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Forest Hill Cemetery, Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts

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  • William Vihtor Alitalo (1907 - 1931)
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  • Bernard Alitalo (1917 - 1918)
    Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 24 January 2023), memorial page for Bernard Alitalo (6 Sep 1917–5 Feb 1918), Find a Grave Memorial ID 118230229, citing Forest Hill Cemetery, Fitchburg, W...
  • Esther Lempi Alitalo (1902 - 1990)
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    John Arthur Alitalo (1899 - 1964)
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Forest Hill Cemetery resides in Fitchburg, Worcester County, Massachusetts. This large burying ground was established in 1856. The earliest, recorded burials date from 1829. The cemetery is active. In 1922 a Mausoleum was built on the grounds, one of the first in this area. Forest Hill is home to the city's Columbarium.

Forest Hill- The Cemetery Division, within the Department of Public Works, is responsible for the daily operation of the public burial grounds in the City of Fitchburg. This includes interments, grounds maintenance and facility maintenance. The Cemetery Division is supervised by the Superintendent of Cemeteries, who is responsible for requests for interment, lot sales, genealogical inquiries and marker installation. The Cemetery Division is overseen by the Trustees of Public Burial Grounds.