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Dressmaker or Seamstress

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A dressmaker is a person who makes custom clothing for women, such as dresses, blouses, and evening gowns. Also called a mantua-maker (historically) or a modiste.

Notable dressmakers

Cristóbal Balenciaga

Pierre Balmain

Coco Chanel

Christian Dior

David Emanuel

Jean Muir, fashion designer (though she herself preferred to be called a dressmaker)

Isabel Toledo

Madeleine Vionnet

Charles Frederick Worth

A seamstress is someone who sews seams, or in other words, a machine operator in a factory who may not have the skills to make garments from scratch or to fit them on a real body. This term is not a synonym for dressmaker. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, a seamstress did handsewing, especially under the putting-out system. Older variants are seamster and sempstress.
