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Moonshiners and Bootleggers

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  • Peter Collins (1850 - aft.1920)
    Peter Collins was the son of Nancy Collins Hager and an unknown biological father. He was the stepson of James Hager. Peter was the maternal grandson of David Collins and Mary “Polly“ Dale. He was the ...
  • Alf Dunn (1909 - 2002)
    A story about Alfred Dunn in the December 21, 2000, issue of the “Latah Edge” begins, “Boy Scout, school bus driver, part-tie gold miner, bootlegger’s assistant, and FBI artist are some of the occupati...
  • Charles Joshua Gerbitz (1901 - 1950)
    GEDCOM Note ===== Biography == Charles Gerbitz. Source: #S-2118637834 Year: 1930; Census Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Roll: 1504; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 349; Image: 625.0. Note: Note: Na...
  • Durrell Dewitt Grissom (1874 - 1922)
    DNA shows that a parent of Durrell may have been a Martin. According to oral history, Durrell came to Calhoun County to work in an ore mine near the Rock Run community.
  • John Abraham Alger (1887 - 1976)
    John Abraham Alger @ find a grave ________________He was a retired carpenter. John Abraham Alger, 89, of Rt., Elkton died Monday, June 28 at Rockingham Memorial Hospital.Mr. Alger was born Jan. 18, 188...

Moonshine (also known as)

Hooch, White Lightning, Panther's Breath, Panther's P---, Mountain Dew, Kickapoo, Happy Sally, Ruckus Juice, Joy Juice, Hillbilly Pop, Skull Cracker, Bush Wisky, Stump, Mule Kick, Catdaddy, Cool Water, Old Horsey, Rot Gut, Wildcat, Rise and Shine.


Beer, Ethanol and Whiskey are all created from the same process, but occur at different stages of the process

Did you know

Before the alcohol distilling process was illegal, George Washington (General and President) hired James Anderson to manage the Plantation at Mount Vernon.

On January 1st, 1797, James Anderson began his duties and later shared thoughts of creating a Distillery on the the grounds of the Mount Vernon Estate with George Washington.

James Anderson had prior experience as a Distiller of Alcohol in Scotland. He managed a Distillery, prior to the Mount Vernon site, at Salvington Plantation.

After Martha Washington's death, James Anderson went to work at White House Plantation for George Washington Parke Custis (Martha's grandson)


History in America


  • You could say Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton started the rucus with the Excise Tax Act of 1791 in an effort to raise money to be used toward the War. This tax demanded 7 cents per gallon of alcohol and the registration of all stills. (
  • The U.S. Senate proposes the 18th Amendment 12/18/1917. Ratified 1/16/1919 and effected into law 1/16/1920
  • The Wartime Prohibition Act took effect 6/30/1919 (a.k.a. "Thirsty Act" Ratified under the premise of saving/ rationing grain for the War effort ( This Law contradicted a world culture of whiskey production methods that date back possibly as early as the 2nd millenium BC.
  • The earliest certain evidence of alcohol distillation is in Italy in the 13th century Whiskey

more History

Moonshining activities occured in other Regions of America than the Appalachians, but this is the area most well known. (


Moonshiner: One who makes illegal distilled alcohol


One who smuggles illegal alcohol

Famous Moonshiners

include but not limited to:

Did NASCAR get its start from Bootlegging?

Fact or fantasy, you decide: