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  • Alse Bennye (1575 - 1591)
    Burial on October 17, 1591 Parents: Stephyn and Catheryne Bennye Alse Bonny England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 Name: Alse Bonny Sex: Female Death or Burial Date: 17 Oct 1591 Death or Burial P...
  • Stephyn Bennye (1548 - 1591)
    Buried on November 4, 1591 Married Catheryne Their children: Johanna Bennye Eastcotte, Alse, Thomas, Margery, Phillipa and Jenepher Bennye Stephyn Bennye England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 ...
  • Catheryne Bennye (b. - 1591)
    Married Stephen Bennye Children: Johanna Bennye Eastcotte, Alse, Thomas, Margery, Phillipa and Jenepher Bennye Catheryne Bonny England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 Name: Catheryne Bonny Sex: Fe...
  • Anthony Job (c.1580 - 1654)
    Children: Matthew and Dorothie Job/Jobe Buried 14 Apr 1654 at Camborne. Anthony Jobe mentioned in the record of Dorothie Jobe Name: Anthony Jobe Sex: Male Daughter: Dorothie Jobe Other informa...
  • Jane Job (Glanville) (1608 - 1669)
    Baptised 24 Sep 1608 Daughter of Oliver and Petronell GLANVILLE Buried 1 Jul 1669 at St. Martin and St. Meriadoc Churchyard Married Matthew Job on 12 Nov 1638 at Camborne, Cornwall Their childr...

People Buried in Cornwall

Historical County of England

Image Right Cemetery at Kenwyn Church

Image Right Geograph © Copyright Rod Allday and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence.

If you know where in Cornwall a person was buried please link their profile to this project. Noteworthy people can be listed under the cemetery name below.

Related Project

Cornwall - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards for information regarding cemeteries and graveyards in the county which either have available transcriptions or have been photographed and transcribed.

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List of Towns

The following list will probably need refining as not all places have cemeteries


  • Albaston
  • Allen
  • Altar-nun
  • Amalebra
  • Amalveor
  • Anderton
  • Amgarrack
  • Angarrick
  • Antony
  • St. Antony Churchyard
  • Antony Passage
  • Ashton


  • Badgall
  • Badharlick
  • Bake
  • Bakesdown
  • Baldhu
  • Ball
  • Balwest
  • Bangors
  • Banns
  • Barcelona
  • Bareppa
  • Barkla Shop
  • Barripper
  • Bathpool
  • Beacon
  • Bealbury
  • Bealsmill
  • Beeny
  • Belowda
  • Bennacott
  • Berepper
  • Berriowbridge
  • Bethany
  • Bethel
  • Bilberry
  • Billacott
  • Biscovey
  • Bishop's Quay
  • Bissoe
  • Bissom
  • Black Cross
  • Black Rock
  • Blackwater
  • Blisland
  • Blowinghouse
  • Blue Anchor
  • Blunts
  • Bocaddon
  • Bodanna
  • Bodannon
  • Bodbrane
  • Bodella
  • Bodellick
  • Bodelva
  • Boderwennack
  • Bodgate
  • Bodieve
  • Bodiggo
  • Bodilly
  • Bodiniel
  • Bodinnick
  • Bodmin
  • Glynn Valley Crematorium, Bodmin
  • Bodmin - St. Petroc
  • Bodrane
  • Bodrean
  • Bodrifty
  • Bodrigan
  • Boduel
  • Bodulgate
  • Bodwannick
  • Bodway
  • Bodwen
  • Bofarnel
  • Bohago
  • Bohetherick
  • Bohortha
  • Bojewyan
  • Bokiddick
  • Boleigh
  • Bolenowe
  • Bolingey
  • Bolitho
  • Bolventor
  • Boquio
  • Boscadjack
  • Boscastle
  • Boscastle - St. Merteriana
  • Boscean
  • Boscoppa
  • Boscreege
  • Boskednan
  • Boskenna
  • Bosleake
  • Boslowick
  • Boslymon
  • Bosoughan
  • Bosporthennis
  • Bossiney
  • Boswednack
  • Boswin
  • Boswinger
  • Boswyn
  • Botallack
  • Botternell
  • Bottoms
  • Botusfleming
  • Bowithick
  • Bowling Green
  • Box's Shop
  • Boyton
  • Braddock
  • Braddock Cemetery
  • Braddock Church
  • Bradford
  • Brane
  • Bray Shop
  • Brazacott
  • Brea
  • Breage
  • Brent
  • Bridge
  • Bridgend
  • Bridges
  • Bridgetown
  • Brighton
  • Brill
  • Broad Lane
  • Broadlane
  • Brocton
  • Brooks
  • Brunnion
  • Bude
  • Budge's Shop
  • Budock Water
  • Bugle
  • Burgois
  • Burlawn
  • Burlorne Pillow
  • Burlorne Tregoose
  • Burn
  • Burncoose
  • Burniere
  • Burnthouse
  • Burras
  • Burraton
  • Burraton Coombe
  • Buryas Bridge
  • Bush
  • Busveal
  • Butteris Gate
  • Buttsbear Cross


  • Cadgwith
  • Caerhays
  • Calenick
  • Callestick
  • Callington
  • Calloose
  • Calstock
  • Calvadnack
  • Camborne
  • Cambrose
  • Camelford
  • Cannalidgey
  • Canonstown
  • Canworthy Water
  • Cape Cornwall
  • Caradon Town
  • Carbis
  • Carbis Bay
  • Carclaze
  • Carclew
  • Cardinham
  • Carey Park
  • Carfury
  • Cargreen
  • Carharrack
  • Carkeel
  • Carleen
  • Carlidnack
  • Carloggas
  • Carludon
  • Carlyon Bay
  • Carminow Cross
  • Carn Arthen
  • Carn Brea Village
  • Carn Towan
  • Carne
  • Carnebone
  • Carnhell Green
  • Carnhot
  • Carnkie
  • Carnkief
  • Carnon Downs
  • Carnsmerry
  • Carnyorth
  • Caroe
  • Carpalla
  • Carthamartha
  • Carthew
  • Carwynnen
  • Carzise
  • Castallack
  • Castle Gate
  • Catchall
  • Cawsand
  • Chacewater
  • Chapel
  • Chapel Amble
  • Chapel Town
  • Charaton
  • Charlestown
  • Chenhalls
  • Chilsworthy
  • Church Coombe
  • Church Cove
  • Church Town
  • Churchbridge
  • Churchtown
  • Chyandour
  • Chyanvounder
  • Chycoose
  • Chynhale
  • Chynoweth
  • Chyvarloe
  • Clapper
  • Clerkenwater
  • Clowance Wood
  • Clubworthy
  • Coad's Green
  • Cocks
  • Cockwells
  • Colan
  • Cold Northcott
  • Coldharbour
  • Coldvreath
  • Collamoor Head
  • Come-to-Good
  • Comford
  • Comfort
  • Common Moor
  • Congdon's Shop
  • Connon
  • Connor Downs
  • Constantine
  • Constantine Bay
  • Cooksland
  • Coombe
  • Coppathorne
  • Copperhouse
  • Copthorne
  • Corgee
  • Costislost
  • Coswinsawsin
  • Couch's Mill
  • Coverack
  • Cowlands
  • Cox Hill
  • Coxford
  • Coxpark
  • Crackington Haven
  • Crafthole
  • Crahan
  • Crantock
  • Crean
  • Creed
  • Creegbrawse
  • Crelly
  • Cremyll
  • Criggan
  • Crimp
  • Cripplesease
  • Croanford
  • Croft Mitchell
  • Crofthandy
  • Cross Coombe
  • Cross Hill
  • Cross Lanes
  • Crossgate
  • Crosstown
  • Crow's Nest
  • Crowan
  • Crowlas
  • Crowntown
  • Crows-an-wra
  • Crugmeer
  • Crumplehorn
  • Cubert
  • Curgurrell
  • Currian Vale
  • Curry Lane
  • Cury
  • Cusgarne
  • Cusveorth Coombe
  • Cutmadoc
  • Cutmere


  • Dannonchapel
  • Darite
  • Darleyford
  • Davidstow
  • Daw's House
  • Degibna
  • Delabole
  • Demelza
  • Deveral
  • Devoran
  • Dimson
  • Dinas
  • Dizzard
  • Dobwalls
  • Doddycross
  • Doublebois
  • Downderry
  • Downgate
  • Downhill
  • Downinney
  • Drakewalls
  • Drawbridge
  • Drift
  • Drym
  • Duloe
  • Dunmere
  • Dunslea
  • Dunveth
  • Durgan
  • Dutson


  • East Looe
  • East Taphouse
  • Eastcott
  • Edgcumbe
  • Edmonton
  • Eggbeare
  • Egloshayle
  • Egloskerry
  • Ellenglaze
  • Engollan
  • Enniscaven


  • Falmouth
  • Town Cemetery
  • Farms Common
  • Fenton Pits
  • Fentonadle
  • Feock
  • Fernsplatt
  • Fistral Beach
  • Fivelanes
  • Flag of Cornwall
  • Fletchersbridge
  • Flexbury
  • Flushing
  • Fonston
  • Forder
  • Forge
  • Forrabury
  • Foundry
  • Four Lanes
  • Fowey
  • Foxhole
  • Fraddam
  • Fraddon
  • Freathy
  • Frogpool
  • Frogwell


  • Gam
  • Gang
  • Garker
  • Garras
  • Georgia
  • Germoe
  • Gerrans
  • Gilbert's Coombe
  • Gillan
  • Gloweth
  • Gluvian
  • Godolphin Cross
  • Godrevy
  • Golant
  • Golberdon
  • Goldsithney
  • Gollawater
  • Gonamena
  • Goon Gumpas
  • Goon Piper
  • Goonabarn
  • Goonbell
  • Goonhavern
  • Goonhusband
  • Goonlaze
  • Goonown
  • Goonvrea
  • Gooseham
  • Gooseham Mill
  • Gorran Churchtown
  • Gorran Haven
  • Gorran High Lanes
  • Gothers
  • Gracca
  • Grade
  • Grampound
  • Grampound Road
  • Great Bosullow
  • Great Tree
  • Green Bottom
  • Greensplat
  • Greenwith Common
  • Grillis
  • Grimscott
  • Grumbla
  • Gulval
  • Gummow's Shop
  • Gunnislake
  • Gunwalloe
  • Gwallon
  • Gwavas
  • Gwedna
  • Gweek
  • Gwennap
  • Gwenter
  • Gwills
  • Gwinear
  • Gwinear Downs
  • Gwithian


  • Halabezack
  • Halamanning
  • Hale Mills
  • Halgabron
  • Hallew
  • Hallworthy
  • Halsetown
  • Halton Barton
  • Halvosso
  • Halwin
  • Hannafore
  • Harcourt
  • Harlyn
  • Harrowbarrow
  • Hatt
  • Hay
  • Haye
  • Hayle
  • Heamoor
  • Helebridge
  • Helford
  • Helford Passage
  • Heligan
  • Helland
  • Hellandbridge
  • Hellesveor
  • Helscott
  • Helston (Hellys)
  • Helston Water
  • Helstone
  • Hendra
  • Hendra Croft
  • Hendrabridge
  • Hendraburnick
  • Henwood
  • Herniss
  • Herodsfoot
  • Hersham
  • Hessenford
  • Hewas Water
  • Hick's Mill
  • High Cross
  • High Lanes
  • High Street
  • Higher Bal
  • Higher Boscaswell
  • Higher Condurrow
  • Higher Crackington
  • Higher Cransworth
  • Higher Downs
  • Higher Menadew
  • Higher Porthpean
  • Higher Tolcarne
  • Higher Town
  • Higher Tremarcoombe
  • Highercliff
  • Highertown
  • Highlanes
  • Highway
  • Hillhead
  • Holmbush
  • Holy Vale
  • Holywell Bay
  • Hornick
  • Horningtops
  • Horsedowns
  • Hugh Town
  • Hugus


  • Idless
  • Illand
  • Illogan
  • Illogan Highway
  • Inchs
  • Indian Queens
  • Insworke


  • Jacobstow
  • Jolly's Bottom
  • Joppa


  • Kea
  • Kehelland
  • Kelly
  • Kelly Bray
  • Kelly Rounds
  • Kelynack
  • Kennards House
  • Kenneggy
  • Kenneggy Downs
  • Kents
  • Kenwyn
  • Kerley Downs
  • Kerris
  • Kersbrook Cross
  • Kerthen Wood
  • Kestle
  • Kestle Mill
  • Keybridge
  • Kilhallon
  • Kilkhampton
  • Kilkhampton - St. James
  • Killaworgey
  • Killivose
  • Kingbeare
  • Kingsand
  • Knightor
  • Knightsmill
  • Kuggar
  • Kynance Cove


  • Laddenvean
  • Ladock
  • Ladycross
  • Laity Moor
  • Lamanva
  • Lambourne
  • Lamellion
  • Lamledra
  • Lamorick
  • Lamorna
  • Lamorran
  • Landrake
  • Lands End
  • Landulph
  • Lane
  • Lane-end
  • Laneast
  • Lanescot
  • Langore
  • Lanhydrock
  • Lanhydrock - St. Hyderoc
  • Lanivet
  • Lanjeth
  • Lanjew
  • Lank
  • Lanlivery
  • Lanner
  • Lanreath
  • Lansallos
  • Lanteglos
  • Lanteglos Highway
  • Lantuel
  • Lantyan
  • Larrick
  • Latchbrook
  • Latchley
  • Launcells
  • Launcells - St. Swithin
  • Launcells Cross
  • Launceston
  • Lavrean
  • Lawhitton
  • Leburnick
  • Leedstown
  • Lelant
  • Lelant Downs
  • Lerryn
  • Lesnewth
  • Levalsa Meor
  • Lewannick
  • Lezant
  • Lezant - St. Michael
  • Lezerea
  • Linkinhorne
  • Liskeard
  • Little Beside
  • Little Bosullow
  • Little Comfort
  • Little Petherick
  • Lizard
  • Lockengate
  • Lodge Hill
  • London Apprentice
  • Longdowns
  • Longrock
  • Longstone
  • Looe
  • Looe Mills
  • Lostwithiel
  • Lower Amble
  • Lower Bodinnar
  • Lower Boscaswell
  • Lower Brynn
  • Lower Clicker
  • Lower Croan
  • Lower Menadue
  • Lower Mill
  • Lower Porthpean
  • Lower Rose
  • Lower Town
  • Lower Trebullett
  • Lower Woodley
  • Lower Woon
  • Lowertown
  • Luckett
  • Ludgvan
  • Luxulyan
  • Lynstone


  • Mabe Burnthouse
  • Maders
  • Madron
  • Maenporth
  • Maer
  • Malpas
  • Manaccan
  • Manhay
  • Manor Parsley
  • Marazanvose
  • Marazion
  • Marhamchurch
  • Marshgate
  • Maryfield
  • Maudlin
  • Mawgan
  • Mawgan Porth
  • Mawla
  • Mawnan
  • Mawnan Smith
  • Maxworthy
  • Mayon
  • Maypole
  • Meaver
  • Medlyn
  • Melinsey
  • Mellangoose
  • Mellingey
  • Mena
  • Menadarva
  • Menagissey
  • Menheniot
  • Menherion
  • Menna
  • Merry Meeting
  • Merrymeet
  • Merther
  • Merther Lane
  • Metherell
  • Mevagissey
  • Michaelstow
  • Middle Crackington
  • Middle Taphouse
  • Middle Town
  • Middlehill
  • Middlewood
  • Milcombe
  • Millbrook
  • Millendreath
  • Millook
  • Millpool
  • Milltown
  • Mineshope
  • Mingoose
  • Minions
  • Mitchell
  • Mithian
  • Mithian Downs
  • Mixtow
  • Molinnis
  • Mongleath
  • Monkscross
  • Moorswater
  • Mornick
  • Morvah
  • Morval
  • Morwenstow
  • Mount
  • Mount Ambrose
  • Mount Charles
  • Mount Hawke
  • Mount Hermon
  • Mount Pleasant
  • Mountjoy
  • Mousehole
  • Old School Cemetery, Paul Village
  • Muchlarnick
  • Mulberry
  • Mulfra
  • Mullion (Eglosvelyan)
  • Mullion Cove
  • Mylor
  • Mylor Bridge
  • Mylor Churchtown


  • Nance
  • Nanceddan
  • Nancegollan
  • Nancemellin
  • Nancenoy
  • Nancledra
  • Nanpean
  • Nanquidno
  • Nanstallon
  • Nantithet
  • Narkurs
  • Navarino
  • Netherton
  • New Downs
  • New Grimsby
  • New Mill
  • New Mills
  • New Polzeath
  • Newbridge
  • Newlyn
  • Newport
  • Newquay
  • Newton
  • Newtown
  • Newtown-in-St Martin
  • Nine Maidens Downs
  • Ninnes
  • Ninnes Bridge
  • No Man's Land
  • Noonvares
  • Norris Green
  • North Beer
  • North Corner
  • North Country
  • North Darley
  • North Hill
  • North Petherwin
  • North Tamerton
  • Northcott
  • Northward
  • Notter


  • Old Cardinham Castle
  • Old Grimsby
  • Old Kea
  • Old Mill
  • Old Park
  • Old Town
  • Otterham
  • Otterham Station


  • Padstow
  • Padstow Cemetery
  • Palmersbridge
  • Pantersbridge
  • Par
  • Paramoor
  • Parc Erissey
  • Park
  • Park Bottom
  • Parkengear
  • Parkfield
  • Paul
  • Paul's Green
  • Paynter's Cross
  • Paynter's Lane End
  • Pelynt
  • Pempwell
  • Penare
  • Penbeagle
  • Penberth
  • Pencarrow
  • Pencoys
  • Pencuke
  • Pendeen
  • Pendoggett
  • Pendrift
  • Penelewey
  • Pengegon
  • Pengelly
  • Pengersick
  • Pengold
  • Pengover Green
  • Pengrugla
  • Penhale
  • Penhale Jakes
  • Penhallick
  • Penhallow
  • Penhalurick
  • Penhalvean
  • Penmarth
  • Penmayne
  • Pennance
  • Pennytinney
  • Penpethy
  • Penpillick
  • Penpol
  • Penpoll
  • Penponds
  • Penpont
  • Penrose
  • Penrose Hill
  • Penryn
  • Pensilva
  • Penstraze
  • Pentewan
  • Pentire
  • Penwartha
  • Penwartha Coombe
  • Penweathers
  • Penwithick
  • Penzance
  • Penzance Cemetery
  • Percuil
  • Perran Downs
  • Perran Wharf
  • Perranarworthal
  • Perrancoombe
  • Perranporth
  • Perranuthnoe
  • Perranwell
  • Perranwell Station
  • Perranzabuloe
  • Peterville
  • Petherwin Gate
  • Phillack
  • Philleigh
  • Piece
  • Pillaton
  • Pipers Pool
  • Pityme
  • Plaidy
  • Plain Street
  • Plain-an-Gwarry
  • Playing Place
  • Plusha
  • Plushabridge
  • Polbathic
  • Polborder
  • Polbrock
  • Poldice
  • Polgear
  • Polgigga
  • Polgooth
  • Polkerris
  • Polladras
  • Polmarth
  • Polmassick
  • Polmear
  • Polmorla
  • Polpenwith
  • Polpeor
  • Polperro
  • Polruan
  • Poltesco
  • Polwheveral
  • Polyphant
  • Polzeath
  • Poniou
  • Ponjeravah
  • Ponsanooth
  • Ponsongath
  • Pont
  • Pontsmill
  • Pool
  • Porkellis
  • Port Gaverne
  • Port Quin
  • Port Isaac
  • Porteath
  • Porth
  • Porth Kea
  • Porth Navas
  • Porthallow
  • Porthcothan
  • Porthcurno
  • Porthgwarra
  • Porthhallow
  • Porthilly
  • Porthleven
  • Porthloo
  • Porthmeor
  • Portholland
  • Porthoustock
  • Porthtowan
  • Portloe
  • Portlooe
  • Portmellon
  • Portreath
  • Portscatho
  • Portwrinkle
  • Poughill
  • Poundstock
  • Praa Sands
  • Praze-an-Beeble
  • Probus
  • Prospidnick
  • Prussia Cove
  • Puddle


  • Quethiock
  • Quintrell Downs
  • Quoit


  • Radnor
  • Raginnis
  • Rame
  • Readymoney
  • Reawla
  • Red Post
  • Redmoor
  • Redruth
  • Redtye
  • Reen Manor
  • Rejerrah
  • Releath
  • Relubbus
  • Rescassa
  • Rescorla
  • Reskadinnick
  • Restronguet Passage
  • Resugga Green
  • Retallack
  • Retire
  • Rezare
  • Rilla Mill
  • Rillaton
  • Rinsey
  • Rinsey Croft
  • Rising Sun
  • Roche
  • Rock
  • Rockhead
  • Rocky Hill
  • Roscroggan
  • Rose
  • Rose-an-Grouse
  • Rosecare
  • Rosedinnick
  • Rosehill
  • Roseland
  • Rosemelling
  • Rosemergy
  • Rosenannon
  • Rosenithon
  • Rosevean
  • Rosevear
  • Rosevine
  • Rosewarne
  • Roseworthy
  • Roseworthy Barton
  • Roskear Croft
  • Roskorwell
  • Rosudgeon
  • Row
  • Ruan High Lanes
  • Ruan Lanihorne
  • Ruan Major
  • Ruan Minor
  • St. Ruman Churchyard (Helston)
  • Rumford
  • Ruthernbridge
  • Ruthvoes


  • Salem
  • Saltash
  • St. Stephen's Churchyard
  • Sancreed
  • Sandplace
  • Sandylake
  • Saveock
  • Scarcewater
  • Scorrier
  • Scredda
  • Sea Mills
  • Seaton
  • Seaureaugh Moor
  • Sellan
  • Sennen
  • Sennen Cove
  • Seworgan
  • Sharptor
  • Sheffield
  • Sheviock
  • Shop
  • Shortacross
  • Shortlanesend
  • Shutta
  • Silverwell
  • Sithney
  • Sithney Common
  • Sithney Green
  • Skewes
  • Skinner's Bottom
  • Sladesbridge
  • Slaughterbridge
  • South Carne
  • South Hill
  • South Petherwin
  • South Pill
  • South Tehidy
  • South Wheatley
  • Southcott
  • Southdown
  • Sparnon Gate
  • Splatt
  • Stenalees
  • Stencoose
  • Stennack
  • Stepaside
  • Stibb
  • Sticker
  • Stithians
  • Stoke Climsland
  • Stoptide
  • Stratton
  • Stratton - St. Andrew
  • Stursdon
  • Summercourt
  • Sweets
  • Sweetshouse
  • St Agnes (mainland)
  • St Agnes (Isles of Scilly)
  • St Allen
  • St Ann's Chapel
  • St Anthony

St. Anthony Churchyard

  • St Anthony-in-Meneage
  • St Austell
  • St Blazey
  • St Blazey Gate
  • St Breock
  • St Breward
  • St Buryan
  • St Cleer
  • St Clement
  • Penmount Crematorium
  • St Clether
  • St Columb Major
  • St Columb Minor
  • St Columb Road
  • St Day
  • St Dennis
  • St Dominick
  • St Endellion
  • St Enoder
  • St Erme
  • St Erney
  • St Erth
  • St. Erith Parish Church
  • St Erth Praze
  • St Ervan
  • St Eval
  • St Ewe
  • St Gennys
  • St Germans
  • St Gluvias
  • St Hilary
  • St Issey
  • St Ive
  • St Ive Cross
  • St Ives
  • St Jidgey
  • St John
  • St Just in Penwith
  • St Just in Roseland
  • St Keverne
  • St Kew
  • St Kew Highway
  • St Keyne
  • St Lawrence
  • St Levan
  • St Mabyn
  • St Martin
  • St Mawes
  • St Mawgan
  • St Mellion
  • St Merryn
  • St Mewan
  • St Michael Caerhays
  • St Michael Penkevil
  • St Michael's Mount
  • St Minver
  • St Neot
  • St Newlyn East
  • St Pinnock
  • St Ruan
  • St Stephen
  • St Stephens
  • St Teath
  • St Tudy
  • St Veep
  • St. Cyrus & St. Julietta Churchyard
  • St Wenn
  • St Winnow
  • Talland
  • Talland Bay
  • Talland bay - St. Tallonus
  • Talskiddy
  • Temple
  • Tencreek
  • Terras
  • The Lost Gardens of Heligan
  • The Eden Project
  • The Towans
  • The Town
  • Thorne
  • Three Hammers
  • Three Holes Cross
  • Threemilestone
  • Threewaters
  • Thurdon
  • Tideford
  • Tideford Cross
  • Tilland
  • Timbrelham
  • Tintagel
  • Titson
  • Todpool
  • Tolborough
  • Tolcarne
  • Tolcarne Wartha
  • Toldish
  • Tolgullow
  • Tolgus Mount
  • Tolskithy
  • Tolvaddon Downs
  • Tomperrow
  • Torfrey
  • Torpoint
  • Towan
  • Towan Cross
  • Towednack
  • Townshend
  • Traboe
  • Tramagenna
  • Treal
  • Treamble
  • Treath
  • Treator
  • Trebarber
  • Trebartha
  • Trebarwith
  • Trebarwith Strand
  • Trebeath
  • Trebell Green
  • Trebetherick
  • St. Enodoc's Church

Sir John Betjeman CBE (28 August 1906 – 19 May 1984)

  • Trebilcock
  • Trebudannon
  • Trebullett
  • Treburgett
  • Treburgie
  • Treburley
  • Treburrick
  • Trebyan
  • Tredannick
  • Tredaule
  • Tredavoe
  • Tredethy
  • Tredinnick
  • Tredrizzick
  • Treen
  • Treesmill
  • Trefanny Hill
  • Treforda
  • Trefrize
  • Trefusis
  • Tregada
  • Tregadgwith
  • Tregadillett
  • Tregajorran
  • Tregamere
  • Tregardock
  • Tregargus
  • Tregarland
  • Tregarlandbridge
  • Tregarne
  • Tregarrick Mill
  • Tregatillian
  • Tregatta
  • Tregavarah
  • Tregear
  • Tregeare
  • Tregellist
  • Tregeseal
  • Tregew
  • Tregidden
  • Tregolls
  • Tregona
  • Tregonce
  • Tregonetha
  • Tregonna
  • Tregonning
  • Tregony
  • Tregoodwell
  • Tregorden
  • Tregorrick
  • Tregoss
  • Tregreenwell
  • Tregrehan Mills
  • Tregullon
  • Tregunna
  • Tregurrian
  • Tregurtha Downs
  • Trehan
  • Trehemborne
  • Trehunist
  • Trekeivesteps
  • Trekenner
  • Trekenning
  • Treknow
  • Trelan
  • Trelash
  • Trelassick
  • Treleigh
  • Trelew
  • Treligga
  • Trelights
  • Trelill
  • Trelion
  • Treliske
  • Trelissick
  • Treliver
  • Treloquithack
  • Trelowia
  • Trelowth
  • Tremail
  • Tremaine
  • Tremar
  • Trematon
  • Trematon Castle
  • Tremayne
  • Trembraze
  • Tremedda
  • Tremethick Cross
  • Tremodrett
  • Tremore
  • Tremorebridge
  • Tremough
  • Trenance
  • Trenant
  • Trenarren
  • Trenay
  • Trencreek
  • Trencrom
  • Trendeal
  • Trenear
  • Treneglos
  • Trenerth
  • Trenean
  • Trengale
  • Trengume
  • Trenhorne
  • Treningle
  • Treninnick
  • Trenithon
  • Trenoon
  • Trenoweth
  • Trenwheal
  • Trequite
  • Trerise
  • Trerose
  • Trerulefoot
  • Tresamble
  • Tresarrett
  • Tresavean
  • Tresawle
  • Tresawson
  • Trescoll
  • Trescowe
  • Tresean
  • Tresevern Croft
  • Tresillian
  • Tresinney
  • Treskerby
  • Treskillard
  • Treskilling
  • Treskinnick Cross
  • Treslothan
  • Tresmeer
  • Tresowes Green
  • Tresoweshill
  • Tresparrett
  • Tresparrett Posts
  • Treswithian
  • Treswithian Downs
  • Trethellan Water
  • Trethevy
  • Trethewell
  • Trethewey
  • Trethillick
  • Trethosa
  • Trethowel
  • Trethurgy
  • Trevadlock
  • Trevalga
  • Trevalgan
  • Trevance
  • Trevanger
  • Trevanson
  • Trevarrack
  • Trevarren
  • Trevarrian
  • Trevarrick
  • Trevarth
  • Treveal
  • Trevegean
  • Treveighan
  • Trevellas
  • Trevelmond
  • Trevelver
  • Trevemper
  • Treven
  • Trevena
  • Trevenen
  • Trevenen Bal
  • Trevenning
  • Treveor
  • Treverbyn
  • Treverva
  • Trevescan
  • Trevia
  • Trevigro
  • Trevilder
  • Trevilla
  • Trevilson
  • Trevine
  • Treviscoe
  • Treviskey
  • Trevithal
  • Trevoll
  • Trevone
  • Trevorrick
  • Trevowah
  • Trevowhan
  • Trew
  • Trewalder
  • Trewarmett
  • Trewartha
  • Trewassa
  • Treween
  • Trewellard
  • Trewen
  • Trewennack
  • Trewennan
  • Trewetha
  • Trewethen
  • Trewethern
  • Trewey
  • Trewidland
  • Trewindle
  • Trewint
  • Trewithian
  • Trewithick
  • Trewollock
  • Trewoodloe
  • Trewoon
  • Treworga
  • Treworlas
  • Treworld
  • Trewornan
  • Treworrick
  • Treworthal
  • Treyarnon
  • Trezaise
  • Trezelah
  • Trillacott
  • Trispen
  • Troan
  • Trron
  • Troswell
  • Truas
  • Truro
  • Paramount Crematorium
  • Truro Cathedral
  • Truscott
  • Trussall
  • Truthan
  • Truthwall
  • Trythogga
  • Tubbs Mill
  • Tuckingmill
  • Tuelmenna
  • Turfdown
  • Tutwell
  • Twelveheads
  • Twelvewoods
  • Two Burrows
  • Tywardreath
  • Tywardreath Highway


  • United Downs
  • Upton
  • Upton Cross


  • Varfell
  • Vellanoweth
  • Venterdon
  • Ventongimps
  • Ventonleague
  • Veryan
  • Victoria
  • Viscar
  • Vogue


  • Wadebridge (Ponsrys)
  • Wainhouse Corner
  • Wall
  • Wanson
  • Warbstow
  • Warbstow Cross
  • Warleggan
  • Washaway
  • Watergate
  • Waterloo
  • Wearde
  • Week Green
  • Week St Mary
  • Weir Quay
  • Welltown
  • Wendron
  • Wenfordbridge
  • Werrington
  • West Curry
  • West Downs
  • West Looe
  • West Pentire
  • West Taphouse
  • West Tolgus
  • West Watergate
  • West Youlstone
  • Westdowns
  • Wheal Alfred
  • Wheal Baddon
  • Wheal Busy
  • Wheal Frances
  • Wheal Kitty
  • Wheal Rose
  • Wherrytown
  • Whipsiderry
  • White Cross
  • Whitemoor
  • Whitewell
  • Whitstone
  • Widegates
  • Widemouth Bay
  • Wilcove
  • Windmill
  • Windsor
  • Winnard's Perch
  • Withiel
  • Withielgoose
  • Woodford
  • Woolley
  • Woolston
  • Woon
  • Wringsdown


  • Yeolmbridge


  • Zelah
  • Zennor
  • Zoar


References and Sources

// this project is in History Link 