The "Ganges" was built in India in 1794, 700 ton
The "Ganges" sailed from Portsmouth, England on 10 December 1796 and arrived in Sydney Cove on 2 June 1797, transporting convicts
203 male convicts - 13 died on journey
List of Free Settlers/Soldiers
- 2 officers + 60 private soldiers (on Ganges and Britannia)
- Maria BATMAN - Maria White, Free Settler "Ganges" 1797
- Mary BATMAN (wife of William BATMAN) - Mary Bateman - Batman, [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Robert BATMAN - Robert Batman, Free Settler "Ganges" 1797
- George CUPPITT / CUPITT - George Cupitt [Marine "Ganges" 1797]
- Mary CUPITT - Mary (Wicks) Cupitt [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Sarah EGGLETON - Sarah Pearson, Free Settler "Ganges" 1797
- Elizabeth GRAHAM (wife of John GRAHAM) - Elizabeth (Meinay) Graham [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- John LEES - John Pilmore Lees, Marine "Ganges" 1797
- Frances MEDHURST - Frances Sarah Tabor, [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- James MILEHAM - surgeon
- Thomas T PARNELL - Thomas T Parnell [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Sarah PEARSON - Sarah Pearson, Free Settler "Ganges" 1797
- Thomas PEARSON - Thomas Pearson, Free Settler "Ganges" 1797
- Agnes SHIELDS - Agnes (Shields - Shales) Parnell - Thorley [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Deborah TABOR - Deborah Tabor, infant, [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Frances TABOR - Frances Sarah Harrex, [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Thomas TABOR - Thomas Tabor, Free Settler "Ganges" 1797
- Thomas TOLLIS - Corporal Thomas Tollis, Soldier "Ganges" 1797
- Maria WHITE
- Elizabeth WYLDE
List of convicts
- Abrahams, Abraham
- Applin, Thomas
- Armstrong, John
- Arnold, Thomas
- Ashley, John
- Aulkin, James
- Bateman / Batman, William - William (Bateman) Batman [Convict "Ganges" 1797]
- Bates, John
- Bedford, Thomas
- Bell, Nicholas
- Bent, Robert
- Blakefield, John - John Blakefield [Convict "Ganges" 1797]
- Borthwick, John
- Borthwick, Thomas
- Bowls, John
- Bradfield, John
- Brawn, Joseph
- Bromfield, Richard
- Brookes, Thomas
- Brown, Charles
- Brown, Richard
- Burrobriggs, Jonathan
- Butterworth, James
- Campbell, Richard
- Camplin, Robert
- Carroll, James
- Carroll, Patrick
- Catapodi, John
- Cavernor, Thomas
- Chamberlain, William
- Chambers, Daniel
- Chambers, John
- Clare, William
- Corby, William
- Cornhill, Henry
- Cox, Joseph
- Crosley, Thomas
- Cunningham, Matthew
- Curtis, George
- Curtis, John
- Curtis, Samuel
- Darke, Richard
- Davies, Thomas
- Davis, Benjamin
- Davis, Hugh
- Davis, John
- Day, Francis
- Dell, James
- Doyle, Thomas
- Dronfield, Joseph
- Fennedy, Patrick
- Field, William
- Fisher, John
- Flowers, Austin
- Follon, James
- Forster, William
- Foster, Samuel
- Foster, Thomas
- Fountain, Daniel
- Fox, John
- Freer, James
- Gaintenby, Peter
- Gaverick, William
- Gibbons, James
- Gilbert, Thomas
- Gilfoy, Daniel
- Golding, John
- Goldsmith, George
- Goodall, William
- Gowlett, Isaac - Isaac Gowlett [Convict "Ganges" 1797]
- Graham, John - John Graham [Convict "Ganges" 1797]
- Grange, James
- Gregg, James
- Grice, James
- Grindley, Henry
- Hall, John
- Hall, Richard
- Hamilton, Jacob
- Hannabus, John - John (Hannabus) Hannibus, Convict "Ganges" 1797
- Hannatt, Samuel
- Harper, Thomas
- Harrex, James - age 29 - James Proctor Harrex, Convict "Ganges" 1797
- Harrison, John
- Harvey, William
- Hately, Joseph
- Higeson, George
- Hill, William - William Hill [Convict "Ganges" 1797]
- Holland, Henry
- Home, William
- Hoppe, Charles
- Hughes, William
- Jackson, Thomas
- Jarvis, Joseph
- Johnson, Thomas
- Johnson, Thomas
- Jones, Francis
- Jones, James
- Jones, John
- Kates, William
- Kenney, James
- King, Lawrence
- Kiss, James
- Lawrence, Nathaniel
- Leverton, James
- Lock, Frederick
- Lowe, Callum
- Lyster, John
- Major, Alexander
- Marks, Mordecai
- Mason, John
- Matthews, John
- McKay, James
- Meeling, John
- Millan, William
- Milligan, John
- Morgan, Evan
- Mullett, John
- Oldham, Richard
- Organ, William
- Owens, William
- Page, Joseph
- Pain, Samuel
- Parker, Michael - age 15
- Parnell, Thomas - Thomas T Parnell [Free Settler "Ganges" 1797]
- Parry, Philip
- Pearce, Robert
- Pearson, Thomas - Thomas Pearson, Convict "Ganges" 1797
- Penny, William
- Pepper, Thomas
- Phelps, Samuel
- Poore, Thomas
- Power, William
- Price, John
- Randall, John - John Randall, Convict "Ganges" 1797
- Read, Samuel
- Remnant, James
- Retollo, Peter
- Rice, John
- Riley, Thomas
- Roberts, Thomas
- Robson, John
- Rogers, William
- Salt, Joseph Small
- Scivington, John
- Sells, Henry
- Shepherd, William
- Shepperd, Richard
- Sides, Richard
- Simmonds, John
- Simons, Samuel
- Sirgaskin, Samuel
- Smith, Charles
- Smith, Matthew
- Smith, Thomas
- Smith, Thomas
- Smith, William
- Sparkes, James
- Spencer, Josep
- Stephenson, Richard
- Stevens, Samuel
- Stoneham, John - age 14
- Swift, Edward
- Tabor, Thomas - Thomas Taber, [Convict "Ganges" 1797]
- Tait, John
- Tennant, William
- Thomas, Thomas
- Thompson, John
- Thompson, Thomas
- Thompson, Thomas
- Thompson, William - age 18
- Thompson, William
- Thornbury, Thomas
- Tilbury, John
- Took, William
- Touse, William
- Tramp, Samuel
- Trevor, William
- Trotter, Henry
- Turner, Thomas
- Wallace, William
- Wallis, Richard
- Watkins, John - John Watson, Convict "Ganges" 1797
- Watson, James
- Watson, John - John Watson, Convict "Ganges" 1797
- Wenlock, Joseph
- West, James
- White, Joseph
- White, Ralph
- Wilcox, James
- Wild, Henry
- Wild, John
- Wilde, George
- Wilde, Joseph
- William, Charles
- Williams, John
- Williams, John
- Williams, William - age 14
- Willis, Richard - age 14
- Wilson, Charles
- Wilson, John
- Wilson, Thomas
- Wood, George
- Wood, Valentine
- Woodman, William
- Woolard, Daniel
- Woolridge, Thomas
- Wyatt, Matthew
- Wybrow, William - William Wybrow, Convict “Ganges” 1797
- Wyke, Benjamin