus45 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wiki Commons; Right - The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders (Courtesy of British Military Badges)


(Reflecting historic name changes)

79th Foot (Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders)

79th (Highland Cameron Volunteers) Regiment of Foot

79th (The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) Regiment of Foot

79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders)

79th Regiment of Foot (Cameronian Highlanders)

79th Regiment of Foot (Cameronian Volunteers)

Cameron Volunteers

The Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordons and Camerons) PRE 1958

The Queen’s Own Highlanders (Seaforth and Camerons) PRE 1958

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Regiments and Corps of the British Army

The Royal Regiment of Scotland


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Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders was a line infantry regiment of the British Army formed in 1793. In 1961 the regiment was amalgamated with the Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) to form the Queen's Own Highlanders.

Active - 1793-1961

Territorial district of the Cameron Highlanders were the counties of Inverness and Nairn, with a depot at Cameron Barracks, Inverness.

Motto - Pro rege et patria (For King and country)

Uniform -

Corps March -

  • Quick: The Cameron Highlanders

Nick-name -



1793 - raised as the 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameronian Volunteers) at Fort William from members of the Clan Cameron by Sir Alan Cameron of Erracht

The regiment had been designated "Cameronian Volunteers" instead of "Cameron Volunteers." As "Cameronian" was a name associated with Presbyterian dissenters the designation was changed to "Cameron Volunteers"

1800 - joined the Ferrol, Vigo and Cadiz expeditions in Spain
1801 - fought in Egypt, gaining the sphinx badge on its colours for its services at Aboukir and Alexandria. 1804 - Re-designated 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameronian Highlanders).
1804 - the regiment formed a 2nd Battalion which remained in Scotland recruiting men for 1st Battalion until being disbanded in 1815.
1806 - Re-designated 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders)
1873 - 79th Foot (Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) 1881 - 2nd Battalion raised in 1897 - name changed to The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

1958/1961 - amalgamated with the The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) to form the Queen's Own Highlanders.
1958/1961 - Queen's Own Highlanders. were amalgamated with The Gordon Highlanders, The Black Watch and The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders to form Highland Brigade Regiments.

These two were amalgamated in 1994 to form ...

Battle honours

  • Early Wars: Egmont-Op-Zee, Egypt, Corunna, Busaco, Fuentes D'Onor, Salamanca, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Toulouse, Peninsula, Waterloo, Alma, Sevastopol, Lucknow, Egypt 1882, Tel-El-Kebir, Nile 1884-5, Khartoum, Atbara, South Africa, 1900–02
  • The Great War: Retreat from Mons, Marne 1914 '18, Aisne 1914, Ypres 1914 '15 '17 '18, Langemarck 1914, Gheluvelt, Nonne Bosschen, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Hill 60, Gravenstafel, St. Julien, Frezenberg, Bellewaarde, Aubers, Festubert 1915, Loos, Somme 1916 '18, Albert 1916, Bazentin, Delville Wood, Pozières, Flers-Courcelette, Morval, Le Transloy, Ancre Heights, Arras 1917 '18, Scarpe 1917, Arleux, Pilckem, Menin Road, Polygon Wood, Poelcappelle, Passchendaele, St. Quentin, Bapaume 1918, Lys, Estaires, Messines 1918, Kemmel, Béthune, Soissonnais-Ourcq, Drocourt-Quéant, Hindenburg Line, Épéhy, St. Quentin Canal, Courtrai, Selle, Sambre, France and Flanders 1914-18, Struma, Macedonia 1915-18
  • The Second World War: Defence of Escaut, St. Omer-La Bassée, Somme 1940, St. Valery-en-Caux, Falaise, Falaise Road, La Vie Crossing, Le Havre, Lower Maas, Venlo Pocket, Rhineland, Reichswald, Goch, Rhine, North-West Europe 1940 '44-45, Agordat, Keren, Abyssinia 1941, Sidi Barrani, Tobruk 1941 '42, Gubi II, Carmusa, Gazala, El Alamein, Mareth, Wadi Zigzaou, Akarit, Djebel Roumana, North Africa 1940-43, Francofonte, Adrano, Sferro Hills, Sicily 1943, Cassino, Poggio del Grillo, Gothic Line, Tavoleto, Coriano, Pian di Castello, Monte Reggiano, Rimini Line, San Marino, Italy 1944, Kohima, Relief of Kohima, Naga Village, Aradura, Shwebo, Mandalay, Ava, Irrawaddy, Mt. Popa, Burma 1944-45


Notable Personnel

Names with Bold links are to Geni profiles. Other links take you to external biographical web pages.

Victoria Cross recipients


  • 1902–1936: F.M. HM King George V
  • 1936–1953: F.M. HM King George VI
  • 1953–present: F.M. HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, KG, KT, OM, GBE, AC, QSO

Colonels of the Regiment

79th (Highland-Cameron Volunteers) Regiment of Foot

  • 1793–1794: Lt-Gen. Sir Sir Alan Cameron, KCB (Major Commandant)
  • 1794–1805: Lt-Gen. Sir Sir Alan Cameron, KCB (Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant)

79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders) - (1804)

  • 1805–1828: Lt-Gen. Sir Sir Alan Cameron, KCB (Colonel)
  • 1828–1841: Gen. Sir Ronald Crauford Ferguson, Bt., GCB
  • 1841–1842: Lt-Gen. Hon. John Ramsay
  • 1842–1849: Gen. Sir James Macdonnell, GCB, KCH
  • 1849–1854: Lt-Gen. James Hay, CB
  • 1854–1862: Gen. Sir William Henry Sewell, KCB
  • 1862–1868: Gen. Hon. Sir Hugh Arbuthnot, KCB
  • 1868–1870: Lt-Gen. John Francis Glencairn Campbell, CB
  • 1870–1876: Gen. Henry Cooper
  • 1876–1879: Gen. Sir Alfred Hastings Horsford, GCB
  • 1879–1887: Gen. Sir John Douglas, GCB

The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders - (1881)

  • 1887–1904: Gen. Sir Richard Chambre Hayes Taylor, GCB
  • 1904–1914: Gen. Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton, GCB, GCMG, DSO, TD
  • 1914–1929: Lt-Gen. Sir John Spencer Ewart, KCB
  • 1929–1943: Maj-Gen. Neville John Gordon Cameron, CB, CMG
  • 1943–1951: Maj-Gen. Sir James Syme Drew, KBE, CB, DSO, MC
  • 1951–1961: Maj-Gen. Douglas Neil Wimberley, CB, DSO, MC













  • Lance Corporal Eugene Walter Linley of "B" Company, 5th (Service) Battalion, was reported missing on 18 July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.








  • Sergeant Sands MM





Sources, References and Further Reading

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