My Maternal Grandmother Eliza Campbell from Buff Bay, Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica West.Indies. and her children, including my mother Kathleen of unk birth surname .
Don't now much about her( my grandmother) except that she gave my mom up for adoption to a lady with the surname Whyte. No one knows how many times grandma was married... could be once or twice and to whom. possible husbands surname's were Gardner and or Aldridge. My family is of African, Jewish and chinese descent. Possible going back 12 generations and 300+ yrs to Africa, The Americas, and the West Indies, some via The Trans Atlantic slave Trade.
Interested these surnames: Whittaker, Marable, Nelson, Smith, Wilson, Baker, Evans, Walker.
Some surnames associated with the family are:
Smith /Smyth,
Housen( connected with these surname-Rookwood, Garrick, Hancil/Hansell)
Higginbotham/Higginbottom (possible Campbell, Humphrey connection)
Heath (possible Williams Heath slave holder)(BAKER, Walker related)
Grier / Scalf, (marriage)
Aldridge / Alridge,
Hewitt/ Hewett,
Some extended Surnames:
Rickets (related paternally also)
Ferryman / Ferriman,
NELSON/ Smith, (connections, Cooley, Mack)
Orr (found a Brian Orr in Portland)
PAGE ( has Orr, Savage relatives)
PARCHMENT(Genus related)
WHITTLE, has variant spelling Whitt / white (associated with Nelson/Reed/Maddox/Gibson surnames)
Some othe surnames include- Williams, Duff / Duffy, Garcia, Finkelstein, Samuels, Braimon, Marks, Goldstein, Goldberg, McC, Richards, Summons, LEE, Carter, PAGE, _____________________________
Race and ethnic info
Multiple African origin: Ghana (IvoryCoast) West Africa (Yoruba tribe) Wasa- Akropong Bia, Akan,
Kenya (capital Nairobi) swahili southeast Africa
Mozabite (Algeria) Berber M'zab Tumzabt muslim?
North Africa- E1b1b1b(m81) (U6)
Jamaica Residents ( European Families- 1740c) some are possible ancestors.
Arthur Taaffe Chrstopher Taaffe, Mansfield town co louth Henry Taaffe -St Thomas in The Vale
Henry Gordon
- William Williams, of Williamsfield,
- James Williams, of Unity valley,
James campbell,
Name and Plantation
Samuel Orr, Castle of comfort,
Bryan West Orr, Castle of comfort
John Orr,
Joseph Orr esq, Springfield, St Thomas,
T Orr, A blacksmith,
Dicks, Orr and Clark, of Hampton Court
Genus? (post soon)
Continued list
John Higginbottom,(Higginbotham)
Thomas Ross,
James Bryan,
Benjamin Wood,
Thomas Hall,
John Marshall,
Alexander Panton, A blacksmith,
John Panton, Sarah Panton, John Steel, Thomas Fleming Jane Berryman James cunningham, young and Sims Cambridge, Sarah B Panton,
Oliphant of Westmoreland, (M Pinnock, Cowell/samuel, Robb, manning, Nicholas)
Ann Hill Hermitage
John Miller Maidstone
James Shaw, Henry Ross, Edward Rogers, Mary Christian, Peter Hasell? Thomas Greer, Peter king, Newyear Smith? James Coleman, Katharine Hall, Alexander Wilson, David Brown, Peter King, Alexander Davis? Joseph Davis? William Grear? Richard Harris, James Hill, John Hall, Alexander Kennedy, Joseph Lane, John Martin, Alexander McCulloch, John Mills, James Powell (Planter) Sarah Robinson, Edward Smith? John Smith, William Smith, John Stewart, Mary Stewart, Edward Wilson, Richad Wilson, James Dunn, William Dunn, Joseph Gibson? John Martin, Sally Noble, Benjamin Heath, Louis Heath, James miller, Samuel Blake, Lewis Knight, G C Ricketts,
William Allan, Lt Col John Clarke ( the solicitor, but possible Orr related)
Hanson, Nash, Carter, Blake, Ford, Taylor, Booth, Ricketts, Allen, Williams, Robert, Swaby, White, Gale, Elliott, Mills, Powel, (note: a few like this one has only one L)
Note: Some of the Genus, in St Elizabeth are Harrison and Ebanks related. the Ebanks are from Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
GENUS (Guatamala and Belize)
* William genus,
- Mary Ann Genus,
- Josep Harris Genus,
John ArmsteadTaaffe His name apeared in Jamaica, the son of Henry Taafe around 1770 in -St thomas in the Vale, of Ireland origin,
his other sons, Arthur '''Rodger''', Richard '''Brownrigg''', Thomas '''Wheeler''', exec of his will was John Gordon.and wife Taaffe his relative.
Armistead married Mitchell
marriages or other surnames associated with Taaffe found:
Maxwell, Edgar, Dillon, White, Lowe,
A Campbell Book of Letters (Note: Not Mine of course)
Letters from Campbells in Jamaica to their relations in Argyll (mostly at Kilberry). There is a James Campbell mentioned. It is published by the Argyll & Bute (counties) Library Service - 2004. Contact eleanor.harris@argyll-bute.gov.uk for information. Diarmid (Campbell, Argyll, Scotland)
The title is 'Letters by the Packet - Family Correspondence 1728-1861' > > Edited and with notes by Marion Campbell (of Kilberry).
Hall -
http://www.slavevoyages.org/tast/index.faces http://www.danbyrnes.com.au/blackheath/thebc1.htm http://www.danbyrnes.com.au/blackheath/jamaica.htm
http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/p/a/y/Tracey-A-Payne/WEB... http://www.candoo.com/surnames/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2749 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/274534?uid=8199776&uid=373983...