Thousands of graves. Laid out like a strolling park, with winding lanes; those that are paved are kept open year 'round.
The women connected with the "Female Sewing Society" of the Congregational Church purchased the lot of land that formed the nucleus of this cemetery from Timothy Gile in 1853 and the rough land with second growth trees was consecrated that November when the remains of Clara Labaree, 2-yo dau of Charles & Lucretia (Batchelder) Brackett were laid to rest on the brow of the bluff overlooking the Ammonoosuc valley.
When bylaws were adopted Jan 16 1856, the burial place was officially named, "White Mountain Cemetery". Additional land was purchased in 1870 adn 1892
The the name was officially changed to "Glenwood" in 1877.
The eldest person here in 1895 was Honora Harrington, aged 97.
[excerpted from the 1895/1905 History of Littleton] (text provided by ancestors-R-Us)