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  • Vittorio Emanuele, principe di Napoli (1937 - 2024)
    Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, The Prince of Naples (Vittorio Emanuele Alberto Carlo Teodoro Umberto Bonifacio Amedeo Damiano Bernardino Gennaro Maria di Savoia; 12 February 1937 – 3 February 2024)...
  • Charles III "the Good" duke of Savoy (1486 - 1553)
    - III of Savoy (10 October 1486 – 17 August 1553), often called Charles the Good , was Duke of Savoy from 1504 to 1553, although most of his lands were ruled by the French between 1536 and his death. C...
  • Amadeus VIII, duke of Savoy (1383 - 1451)
    in French: VIII (4 September 1383, Chambéry – 7 January 1451) was the son of Amadeus VII, Count of Savoy and Bonne of Berry. He was surnamed the Peaceful and was the Count of Savoy from 1391 to 1416 an...
  • Amadeus VII of Savoy, the Red Count (1360 - 1391)
    VII (March 1360, Chambéry[1] – 1 November 1391), known as the Red Count, was count of Savoy from 1383 to 1391.[2]Amadeus was the son of Count Amadeus VI of Savoy and Bonne of Bourbon. Amadeus VII was k...
  • Amedee I de Savoie, "la Queue" comte de Maurienne et de Chablais (c.995 - 1051)
    - - 1. AMEDEE ([995/1000] or after-after 18 Dec 1051). Lanter Bishop of Langres granted property "in comitatu Genevensi et pago Albonensi in villa…Casei", except for that part held by "Ermengardis ...

Condes de Savoie

Duques de Savoie

Reyes de Sicilia

  • 1713-1720 (como rey de Sicilia) Víctor Amadeo II

Reyes de Piamonte y Cerdena

  • 1720-1730 (como rey de Cerdeña) Víctor Amadeo II
  • 1730-1773 Carlos Manuel III
  • 1773-1796 Víctor Amadeo III
  • 1796-1802 Carlos Manuel IV
  • 1802-1821 Víctor Manuel I
  • 1821-1831 Carlos Félix
  • 1831-1849 Carlos Alberto
  • 1849-1861 (como rey de Cerdeña) Víctor Manuel II

Reyes de Italia

  • 1861-1878 (como rey de Italia) Víctor Manuel II
  • 1878-1900 Humberto I
  • 1900-1946 Víctor Manuel III
  • 1946 (9 de mayo-12 de junio) Humberto II. Último rey de Italia, sólo reinó durante 33 días. Rey en el exilio: 1946-1983

Príncipe de Napoles

  • 1937-1946 Víctor Manuel de Saboya y Sajonia Coburgo, Víctor Manuel IV, Rey pretendiente: 1983–presente.

Casas Menores