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An Exploration of the Origins of Ancient Semitic Peoples and their Sacred Sites

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  • Elah, father of Hohse'a King of Israel (deceased)
    Father of Hoshe'a (ben Elah), last King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel
  • Arsal . (deceased)
    "The Persian historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (c. 915) recounts a tradition that Tiras had a son named Batawil, whose daughters Qarnabil, Bakht, and Arsal became the wives of Cush, Put, and Canaa...
  • The Girgashites . (deceased)
    Genesis 10:16 Fifth son of Canaan.
  • The Jebusites . (deceased)
    Genesis 10:16 Third son of Canaan. Genesis 10:15-18 21st Century King James Version (KJ21) 15 And Canaan begot Sidon his firstborn, and Heth;16 and the Jebusite and the Amorite, and the Girgashite17 an...
  • The Amorites . (deceased)
    Genesis 10:16 Fourth son of Canaan.

Semitic people:

'Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis', R. Graves and R. Patai

p.13 “…Abraham, the Aramaean patriarch who entered Palestine with the Hyksos hordes early in the second millenium B.C….”

p.13 “Jacob’s twelve ‘sons’… seem to have been once independent tribes which banded together to form the Israelite amphictyony or federation. Their local gods and populations were not necessarily of Arameaen race, though ruled by an Arameaen priesthood. Only Joseph can be identified, in part, with a historical character.”

"The Hebrew language is a member of the larger group of Canaanite languages within Northwest Semitic. The language has been known as "Hebrew" in English since the 11th century, from Old French Ebreu, in turn from Latin Hebraeus and Greek Ἑβραῖος, whose alphabet is ultimately a loan from "Assyrian lettering" (Ktav Ashuri), the "square-script", by Ezra the Scribe following the Babylonian Exile.

Since the Hebrew Bible makes a point of marking the Canaanites as peoples set apart from the Israelites, the extent of the distinction between the culture of the Canaanites and the Israelites is a matter of debate. It has been argued that the Israelites were themselves Canaanites, and that "historical Israel", as distinct from "literary" or "Biblical Israel" was a subset of Canaanite culture. It is also known that Israelites and later the subdivision of Israelites known as the Judeans spoke Hebrew as their main language and it is still used in Jewish holy scriptures, study, speech and prayer." - Wikipedia


"Hebat, also transcribed, Kheba or Khepat, was the mother goddess of the Hurrians, known as "the mother of all living".[1] She is also a Queen of the deities."