The Kilkenny Surname Project on Family Tree DNA is for people whose surnames are connected with the county of Kilkenny. It is open to people who have tested their yDNA mtDNA and Autosomal DNA. It can be all or any of these tests. We will try to locate the surnames within a geographic location of Kilkenny. Some surnames that have an historical connection with Kilkenny are listed below as listed in "Irish Families" by Edward MacLysaght. It is by no means exhaustive.
Join Kilkenny Surnames Geographic Project - on Family Tree DNA
- Most helpful and well informed administration.
- Well tested group of 157 people and growing.
- Irish genealogy is one of the hardest to work with, DNA tests can help.
- Many members are already members of
If you think your family came from County Kilkenny, get tested and join this project. Order your test here on Geni.Com and link your account at FTDNA.
"The list of surnames will grow over time. The other source of surnames is the Griffith Valuation. It will help to locate the surnames with the geography of Kilkenny. Please include any as much geographic information as is known about your Kilkenny surname in your Family Tree. It is not uncommon for descendants to still be living in the same locale of Kilkenny. In time I hope we can link our surnames to descendants who still live in that locale with our DNA testing. The local knowledge of the Kilkenny descendants will help to overcome the brickwalls we face in the document records."
Related Projects on Geni
County Kilkenny - Main Page
- County Kilkenny, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards
- County Kilkenny Burials
- County Kilkenny - Famous People
- People Connected to County Kilkenny
- Co Kilkenny arrivals in South Australia