World War I ( WWI ) was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. It was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until the start of World War II in 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter. It involved all the world's great powers, which were assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies (based o...
People Connected to County Cork====Republic of Ireland See also >===== County Cork Burials >===== County Cork - Main Page >===== County Cork, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== County County Cork - Famous People
People Connected to County Galway====Republic of Ireland See also >===== County Galway - Main Page >===== County Galway Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== People Connected to "Ireland" - unknown Specific Place or County >===== They came from Ireland - Origin Unknown
Broad project to list European immigrants from any European country. From any European country and any date (Century). Everyone is welcome to collaborate and add more profiles.
This project is for notable Irish Americans. For researching your own Irish American ancestry, visit the general Irish American project . == Irish Americans are an ethnic group comprising Americans who have full or partial ancestry from Ireland, especially those who identify with that ancestry, along with their cultural characteristics. About 33.3 million Americans—10.5% of the total population...
Who are the Ulster Scots? The Ulster Scots are an ethnic group in Ireland, descended from Lowland Scots and English from the border of those two countries, many from the "Border Reivers" culture. These people first began to occupy Ireland in large numbers with the Plantation of Ulster, a planned process of colonisation which took place under the auspices of James VI of Scotland and I of Engla...
This project revolves around the history of Carrick-on-Suir and the genealogical history of the residents of Carrick-on-Suir and the general area surrounding the town. This includes the profiles of those who were born, married, died and those who have origins to the area.
People Connected to County Dublin Republic of Ireland See also County Dublin - Main Page County Dublin Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards Dublin - Famous People People Connected to "Ireland" - unknown Specific Place or County
World War One: United Kingdom & Ireland The Great War Head Quarters Please link Geni profiles to this project as well as ONLY ONE of the individual projects listed below Object of this exercise To link existing GENi profiles of WW1 personnel (survivors and casualties) to the relevant projects for men and women born in the Channel Islands, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This inclu...
For a comparatively small population of about 6 million people, Ireland has made an an especially enormous contribution to literature. =Famous Irish * Abraham Stoker * Pierce Brosnan * W. B. Yeats * John Jack Butler Yeats * C. S. Lewis * Maureen O'Sullivan * Liam Neeson >>>>>--------------------------------------- Wikipedia
County Dublin - Famous people=Dublin, as the capital city of Ireland and the largest city in Ireland, has produced many noted artists, entertainers, politicians and businesspeople. In the project photograph ' John Field, composer Please add GENi profiles of people from County Dublin (not just Dublin City ) to this project. Additionally, please add information about people of renown connected to...
Saoi (Irish pronunciation: [s%CB%A0i%CB%90], plural Saoithe ; literally "wise one"; historically the title of the head of a bardic school) is the highest honour bestowed by Aosdána, a state-supported association of Irish creative artists. The title is awarded, for life, to an existing Aosdána member. There are at most seven living Saoithe at any time; a limit increased from five in 2007–08. At ...
Earl Grey famine female orphan emigration scheme Scope The scope of this project is to identify the girls and the families of the orphan girls who were part of the Earl Grey emigration scheme to Australia between 1848 and 1850. Explanation of Earl Grey’s Famine Orphan Scheme The Orphan Emigration Scheme commenced in October 1848 and when it was wound up due to opposition from the Australi...
People Connected to County Meath====Republic of Ireland See also >===== County Meath Burials >===== County Meath - Main Page >===== County Meath Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of County Meath
People Connected to County Antrim====Northern Ireland See also >===== County Antrim, Northern Ireland - Main Page >===== County Antrim Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of County Antrim >===== People Connected to "Ireland" - unknown Specific Place or County
Historic Buildings of Co. Antrim ==Northern Ireland The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in Co. Antrim, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up. Image right - Ballygally Castle =...
People Connected to County Armagh Northern Ireland See also County Armagh - Main Page Historic Buildings of County Armagh, Northern Ireland County Armagh Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards
=About the Irish Portal=Portal for people who are interested in Irish genealogy.The aim of this portal is to make this a very useful tool for research, and a place to meet other people tracing their Irish ancestors=='''What can you do here?'''==* '''Ask questions.'''* '''Collaborate on your research.'''* '''Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area. '''...
People Connected to County Leitrim====Republic of Ireland See also >===== County Leitrim Burials >===== County Leitrim - Main Page >===== County Leitrim Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== Historic Buildings of County Leitrim
TAILORA tailor is a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men's clothing.Although the term dates to the thirteenth century, tailor took on its modern sense in the late eighteenth century, and now refers to makers of men's and women's suits, coats, trousers, and similar garments, usually of wool, linen, or silk.* A tailor-made is a man's suit consisti...
[ ]Trinity College (Irish: Coláiste na Tríonóide), known in full as the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin,[7] is a research university and the sole constituent college of the University of Dublin in Ireland. The college was founded in 1592 as the "mother" of a new university,[Note 1] modelled after the collegiate universities of Oxford and of Cambridge, bu...
People Connected to County Tyrone Northern Ireland See also County Tyrone - Main Page County Tyrone - Northern Ireland, Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards Historic Buildings of County Tyrone - Northern Ireland
Trying to gather all my royal ancestors in one place. Direct ancestors only. William Henry Whiting was a descendant of King James II, King Charles 1st, 2nd. learnt Urdu from From Abdul Karim (the Munshi) scribe to queen. He grew up at Windsor Castle Victoria. HE was relatedto Prince Francis Teck, princess Mary Adelaide who from evidence they knew personally. He worked on the state Coach His ...
Kings of Ancient Britannia This project will keep track of the kings of ancient Britain, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland beginning with the Roman invasion of Britain in 55 AD to 1066 AD at the coronation of Harold II and beginning of the Middle Ages. Naming Conventions We will use titles in the native language. Cadeyrn Fendigaid ap Gwrtheyrn did not speak English, so he was never once called "Ki...
Irish Diaspora=The Irish diaspora Diaspóra na nGael consists of Irish emigrants and their descendants in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and states of the Caribbean and continental Europe. The diaspora, maximally interpreted, contains over 80 million people, which is over thirteen times the populati...