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Dorchester County, South Carolina

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  • Marion Mims Platt (1886 - 1921)
    GASQUE-PLATT A marriage which came as a surprise to their friends throughout the state was that of Miss Lucie V. Gasque of Marion and Mr. Marion M. Platt of Sumter, the ceremony being performed on Satu...
  • Martha Ruth Brown (1895 - 1971)
    Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Sep 9 2022, 22:47:40 UTC
  • William Blake (1739 - 1805)
    From Biography William was the son of Joseph Blake and Sarah Sindrey of the Province of South Carolina. He studied law at the Inns of Court in London and entered the Inner Temple in 1758; however, he...
  • Dr. James "Asa" Reeves (1776 - 1870)
    James Asa Reeves Birth: 1776 South Carolina, USA Death: Jul. 15, 1870 Hermitage Springs Clay County Tennessee, USA Burial: Reeves Cemetery Hermitage Springs Clay County Tennessee, USA Created by: Sh...

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Official Website

Dorchester County is named for its first settlement area, which was established by Congregationalists in 1696. These settlers applied the name "Dorchester" after their last residence in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

Dorchester was not established as a separate county until 1897. However, when it was separately established, it came from parts of the neighboring Colleton and Berkeley counties.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns & Communities

  • Byrds
  • Dorchester
  • Grover
  • Harleyville
  • Jedburg
  • Knightsville
  • Ladson (part)
  • Lincolnville
  • North Charleston (part)
  • Reevesville
  • Ridgeville
  • St. George (County Seat)
  • Summerville (part)


Cemeteries of South Carolina


National Register of Historic Places

Genealogy Trails

Roots Web

SC Gen Web


South Carolina Pioneers

South Carolina Genealogy

SC Digital Library

Upper Dorchester County Historical Society