Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum
Is a project for the directors, professors and alumni of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811–1843) in Russia.
The Imperial Lyceum (Императорский Царскосельский лицей, Imperatorskiy Tsarskosel'skiy litsey) in Tsarskoye Selo near Saint Petersburg, also known historically as the Imperial Alexander Lyceum after its founder Tsar Alexander I, was an educational institution which was founded in 1811 with the object of educating youths of the best families who would afterwards occupy important posts in the Imperial service.
Its regulations were published on 11 January 1811, but they had received the Imperial sanction on 12 August 1810, when the four-story "new" wing of the Great Palace was appointed for its accommodation, with special premises for a hospital, a kitchen and other domestic requirements, as well as a residence for the administrative staff. Furniture and utensils were given together with the Neoclassical building, designed by Vasily Stasov, next to the Catherine Palace.
The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened on October 19, 1811. The first graduates included Alexander Pushkin and Alexander Gorchakov. The opening date was celebrated each year with carousals and revels, and Pushkin composed new verses for each of those occasions. In January 1844 the Lyceum was moved to St Petersburg.
During the 33 years of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum's existence, there were 286 graduates. The most famous of these, in addition to the above two were, including but not limited to Anton Delvig, Wilhelm Küchelbecker, Nicholas de Giers, Dmitry Tolstoy, Yakov Grot, Nikolay Danilevsky, Aleksey Lobanov-Rostovsky, Fyodor Shcherbatskoy, and Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.
For more individuals related to Tsarskoye Lyceum, Wikipedia has a short list of the alumni.
Императорский Царскосельский лицей
Директора, преподаватели и воспитанники Императорского Царскосельского лицея (1811–1843) и Александровского лицея (1843—1917)
Императорский Царскосельский лицей был открыт 19 октября 1811 года. Первым директором лицея был Василий Фёдорович Малиновский, а среди его первых выпускников были Александр Пушкин и Александр Горчаков.
В 1843 году лицей был переведён из Царского Села в Санкт-Петербург и с тех пор был известен как Александровский лицей.
Подробнее о лицее, его директорах, преподавателях и воспитанниках см. в Википедии.
- Императорский Александровский лицей. Воспитанники, педагоги и служащие: биографический словарь / [ авт.-сост.: В. Н. Рыхляков; под ред. Д. П. Шпиленко ]. – М.: Старая Басманная, 2019. – 550, [1] с. - Библиогр. в конце ст. - ISBN 978-5-907169-08-1.
Tsarskoje Selon lyseo
Tsarskoje Selon lyseon (1811-1843) projektin tarkoitus on kerätä sen alle koulun johtoa, opettajia ja sen oppilaita.
Tsarskoje Selon lyseo (ven. Императорский Царскосельский лицей) oli Venäjällä Tsarskoje Selossa (nyk. Puškin) sijainnut oppilaitos, joka oli toiminnassa vuosina 1811 – 1917. Vuonna 1843 lyseo siirrettiin Pietariin ja nimettiin uudelleen perustajansa keisari Aleksanteri I:n mukaan Keisarilliseksi Aleksanterin lyseoksi. Nykyisin lyseon rakennuksessa toimii vuonna 1949 avattu lyseon muistomuseo.
Lyseo oli aatelisten poikien arvovaltainen oppilaitos, joka perustettiin erityisesti valtiollisiin tehtäviin pyrkineiden nuorten kasvattamiseksi. Lyseon rakennus sijaitsee Katariinan palatsin siivessä.
Lyseon kenties kuuluisimmat oppilaat ovat Aleksandr Puškin ja Aleksandr Gortšakov.
Muita tunnettuja oppilaita ovat muun muassa Anton Delvig, Wilhelm Küchelbecker, Nikolai Giers, Dmitri Tolstoi, Jakov Grot, Aleksei Lobanov-Rostovski ja Mihail Saltykov-Štšedrin.
Lisää Tsarskoje Selon alumneja.