Sub projek van die Groot Trek...
Sub project of the Great Trek........
- Die idee is om elke einbestemming te identifiseer en dan die families te volg soos hulle getrek het.
- The idea is to identify the end of each trek and then follow and add families to the project as they have moved
Trekked to Soutpansberg
The Results of the Commissie Treks
The northbound Commissie Trek encountered the Buys family in the Zoutpansberg but not any Matabele. The Natal Commissie Trek, comprising 21 men and one woman under Piet Uys were impressed not only with the sweet grazing but with the fact that Natal possessed a fine port, a necessity for a developing country.
The Voortrekkers had in mind a single destination for their people but now, two regions seemed to have presented themselves as equal candidates. This dilemma was to cause much dissent in the future. For the present however, nothing happened - except the talking.
- Retief
- Potgieter
- Trichard se trekke..
- Janse van Rensberg
- Roos,
- Trichardt
- Potgieter
- Kruger