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Hans Lauritzen Blix 1596 - 1666

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Hans Lauritzen Blix

Born 1596 in Sunne, Jemtland then part of Norway

Deseased 1666 in Bodin, Nordland, Norway

Pastor in Bodin old Church, Bodø, Nordland, Norway 1622

Dean in Salten deanery (dean = prost) in Norway 1641. (Gildeskål were part of Salten deanery) and therefore is Hans Lauritzen Blix linked to the Project on "Beiarn and Gildeskål in Nordland, Norway"

He and his wife Ingeborg Svendsdatter had 12 children

In the profile for Hans Lauritzen Blix is written his biography or life history.

1. Hans Lauritzen Blix profile on website Hans Lauritzen Blix

2. Einride Koteng website

3. Wikipedia website

4. Wikipedia website

5. Wikipedia website

6. Jørn B Skogøy website

7. Erik Berntsen website

8. Skjerstad wiki "The Blix project" website (Skjerstad is a parish in Nordland in Norway). This site is written in Norwegian.

9. Wikipedia website


1. Taxregister / Skattematrikkel 1647 Salten i Nordland fylke

2. Church house account 1652 Bodin

3. Church house account 1655 - 1658 Salten deanery / Kirkeregnskap for Salten prosti 1655 - 1658


1. "Bodøs historie, bind 1" 2009, Eirin Holberg og Alan Hutchinson, ISBN-978-82-519-2321-7 -> page 319, 322, 324, 333, 334 about Hans Lauritzen Blix