The Countries and there rulers 1806-1813
The purpose of this project, is to make a list of the countries joining the conference and there rulers.
This project is a sub project of Countries of Europe and there rulers
The College of Kings
Grand Duchy of Baden 12. July 1806 Co-founder; former margraviate
Kingdom of Bavaria 12 July 1806 Co-founder; former duchy
Grand Duchy of Berg 12 July 1806 Co-founder; absorbed Cleves, both formerly Duchies
Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt 12 July 1806 Co-founder; former landgraviate
Principality of Regensburg 12 July 1806 Co-founder; formerly Prince-Archbishopric and Electorate; after 1810 the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt
- [ Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg]
Kingdom of Saxony 11 December 1806 Former duchy
Kingdom of Westphalia 15. November 1807 Napoleonic creation
Kingdom of Württemberg 12 July 1806 Co-founder; former duchy
Grand Duchy of Würzburg 23. September 1806 Napoleonic creation
The College of Princes
Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg 11 April 1807
- Alexius Frederick Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau 11 April 1807
- Leopold III Frederick Francis Duchy of Anhalt-Köthen 11 April 1807
- [ Augustus Christian Frederick] until 1812
- [ Louis Augustus Karl Frederick Emil] from 1812
Duchy of Arenberg 12 July 1806 Co-founder; mediatized 13 December 1810
- [ Prosper Louis]
Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen 12 July 1806 Co-founder
- Herman Frederick Otto Until 1810
- Frederick Herman Otto from 1810
Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen 12 July 1806 Co-founder
Principality of Isenburg-Birstein 12 July 1806 Co-founder
- [ Carl Friedrich]
Principality of Leyen 12. July 1806 Co-founder; former countship or graviate
- [ Philip Francis]
Principality of Liechtenstein 12 July 1806 Co-founder
Principality of Lippe-Detmold 11 April 1807
Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 22. March 1808
Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 18. February 1808
Duchy of Nassau (Usingen and Weilburg) 12 July 1806 Union of Nassau-Usingen and Nassau-Weilburg, both co-founders
Grand Duchy of Oldenburg 14 October 1808 annexed by France 13 December 1810 - Grand duchy from 1814
Principality of Reuss-Ebersdorf 11. April 1807
Principality of Reuss-Greiz 11. April 1807
Principality of Reuss-Lobenstein 11. April 1807
Principality of Reuss-Schleiz 11 April 1807
Principality of Salm (Salm-Salm and Salm-Kyrburg) 25. July 1806 Co-founder; annexed by France 13 December 1810
Duchy of Saxe-Coburg 15. December 1806
Duchy of Saxe-Gotha 15 December 1806
Duchy of Saxe-Hildburghausen 15. December 1806
Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen 15 December 1806
Duchy of Saxe-Weimar 15 December 1806
Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe 11- April 1807
Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 11. April 1807
Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen 11 April 1807
Principality of Waldeck 11 April 1807
- Friedrich Karl August until 1812
- Georg I from 1812 to 1813
- Georg II from 1813