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  • Михаил Николаевич Beboutoff (1897 - 1949)
    Бебутов Михаил Николаевич, князь (князь Beboutoff ) 1897 - 1949 художник учился в приготовительном классе школы К.Мая в 1907 -1908 гг. Михаил Бебутов - сын актрисы и писательницы, княгини Ольги Геор...
  • Georg* Alfred Wittmann (1882 - 1938)
  • Федор Васильевич Корвин-Круковский (c.1855 - 1920)
    бр Корвин-Круковский н.с. Федор Васильевич Осташкевич дочь двор. Мария Нарциссовна 19-127-365 62 1895 Коммер.у 25.окт рож Корвин-Круковский н.с. Федор Васильевич Осташкевич дочь двор. Мария Нарцисс...
  • Сергей Сергеевич Палашковский (1879 - 1957)
    Сергей Сергеевич Палашковский (архив OFPRA) Сергей Сергеевич Палашковский и Валентина Владимировна Крылова = свидетельство о браке от 21.03.1942 №269 (Париж 15 округ) Валентина Владимировна Крыло...
  • Юрий Евгеньевич Барбот де Марни (1909 - 1937)
    Родился 30.01.1909, Санкт-Петербург; б/п; Москаналстрой, производитель буровых работ.. Проживал: г.Ленинград, Васильевский остров, Средний пр., 33, кв.27..Арестован 26 марта 1933 г.Приговорен: КОГПУ 16...

Karl May School (then gymnasium or high-school) in St. Petersburg is an educational institution founded in 1856 by Karl Ivanovich May.

By initiative of several German families of Russia who sought to give children a secondary education a private German male school was opened on September 22, 1856 in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was led by a talented advanced educator Karl Ivanovich May (1820–1895).

In the early years the school was elementary, and from 1861 it received the official name "Real School (Middle-School) at the level of Gymnasium (High-School)", which reflected the emphasis on applied orientation of education in comparison with state-owned educational institutions.

The first graduation of the Real department (Middle-School) took place in 1863, and the first graduation of Gymnasium (High-School) - in 1865.

Within the four-story building of the school there were classes for 600 students, 8 well-equipped specialized subject rooms (three of them is a shape of amphitheater), carpentry workshop, a library with 12 thousand books in Russian, German, French, English, Latin and Greek, gym and a dining room.

During the period 1910-1917 the school has reached its true peak. The last fifty-fifth graduation took place on February 24, 1918. Since 1856, about 3700 young men of St. Petersburg studied here, almost 1300 of them received certificates of this educational institution.

In the fall of 1918 the private Karl May School was nationalized and transformed into the Soviet labor school for boys and girls.

School museum website:

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Петербургская школа Карла Мая — учебное заведение Санкт-Петербурга, основанное в 1856 году Карлом Ивановичем Маем.

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Профиль Карла Мая:
Карл Иванович Май