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Gesellschaft der Freunde (Society of Friends) - Berlin

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See book by Sebastian Panwitz:


The Gesellschaft der Freunde was from 1792 until its prohibition in 1935 a Jewish aid organization in Berlin. Its members supported each other in cases of poverty, unemployment, illness and death. The Society was founded on January 29, 1792 on the initiative of Isaac Euchel, Aaron Halle-Wolfssohn, Joseph Mendelssohn, Nathan Oppenheimer and Aron Neo. Initially, the Society was an organization of enlightened bachelors who actively intervened in day-to-day political debates, such as the "early funeral." Around 1820 the Society became the cultural center of the Jewish community and the most important association of Berlin Jewry, led by respected and economically successful personalities. It was located on its own property, Neue Friedrichstraße 35, not far from the Alexanderplatz and the Old Synagogue, Heidereutergasse.

From 1880 the club withdrew from the public and became the informal center of executives of Berlin-based private and public banks, publishing houses, chemical, electrical and other important companies. During the period of the Weimar Republic there was a growing membership of non-Jewish members. On November 25, 1935, the society was banned by the National Socialists.


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Adolph Abarbanell (1825–1889)

Max Abel (1851–1912)

Gustav Ahrens (1860-1914)

Carl Alexander (1871–1946)

Joseph Alexander (1809–1885)

Julius Alexander (1838–1906)

Fritz Andreae (1873–1950)

Heinrich Arndt (1789-ca 1848)

Heinrich Martin Arndt (1787-1871)

Simon Joel Arnheim (1802–1875)

Eduard Arnhold (1849–1925)

Hans Arnhold (1888–1966)

Caspar Arnstein (1767–1849)

Manfred Aron (1884-1967)

Paul Arons (1861-1932)

Otto Aschaffenburg (1878-1942)

Saul Ascher (1767-1822)

Paul Felix Aschrott (1856-1927)

Sigmund Aschrott (1826-1915)

Joseph Aub (1804–1880)

Baruch Levin Auerbach (1793–1864)

Jacob Bacher (1746–1829)

Hermann Bamberg (1846-1928)

Meyer Samuel Baswitz (1807–1870)

Ferdinand Bausback (1884–1948)

Jacob Herz Beer (1759-1825)

Anton Heinrich Bendemann (1775–1866)

Samuel Bentheim (1758–1819)

Joseph Berend (1808–1886)

Bernhard Samuel Berend (1801–1864)

Ludwig Berliner (1883-1942)

Aaron Bernstein (1812–1884)

Siegfried Bieber (1873-1960)

Abraham Hertz Bing (1769-1835)

Gerson (von) Bleichroder (1822-1893)

Julius Bleichroeder (1828-1907)

Samuel Bleichroeder (1779-1855)

August Friedrich Bloch (1781-1866)

Julius Boas (1832–1922)

Siegmund Bodenheimer (1874-1966)

Abraham Borchardt (1784-1843)

Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938)

Fritz Bruck (1886-1934)

Jacob Moses Burg (1784–1840)

Meno Burg (1789–1853)

David Bry (1863-1917)

Moses Caspary (1770–1856)

David Cassel (1818-1893)

Wilhelm Cassel (1758-1837)

Carl Chrambach (1853-1929)

Emil Cohn (1832–1905)

Meyer Cohn (1817–1891)

Moritz von Cohn (1812-1900)

Ludwig Delbrück (1868-1913)

Bernhard Dessau (1861-1923)

Felix German (1858-1928)

Richard Dyhrenfurth (1854–1926)

Isidore Eisner (1822-1885)

Heinrich Eisner (1850-1918)

Hermann Eisner (1897-1977)

Louis Epenstein (1769–1847)

Gerhard Eschwe (1765-1839)

Isaac Euchel (1756/58–1804)

Carl Emanuel Ezechiel

Sigmund Feist (1865-1943)

Hermann Fischer (1873-1940)

Alexander Flesch (1763–1838)

Philipp Freudenberg (1833-1919)

Benoni Friedländer (1773-1858)

Moses Friedlander (1774-1840)

Fritz von Friedländer-Fuld (1858-1917)

Georg Fromberg (1854–1915)

Carl Fürstenberg (1850-1933)

Eduard Gans (1797–1839)

Ludwig Geiger (1848-1919)

Benny Gerson (1814-c 1859)

David Gerson (1815-1900)

Hermann Gerson (1813–1861)

Julius Gerson (1821-1896)

Louis Gerson (1820-1888)

Ludwig Max Goldberger (1848–1913)

Itzig Goldschmidt (1767–1846)

Jakob Goldschmidt (1882-1955)

Bruno Güterbock (1858-1940)

Gustav Güterbock (1820-1910)

Moritz Güterbock (1802-1875)

Moritz Gumbinner (1829–1900)

Ruben Samuel Gumpertz (1769–1851)

Herbert M. Gutmann (1879-1942)

Arthur von Gwinner (1856-1931)]

Georg Haberland (1861-1933)

Carl Hagen (1856–1938)

Louis Hagen (1888-1977)

Georg Hahn (1864-1953)

Moritz Hahn (1807-1892)

Oskar Hahn (1860-1907)

Aaron Halle Wolfssohn (1756–1835)

James Nathan Hardy (1846–1913)

Paul von Herrmann (1857-1921)

Adolph Friedrich Heydemann (1773-1848)

Aron Hirsch Heymann (1803-1880)

Carl Heymann (1793–1862)

Aron Hirsch (1858–1942)

Julius Eduard Hitzig (1780-1849)

Arthur Johnson Hobrecht (1824–1912)

Oscar Huldschinsky (1846–1931)

Berthold Israel (1868-1935)

Hermann Jacobson (1801–1890)

Israel Jacobson (1768–1828)

Meyer Jacobson (1789–1877)

Heinrich Jacoby (1776-1813)

Max Jaffa (1865–1919)

Benno Jaffé (1840–1923)

Israel Lazarus Jaffé (1763-1832)

Otto Jeidels (1882–1947)

Isaac Markus Jost (1793-1860)

Moritz Jutrosinski (1825-1909)

Ludwig Kastl (1878-1969)

Ludwig Katzenellenbogen (1877-1944)

Friedrich Kempner (1892–1981)

Maximilian Kempner (1854–1927

Paul Kempner (1889–1956)

Kurt von Kleefeld (1881-1934)

Franz Koenigs (1881–1941)

Wilhelm Kopetzky (1847–1924)

Arthur Koppel (1851–1908)

Leopold Koppel (1854–1933)

Samuel Kristeller (1820–1900)

Wilhelm Kuczynski (1842–1918)

Hans Lachmann-Mosse (1885-1944)

Jacob von Landau (1822-1882)

Kurt Landsberg (1878-1938)

Moritz Lazarus (1824-1903)

Joseph Lehmann (1801-1873)

Richard Lehmann (1864-1943)

Benjamin Liebermann (1812-1901)

Carl Liebermann (1842-1914)

Josef Liebermann (1783-1860)

Max Liebermann (1847-1935)

Adolph Liebermann von Wahlendorf (1829-1893)

Willy Liebermann von Wahlendorf (1863-1939)

Baruch Levin Lindau (1758-1849)

Isidor Loewe (1848-1910)

Ludwig Loewe (1837-1886)

Alfred Hugo Löwenberg (1852-1920)

Gustav Löwenberg (1824-1904)

Oscar Loewenberg (1853-1919)

Hans Luther (1879-1962)

Meyer Magnus (1805-1883)

Paul Wilhelm Magnus (1844-1914)

Salomon Maimon (1753-1800)

Paul Mamroth (1859-1938)

Moritz Manheimer (1826-1916)

Valentin Manheimer (1815-1889)

Paul Mankiewitz (1857-1924)

Alexander Mendelssohn (1798-1871)

Franz von Mendelssohn (1829-1889)

Franz von Mendelssohn (1865-1935)

Joseph Mendelssohn (1770-1848)

Nathan Mendelssohn (1781-1852)

Robert von Mendelssohn (1857-1917)

Robert von Mendelssohn (1902-1996)

Abraham Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1776-1835)

Otto von Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1868-1949)

Ernst von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1846-1909)

Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1875-1935)

Albert Philipp Meyer (1834-1899)

Joel Wolff Meyer (1794-1869)

[Philipp Wolff Meyer Philipp Wolff Meyer (1801-1877)

Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864)

Julius Model (1838-1920)

Moses Moser (1797-1838)

[Emil Gabriel Mosse Emil Mosse (1854-1911)

Max Mosse (1873-1936)

Rudolf Mosse (1843-1920)

Salomon Mosse (1837-1903)

[Theodor Mosse Theodor Mosse (1842-1916)

Alexander Moszkowski (1851-1934)

Henry Nathan (1862-1932)

Aron Neo († 1845)

Jerome Neo († 1850)

Moritz Neo (1772-1823)

Carl Daniel (von) Oppenfeld (1800-1871)

Franz Oppenheim (1852-1929)

Hugo Oppenheim (1847-1921)

Mendel Oppenheim (1758-1820)

Eugen Panofsky (1855-1922)

Julius Perlis (1874-1935)

Ludwig Philippson (1811-1889)

Moritz Plaut (1822-1910)

Hugo Preuss (1860-1925)

Hugo Pringsheim (1845-1915)

Albert Rathenau (1837-1923)

Emil Rathenau (1838-1915)

Moritz Rathenau (1800-1871)

Oscar Rathenau (1850-1926)

Walther Rathenau (1867-1922)

Ferdinand Reichenheim (1817-1902)

Leopold Julius Reichenheim Julius Reichenheim (1836-1905)]

Leonor Reichenheim (1814-1868)

Louis Reichenheim (1805-1882)

Moritz Reichenheim (1815-1872)

Robert Remak (1815-1865)

Peter Theophil Riess (1804-1883)

Wilhelm Eduard Riess (1788-1850)

Jakob Riesser (1853-1932)

Ludwig Rintel (1773-1861)

Samuel Ritscher (1870-1938)

[Gustav Adolf Sabersky Gustav Albert Sabersky (1845-1907)

Fritz Sabersky (1880-1952)

Max Sabersky (1840-1887)

Adolph Salomonsohn (1831-1919)

Arthur Salomonsohn (1859-1930)

Hjalmar Schacht (1877-1970)

Adolph Martin Schlesinger (1769-1838)

Liebermann Schlesinger (1758-1836)

Paul Schmidt-Branden (1885-1955)

Julius Leopold Schwabach (1831-1898)

Paul Hermann von Schwabach (1867-1938)

Paul Julius von Schwabach (1902-1937)

Julius Schwarz (1881-1931)

Carl Friedrich von Siemens Carl Friedrich von Siemens (1872-1941)]

Eduard Georg Simon (1864-1929)

James Simon (1851-1932)

Abraham Simonsohn (1774-1825)

[Ernst Bernhard Eduard von Simson Ernst von Simson (1876-1941)

Karl Ernst Sippell (1889-1945)

Curt Sobernheim (1871-1940)

[Moritz Sebastian Sobernheim Moritz Sobernheim (1872-1933)

Georg Solmssen (1869-1957)

Emil Georg von Stauß (1877-1942)

Martin Steinthal (1798-1892)

Max Steinthal (1850-1940)

Julius Stern (1820-1883)

Julius Stern (1858-1914)

Martin Szczecin (1826-1888)

Richard Stettiner (1865-1927)

Wolfgang Strassmann (1821-1885)

Louis Sussmann-Hellborn (1828-1908)

Georg Tietz (1889-1953)

[Oscar Tietz Oscar Tietz (1858-1923)

Ludwig Traube (1818-1876)

Franz Ullstein (1868-1945)

Hans Ullstein (1859-1935)

Hermann Ullstein (1875-1943)

Leopold Ullstein (1826-1899)

Louis Ullstein (1863-1933)

Moritz Ulmann (1765-1840)

Rudolf Ungerleider (1833-1911)

Eduard Veit (1824-1901)

Moritz Veit (1808-1864)

Moritz Daniel Volkmar (1792-1864)

Hermann Wallich (1833-1928)

Paul Wallich (1882-1938)

Meyer Warburg († 1801)

Marcus Warschauer (1777-1835)

Robert Warschauer senior (1816-1884)

Robert Warschauer junior (1860-1918)

Georg von Wassermann (1901-1973)

Max von Wassermann (1863-1934)

Oscar Aquarius (1869-1934)

Sigmund Aquarius (1889-1958)

Fritz Wintermantel (1882-1953)

Michael Wolff (1771-1856)

Richard Wolffenstein (1846-1919)

Aaron Hall Wolfssohn (1756-1835)

Caesar Wollheim (1814-1882)

Daniel Israel Wulff (1777-1848)

Leopold Zunz (1794-1886)

Hugo Zwillenberg (1885-1966)

Freely transcribed from