1. MUIREDACH(-885). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 885 of "Muiredach son of Bran king of Laigin and superior of Cell Dara"[571]. m ---. The name of Muiredach´s wife is not known. Muiredach & his wife had two children:
a) FAELAN (-Aenach-Colmain 942). King of Leinster. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Faelan son of Muireadhach, King of Leinster, with his son Lorcan” were taken prisoners in 923 by “the foreigners of Ath-cliath”[572]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 940 of “Faelan son of Muireadhach King of Leinster…of a fall at Aenach-Colmain”[573]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 942 of "Faelán son of Muiredach king of Laigin”[574]. m ---. The name of Faelan´s wife is not known. Faelan & his wife had [five] children:
i) DONNCUAN (-929). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 929 of “Donncuan son of Faelan heir apparent of Leinster”[575].
ii) LORCAN (-killed Dublin 943). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Faelan son of Muireadhach, King of Leinster, with his son Lorcan” were taken prisoners in 923 by “the foreigners of Ath-cliath”[576]. King of Leinster. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 941 of “Lorcan son of Faelan king of Leinster…slain by the Norsemen as he was plundering Ath-Cliath”[577]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 943 of "Lorcán son of Faelán king of Laigin, at the hands of the heathens”[578]. m ---. The name of Lorcan´s wife is not known. Lorcan & his wife had two children:(a) CEARBHALL (-killed 967). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 965 of “Muireadhach son of Faelan, Abbot of Cill-dara and royal heir of Leinster” killed by “Amhlaeibh lord of the foreigners and by Cearbhall son of Lorcan”[579]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 965 of “Cearbhall son of Lorcan royal heir of Leinster” killed by “Domhnall lord of Breagha”[580]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 967 of "Cerball son of Lorcán heir designate of Laigin” killed by “Domnall king of Brega”[581]. m ---. The name of Cearbhall´s wife is not known. Cearbhall & his wife had four children:
(1) three sons (-killed Gleann-da-Locha 983). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “the three sons of Cearbhall son of Lorcan plundered the Termon of Caeimhghin at Gleann-da-Locha” in 983 and were killed[582].
(2) GILLACELE (-killed 993). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 993 of “Gillacele son of Cearbhall, royal heir of Leinster” killed by “the son of Amhlaeibh”[583].(b) DOMNALL Claen (-killed [977/84]). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Domnall Claen son of Lorcan” killed “Murchadh son of Finn, king of Leinster” in 970[584]. King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Domnall Cloen king of Leinster” was captured in [977/78] by “the Foreigners of Dublin”, adding in a later passage that he was released by “Mael-Sechnaill the Great” in [978/79][585]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Domnall Clóen” was killed in [982/83] by “Aed son of Echthigern of the Húi Cennselaig”[586]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Domnall Claen” was killed in 982 by “Aedh son of Echthigern, one of the Ui-Ceinnsealaigh, and Fiachra son of Finnshneacta, chief of Fortuatha-Laighean, and Maelmithigh son of Gairbheth by treachery”[587]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 984 of “Domnall Claen king of Laigin…killed by the Ui Cheinnselaig”[588]. m ---. The name of Domnall´s wife is not known. Domnall & his wife had one child:
(1) DONNCHAD (-after 1003). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Donchad son of Domnall Clóen king of Leinster” was captured in [997/98] by “Sitric son of Olaf”[589]. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Brian son of Cennétig” deposed “the king of Laigin Donnchadh son of Domnall” in 1003[590].
iii) CELLACH (-966). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Conghalach son of Maelmithigh, heir apparent to the sovereignty of Ireland, Braen son of Maelmordha, king of Leinster, Ceallach, son of Faelan, heir of Leinster” destroyed Dublin in 942[591]. King of Leinster. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 966 of "Cellach son of Faelán king of Laigin”[592].
iv) MUIREDACH (-killed 965). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 965 of “Muireadhach son of Faelan, Abbot of Cill-dara and royal heir of Leinster” killed by “Amhlaeibh lord of the foreigners and by Cearbhall son of Lorcan”[593].
v) DOMNALL . The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Donndubhan son of Imhar and Domhnall son of Faelan lord of the Deisi” killed “Gillaphadraig son of Donnchadh lord of Osraighe” in 995[594]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 995 of “Domhnall son of Faelan lord of the Deisi”[595]. m ---. The name of Domnall´s wife is not known. Domnall & his wife had one child:(a) MOTHLA (-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Mothla son of Domnhall son of Faelan, lord of the Deisi-Mumhan” was killed in 1013 in the battle [of Clontarf][596].
b) FLANN (-930). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 930 of “Flann son of Muireadhach heir apparent of Leinster” and of “Lorcan son of Cathal royal heir of Leinster”[597].
1. MUIREGAN . m ---. The name of Muiregan´s wife is not known. Muiregan & his wife had three children:
a) DOMNALL (-killed 884). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 884 of "Domnall son of Muirecán, king of Laigin…killed by his associates"[598].
b) CERBALL (-909). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record "Cerball son of Muirecán, king of Laigin” among the victors in “the battle of Belach Mugna” fought 13 Sep 908 between “the men of Mumu, the Leth Cuinn and the Laigin in Mag Ailbi”[599]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 909 of "Cerball son of Muirecán…king of the Laigin…of a sickness”[600]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Cerwallt son of Muregan king of Leinster died of a fatal disorder" in 905[601] *Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands: IRELAND m [Gormlaith Gormflaith, Queen-Consort of Munster & of Leinster & of Tara & of The Dessi Muman in Ireland] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gormflaith_ingen_Flann_Sinna
c) MAELMORDA (-killed in battle Cenn Fuait 917). The Annals of Ulster record that "Mael Mórda son of Muirecán, king of eastern Life” was killed in 917 “by Sitriuc grandson of Imar in the battle of Cenn Fuait”[602]. m ---. The name of Maelmorda´s wife is not known. Maelmorda & his wife had one child [Apparently 3? Sharon D 2018]:i) FINN (-923). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 921 of “Finn son of Maelmordha son of Muiregan heir apparent of Leinster” killed by “Ceallach son of Cearbhall”[603]. m ---. The name of Finn´s wife is not known. Finn & his wife had five children:
1. FLANN (-942). The Annals of the Four Masters record the deaths in 942 of “Flann son of Finn and Muireadhach son of Maelmordha, two royal heirs of Leinster”[612].
2. MURCHAD (-972). King of Leinster 965. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Murchadh son of Finn king of Leinster” led an army “into Osraighe” in 965[613]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 972 of "Murchad son of Finn king of Laigin”[614]. m ---. The name of Murchad´s wife is not known. Murchad & his wife had three children:a) MAELMORDA (-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record that "Brian son of Ceinnéitig son of Lorcán king of Ireland and Mael Sechnaill son of Domnall king of Temair" led an army to “Áth Cliath” in 1014, adding that “Mael Mórda son of Murchad king of Laigin” was killed in the battle[615]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Murchadh son of Finn king of Leinster” was killed in 1013 in the battle [of Clontarf][616]. m ---. The name of Mail-mordha´s wife is not known. Mail-mordha & his wife had two children:
i) CEARBALL (-killed 1017). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Cearball mac Mail-mordha crownprince of Leinster” was killed in 1017[617].
ii) BRAEN (-Köln 1052). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record that "Braen son of Mael Mórda king of Laigin” was blinded in 1018 “in Áth Cliath by Sitriuc son of Amlaib”[618].b) GORMLAITH (-1030). The Annals of Tigernach record the death in 1030 of “Gormlaith, daughter of Murchad son of Fland” mother of “Sitric son of Olaf king of the Foreigners and of Donnchad son of Brian king of Munster”[619]. Her third marriage is confirmed by the Annals of the Four Masters which record the death in 1030 of “Gormlaith daughter of Murchadh son of Finn, mother of the king of the foreigners Sitric, Donnchadh son of Brian king of Munster, and Conchobhar son of Maeleachlainn king of Teamhair”[620]. It is assumed that Maelsechnaill separated from Gormlaith as he is recorded with another wife before Gormlaith died. m firstly as his third wife, OLAF Sihtricsson King of Dublin, son of SIHTRIC King of York & his first wife --- (-981). m secondly (after 981, [separated]%29 [as his second wife,] BRIAN Boroma, son of CEINNÉITIG & his wife --- (941-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). m thirdly ([separated]) as his [third] wife, MAELSECHNAILL King of Ireland, son of DOMNALL & his wife --- ([949/50]-Cró Inis of Lough Ennell 2 Sep 1022).
c) BRAEN (-killed in battle Teamhair [978/80]). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 973 of “Ceallach son of Domhnall, lord of Ui-Faelain” killed by “Broen son of Murchadh”[621]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Braen son of Murchadh royal heir of Leinster” was killed in 978 in “the battle of Teamhair”[622], the battle being dated between 978 and 980 in different sources.3. DOMNALL (-947). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 947 of “Dormhnall son of Finn royal heir of Leinster”[623]. m ---. The name of Domnall´s wife is not known. Domnall & his wife had one child:
a) CELLACH (-after 970). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Ceallach son of Domhnall son of Finn son of Maelmordha , lord of Ui-Faelain” killed “Finn son of Bran” in 970[624]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 973 of “Ceallach son of Domhnall, lord of Ui-Faelain” killed by “Broen son of Murchadh”[625].
4. MAELMORDA (-966). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Maelmordha son of Finn royal heir of Leinster” was mortally wounded in 966[626].
5. CONCHOBAR (-977). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 977 of “Conchobhar son of Finn, lord of Ui-Failghe”[627]. m ---. The name of Conchobar´s wife is not known. Conchobar & his wife had one child:a) CONGALACH (-killed 1014 or 1017). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Conghalach son of Conchobhar, lord of the Ui-Failghe” was killed in 1014 when the army of “Maelseachlainn, Ua Neill, and Ua Maeldoraidh” was attacked while they were plundering “Ui-Cennsealagh”[628]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 1017 of “Conghalach son of Conchobhar son of Finn lord of Ui-Failghe”[629]. It is probable that these two entries refer to the same person. Neither entry is found in the Annals of Ulster or the Annals of Inisfallen. m ---. The name of Congalach´s wife is not known. Congalach & his wife had one child:
i) MUIRCHERTACH (-killed in battle 1026). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 1026 of “Muircheartach son of Conghalach lord of Ui-Failghe” killed “by the foreigners of Ath Cliath”[630].
ii) MUIREDACH (-942). The Annals of the Four Masters record the deaths in 942 of “Flann son of Finn and Muireadhach son of Maelmordha, two royal heirs of Leinster”[604].
iii) BRAEN (-killed in battle 947). King of Leinster. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Conghalach son of Maelmithigh, heir apparent to the sovereignty of Ireland, Braen son of Maelmordha, king of Leinster, Ceallach, son of Faelan, heir of Leinster” destroyed Dublin in 942[605]. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 945 of “Braen son of Maelmordha king of Leinster” killed by “Donnchadh son of Ceallach lord of Osraighe”[606]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 947 of "Braen son of Mael Mórda, king of the Laigin…killed on a foray in Osraige”[607]. m ---. The name of Braen´s wife is not known. Braen & his wife had two children:(a) MADUDAN (-killed 970). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Mac Brain” killed “Madudhan son of Bran” in 970[608].
(b) FINN (-killed 970). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Ceallach son of Domhnall son of Finn son of Maelmordha , lord of Ui-Faelain” killed “Finn son of Bran” in 970[609].
1. DUNLANG. m ---. The name of Dúnlang´s wife is not known. Dúnlang & his wife had one child:
a) AILILL (-killed 871). The Annals of Ulster record that "Ailill son of Dúnlang king of Laigin” was killed in 871 “by the Norsemen”[631]. m ---. The name of Ailill´s wife is not known. Ailill & his wife had one child:
i) UGAIRE (-killed in battle Cenn Fuait 917). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record that "Ugaire son of Ailill king of Laigin” was killed in 917 “by Sitriuc grandson of Imar in the battle of Cenn Fuait”[632]. m ---. The name of Augaire´s wife is not known. Augaire & his wife had one child:
(a) TUATHAL (-958). The Annals of the Four Masters record “a victory…over the people of Laighis and the Ui-Faircheallain by Tuathal son of Ugaire” in 950[633]. King of Leinster. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 958 of "Tuathal son of Augaire king of Laigin”[634]. m ---. The name of Tuathal´s wife is not known. Tuathal & his wife had three children:
1. DONNCHAD (-964). The Annals of the Four Masters records the death in 964 of “Donnchadh son of Tuathal royal heir of Leinster”[637].
2. UGAIRE (-killed in battle Bithland [976/77]). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Ugaire, son of Tuathal, king of Leinster” was captured in [974/75] by “the Foreigners of Dublin”[638]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Ugaire, son of Tuathal, king of Leinster” was killed in [976/77] at “the Battle of Bithland”[639]. m ---. The name of Ugaire´s wife is not known. Ugaire & his wife had one child:a) TUATHAL (-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Tuathal son of Ugaire, royal heir of Leinster” was killed in 1013 in the battle [of Clontarf][640].
3. DUNLANG (-1013). King of Leinster. The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 1013 of “Dunlang son of Tuathal king of Leinster”[641]. m ---. The name of Dunlang´s wife is not known. Dunlang & his wife had six children:
a) GILLA COEMGIN (-killed [1017/18]). Crown Prince of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Gilla Coemgin son of Dunlang crownprince of Leinster” was killed in [1017/18] “by the Leinstermen”[642].
b) DONNCUAN “the Simpleton” (-killed 1015). King of Leinster. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Donncuan i.e. the Simpleton son of Dunlaing lord of Leinster and Tadhg Ua Riain lord of Ui-Drona” were killed in 1015 by “Donnchadh son of Gillaphadraig at Leithghlinn”[643].
c) UGAIRE (-killed Dubloch [1022/24]). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Ugaire son of Dunlang king of Leinster” defeated “Sitric son of Olaf with the Foreigners of Dublin at Dergnae mo Goróc (Delgany)” in 1021[644]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Augaire son of Dunlang king of Leinster” was killed “at Dubloch, by Donn slébe” in [1022/24][645].
d) DONNCHAD (-killed [1036/37]). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Donnchad, son of Dunlang, king of Leinster” was blinded by “Donnchad Mac Gilla Pátraic” in 1036 and died[646]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1037 of "Dúnlang´s king of Laigin by the Osraige”[647].i) DOMNALL (-1039). Crown Prince of Leinster. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1039 of "Domnall son of Donnchad royal heir of Laigin”[648]. The Annals of Tigernach record the death in 1039 of “Domnall son of Donnchad king of the Húi Faeláin…slain by Domnall Húa Fergail king of the Forths”[649].
e) MURCHAD (-killed in battle Mag Muilchet 1042). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Murchad son of Dunlang king of Leinster” was killed by “Gilla Pátraic son of Donnchad king of Ossory and by Mac Craith Húa Donnchada king of the Eoganacht ´load-of-plunder´ on Mag Muilchet in Leix” in 1042[650].
f) MAILCORCRE . The 13th century History of Gruffydd ap Cynan records that the "grandmother...his mother´s mother" of King Gruffydd was "Mailcorcre daughter of Dunlang son of Tuathal King of Leinster"[651]. m OLAF of Dublin, son of SIHTRIC King of Dublin & his wife --- ([after 1013]-murdered 1034).
1. UATHMARAN . m ---. The name of Uathmaran´s wife is not known. Uathmaran & his wife had one child:
a) DIARMUIT (-[982/83]). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Diarmuit mac Uathmaran king of Leinster” died in [982/83][652].
1. MAIL na mBó (-1006). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Aed son of Echthigern” was killed in [1001/02] “in the prayer-house of Saint m´Aedóc´s great Ferns by Mael na mbó”[653]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1006 of "Mael na mBó king of Uí Cheinnselaigh…killed by his own people”[654]. m ---. The name of Mail´s wife is not known. Mail & his wife had three children:
a) DIARMAIT, son of MAEL na mBó & his wife --- (-killed in battle Odba 7 Feb 1072). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Ruaidri son of Tadg son of Lorcan” was blinded in 1036 by “Mael na mbó” (which must indicate the latter´s son assuming that the death date of Mail na mBó is correctly recorded above)[665]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Diarmait son of Mael na mbó king of the Húi Cennselaig” plundered “Colomb cille´s Maein (Moone), Dísert Diarmata and my Senóc´s Mugna and Clonmore” in 1040[666]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Echmarcach son of Ragnall king of the Foreigners went oversea” in 1052 and “the son of Mael na mbó assumed the kingship after him”, adding in a later passage that “the son of Mael na mbó took the kingship of Dublin by force” in 1053[667]. King of Leinster. High King of Ireland. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that Harold Godwinsson and his brother Leofwine, sons of Godwin Earl of Wessex, sought refuge with him in 1051 following the family's disgrace[668]. Orderic Vitalis records that “duo filii Heraldi regis Angliæ” had fled “ad Dyrmetum regem Hiberniæ” after their father was killed and, with his support, landed at Exeter with 66 ships, ravaged the interior of the country, but were defeated by “Briennius Eudonis comitis Britanniæ minoris filius et Guillelmus Gualdi” and fled back to Ireland[669]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Diarmait son of Mail na mbó, king of Britons and the Hebrides and Dublin and Mug Nuadat´s Half [southern Ireland]” was killed in 1072 by “Conchobar Húa Mael-Sechlainn in the battle of Odba”[670]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1072 of "Diarmait son of Mael na mBó king of Laigin and the foreigners…7 Feb” killed in battle by “Conchobar ua Mael Sechlainn king of Temair”[671]. m DERBORGAILL, daughter of ---, granddaughter of BRIAN Boru King of Ireland (-Imlech 1080). The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1080 of "Derbhforgaill daughter of Brian´s son, wife of Diarmait son of Mael na mBó…in Imlech”[672]. Diarmait & his wife had three children:
1. MURCHAD (-Dublin 1070, bur Dublin). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Murchad son of Diarmait son of Mael na mbó” invaded “Mann…and defeated Ragnall´s son” in 1061[673]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1070 of "Murchad son of Diarmait king of Laigin and the foreigners…buried in Áth Cliath”[674]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1070 of "Murchad son of Diarmiat son of Mael na mBó king of foreigners and Gaedil…in Áth Cliath”[675]. m ---. The name of Murchad´s wife is not known. Murchad & his wife had four children:
a) DOMNALL (-1075). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Murchad, grandson of Mael na mBó took the kingship of Áth Cliath” in 1075 and died “in the same year”[676]. King of Dublin. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1075 of "Domnall son of Murchad, king of Áth Cliath…of a three nights' sickness"[677].
b) DONCHAD, son of MURCHAD King of Leinster & his wife --- (-1115). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “the son of Murchad, son of Diarmait, son of Máel na mbó” won a battle in 1114[689]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Donnchad son of Murchad king of Leinster” was killed in battle by “Domnall son of Murchertach Húa Bríáin” in 1115[690]. m ---. The name of Donchad´s wife is not known. Donchad & his wife had one child:1. ENNA (-1126). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Toirdelbach son of Ruaidri king of Ireland” gave “the kingship of the Foreigners to the king of Leinster” in 1125[691]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Enna son of Donnchad son of Murchad king of Leinster” died in 1126, after which “Toirdelbach Húa Conchobair king of Ireland” was made king of Leinster, unsuccessfully challenged by “Cormac Mac Carthaig king of Desmond”[692]. m ---. The name of Enna´s wife is not known. Enna & his wife had one child:
a) DIARMAIT (-Fermanagh 1 May 1171). King of Leinster. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Diermit rex filius Murcath" was expelled from Ireland by his people and went to the English king, recording in later passages that he returned to Ireland and built "castellum Carrec iuxta Wisefordiam" in 1170, and died in 1172[693]. "Diarmicius Rex Lageniensium" donated "terram…Balidubgaill" to All Saints Dublin by undated charter witnessed by "…Enna filio meo…"[694]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that Henry II King of England arrived in Ireland in 1171, went to Dublin where he received “the kingship of Leinster and of the men of Meath, Brefne, Oriel and Ulster”[695]. The Expugnatio Hibernica records the death "apud Fernas circa kal Mai" of "Dermitius Murchardi filius" [in 1171][696]. m MOR, daughter of ---]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Mistress: (1152) DERBFORGAILL, wife of TIERNAN O'Rourke King of Breifny, daughter of MURCHAD O'Malaghlin King of Meath & his wife ---. The Expugnatio Hibernica records that "Dermitius…Murchardi filius Langeniensium princeps" eloped with "Ororicio…Medensium rege…uxor ipsius Omachlachelini filia" [in 1152][697]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Diarmait Mac Murchada king of Leinster forcibly carried off out of Meath the wife of Húa Ruairc…Derb-forgaill daughter of Murchad with her wealth” in 1152, adding in a later passage that she “came again to Húa Ruairc by flight from Leinster” in 1153[698]. Diarmait & his wife had two children:
i) AOIFE [Eva] (-after 1189). The Annales Cambriæ record that "Ricardus comes de Striguil" invaded Ireland in 1171 and married "filiam Diermit regis"[699]. The Expugnatio Hibernica records the marriage of "filia…Dermitii, Eva" and Earl Richard[700]. She was styled Countess of Ireland in 1185, but Countess of Strigoil in 1186[701]. m (Waterford [26 Aug 1171]) RICHARD de Clare "Strongbow" Earl of Pembroke, son of GILBERT de Clare "Strongbow" Earl of Pembroke & his wife Isabel de Beaumont ([1130]-Dublin 20 Apr 1176, bur Dublin, Holy Trinity). In [1168] he promised Dermot King of Leinster to help him recover his kingdom in return for the hand of his daughter and eventual succession to the crown. He landed near Waterford 23 Aug 1170, and marched to Dublin. He acceded to the demand of King Henry II to surrender his Irish conquests to him and was granted Leinster in fee[702].
ii) URLACHAN . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m DONOUGH [Donald] More King of Thomond, son of TADHG King of Thomond & his wife --- (-1194).
Dermot had three illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
iii) ENNA (-1168 or after). "Diarmicius Rex Lageniensium" donated "terram…Balidubgaill" to All Saints Dublin by undated charter witnessed by "…Enna filio meo…"[703]. The Expugnatio Hibernica records that "Ossiriæ princeps Duvenaldus" [Dounchad [Donough] Lord of Ossory] blinded "Dermitio…filium eiusdem primogenitum"[704]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Enna Mac Murchada crownprince of Leinster” was blinded in 1168 by “Donnchad Mac Gilla Pátraic king of Ossory”[705].
iv) CONNOR (-1170). The Expugnatio Hibernica records that "Dermitio" gave "filium suum Chuchurum" as hostage to Roderic of Connaught [in 1169][706]. The Expugnatio Hibernica records that Roderic killed Dermot's son [in 1170][707].
v) DOMNALL Caemanach (-killed 1175). The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1175 of "Domnall Caemanach son of Diarmaid Mac Murchadha king of Leinster…[slain]”[708].c) ENDA . His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) which names “Diarmait son of Enda, son of Murchad, king of the Foreigners and Leinstermen”[679]. m ---. The name of Enda's wife is not known. Enda & his wife had one child:
i) DIARMUIT (-[1117]). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Diarmait son of Enda, son of Murchad, king of the Foreigners and Leinstermen, rested in Dublin” in 1117[680].
2. ENNA (-killed 1092). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which name "Diarmait son of Enna son of Diarmait king of Laigin”[683]. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Enna son of Diarmait and the nobles of Desmumu” successfully held the fortress of “Port Láirge” in 1088 against “the Laigin and the son of Domnall Remar”[684]. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Muirchertach Ui Briain” imprisoned “Énna son of Diarmait” in 1089[685]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1092 of "Enna son of Diarmait…slain by the Uí Cheinnselaig”[686]. m ---. The name of Enna´s wife is not known. Enna & his wife had one child:
a) DIARMUIT (-killed Cell Dara 1098). The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1098 of "Diarmait son of Enna son of Diarmait king of Laigin, killed by the sons of Murchad son of Diarmait…in the middle of Cell Dara”[687].
3. --- “Glún Iairn” (-killed in battle 1070). The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1070 of "Glún Iairn son of Diarmiat son of Mael na mBó…slain by Cartach´s son and the Gailenga and by the north of Ireland”[688].
b) DOMNALL “Remuir/the Fat” (-killed 1041). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Domnall the Fat crownprince of the Húi Cennsilaig” was killed in 1041 by “in Húi Bairrche [by] Murchad son of Dunlang”[657]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1041 of "the son of Mael na mBó” killed in “a battle between the Laigin”[658]. m ---. The name of Domnall´s wife is not known. Domnall & his wife had one child:
i) DONNCHAD (-killed 1089). King of Leinster. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Enna son of Diarmait and the nobles of Desmumu” successfully held the fortress of “Port Láirge” in 1088 against “the Laigin and the son of Domnall Remar”[659]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Donnchad, son of Domnall the Fat, son of Mael na mbó, King of Leinster and the Foreigners” was killed by “Húa Conchobair…with the folk of Ossory and the west of Leinster” in 1089[660]. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Muirchertach Ui Briain” killed “Domnall´s son [and] took the kingship of Laigin and Áth Cliath” in 1089[661]. m ---. The name of Donnchad´s wife is not known. Donchad & his wife had [one possible child]:
(a) MURCHAD (-killed 1091). The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1091 of "Murchad grandson of Domnall Remar…killed by Enna son of Diarmait”[662].]
c) MURCHAD. His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) which name “Gormlaith, daughter of Murchad, son of Mael na mbó”[663]. m ---. The name of Murchad´s wife is not known. Murchad & his wife had one child:
i) GORMLAITH (-1112). The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record the death in 1112 of “Gormlaith, daughter of Murchad, son of Mael na mbó, female successor to S. Brigit”[664].