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  • Thomas Kelet (deceased)
    References The Merchant Class of Medieval London, 1300-1500 . By Sylvia L. Thrupp (1989). Page 367.
  • Alvey Green Nance (1881 - 1956)
    Clay County Courier Corning, Clay County, AR 27 December 1956 Vol 81 No. 27 'A.G. Nance Dies At Home After Long Illness' Alvey G. Nance, well-known Corning businessman for over a half century, died at...
  • Carolyn Mae Johnson (1902 - 1984)
    Mrs. Carolyn JOHNSON, 82 Of Goldengate, Succumbs. Longtime Goldengate, resident and former store owner-operator, Mrs. Carolyn Foster JOHNSON 82, died at 8:25 p.m. Sunday, Dec 1, 1984, at Way-Fair Resot...
  • Bransford Lee Davis (1888 - 1980)
    Death Certificate
  • Edward Eaves Massey (1880 - 1961)


Beginning as early as the 14th century, a grocer (or "purveyor") was a dealer in comestible dry goods such as spices, peppers, sugar, and (later) cocoa, tea and coffee. These items were bought in bulk, hence the term grocer from the French "grossier" meaning wholesaler, this term derived from Medieval Latin "grossarius" from which we also derive the word gross (meaning a quantity of twelve dozen, or 144).

As increasing numbers of staple foodstuffs became available in cans and other less-perishable packaging, the trade expanded its province. Today, grocers deal in a wide range of staple food-stuffs including such perishables as meats, produce and dairy products. Such goods are, hence, groceries.

In some countries such as the United States, grocery stores descended from trading posts, which sold not only food but clothing, household items, tools, furniture, and other miscellaneous merchandise. These trading posts evolved into larger retail businesses known as general stores. These facilities generally dealt only in "dry" goods such as flour, dry beans, baking soda, and canned foods. Perishable foods were instead obtained from specialty markets; Fresh meat was obtained from a butcher, milk from a local dairy, eggs and vegetables were either produced by families themselves, bartered for with neighbours, or purchased at a farmers' market or a local greengrocer.

Many rural areas still contain general stores that sell goods ranging from cigars to imported napkins. Traditionally, general stores have offered credit to their customers, a system of payment that works on trust rather than modern credit cards. This allowed farm families to buy staples until their harvest could be sold.


Worshipful Company of Grocers

The Worshipful Company of Grocers is one of the 110 Livery Companies of the City of London and ranks second in order of precedence.

Established in 1345, the Grocers comprise one of London's Great Twelve City Livery Companies.

