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  • Rev. Henry Lefroy (1789 - 1876)
    He was descended from Antoine Loffroy, a Huguenot refugee who left Flanders and settled at Canterbury about 1587.
  • James Henry Cousins (1873 - 1956)
    James Cousins=James Henry Cousins (22 July 1873 – 20 February 1956) was an Irish writer, playwright, actor, critic, editor, teacher and poet. He used several pseudonyms including Mac Oisín and the Hind...
  • Capt. John Montresor (1736 - 1799)
    John Montresor (22 April 1736 – 26 June 1799) was a British military engineer in North America.Early lifeBorn in Gibraltar 22 April 1736 to British military engineer James Gabriel Montresor and his fir...
  • Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 - 1873)
    Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu=Ex Barrister at law -Irish writer of Gothic tales and mystery novels. He was the leading ghost-story writer of the nineteenth century and was central to the development o...
  • Daniel de la Cherois (bef.1715 - 1732)
    Daniel de la Cherois Birth: before 1715 Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Wife: Anne or Marie de la Cherois Children: Manoah or Marie Angelique de la CheroisREF: Comber History Daniel served in Colonel Du Cambo...

The Huguenots in Ireland

Around the start of the eighteenth century, as Irish conditions became more settled, two groups of continental Protestant refugees were settled in the country with official, or semi-official help. The first of these, the Huguenots , were French Calvinists persecuted intermittently by the Catholic rulers of France throughout the seventeenth century. The second group were the German Palatines.

Small numbers of refugees from this persecution had come to Ireland, mainly via England, from 1620 to 1641, and again with Cromwell in 1649, but it was in 1685, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which had guaranteed them toleration, that the main body of Huguenots began to arrive, mostly from the countryside around the city of La Rochelle in the modern region of Poitou-Charentes.

After the end of the Williamite wars, large Huguenot settlements were established in Portarlington, Youghal, Cork, Dublin, Waterford and Lisburn, where they became celebrated for their expertise in textiles, specialising in weaving, lace-making, and glove-making. In the course of time, they became thoroughly absorbed into Irish society through intermarriage, and names such as Boucicault, Maturin, Le Fanu and Trench are still familiar in Ireland today.

Approximately 5000 French Huguenots came to live in Ireland.


Scope of this project is to look in to the history of the huguenots in Ireland and to identify those who came and settled in Ireland .
Please feel free to add Huguenot profiles or the profiles of their descendants.

Huguenot colonies in Ireland

Lisburn, Portarlington, Cork, Dublin, Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, Wexford, Limerick, Tipperary, Louth, Monaghan, Cavan Killeshandra

Huguenot Patron

Henri Massue, Marquis de Ruvigny

Notable Huguenot descendants in Ireland

Irelands most prominent Huguenot family:

Ireland’s most prominent Huguenot family descend from David La Touche , a refugee from the Loire Valley who served at the Battle of the Boyne and went on to found the bank of La Touche & Sons. His descendants were to be instrumental in the evolution of Ireland’s banking institutions over the 18th century and to spearhead educational reform in the 19th. La Touche of Harristown

Huguenot emigration paths found

  • La Trobe family France
    > England ---> Ireland
    > New Orleans.
  • Beranger family France --->Netherlands---> Ireland
  • Pettigrew / Petticrew -- France - Scotland - Ireland - South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio
  • Mestayer : Languedoc France --->Dublin Ireland ---> London England.
  • D'Olier : France ---> Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    > Dublin, Ireland
  • Labertouche : France ---> Wexford & Dublin, Ireland ---> New South Wales
  • Hautenville : Rouen, France ---> London, England,
    >Lisburn, Ireland
    > Dublin,Ireland

Irish Pensioners Of William III's Huguenot Regiments, 1702

The Irish Pensioners of William III's Huguenot Regiments, 1702. From Huguenot Society of London Proceedings, Vol. 6, No. 3, Nov. 1899.

List of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors

Other events of Irish & French involvement