Genealogy Projects tagged with 1797 on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Moonshiners and Bootleggers

    Moonshine (also known as) Hooch, White Lightning, Panther's Breath, Panther's P---, Mountain Dew, Kickapoo, Happy Sally, Ruckus Juice, Joy Juice, Hillbilly Pop, Skull Cracker, Bush Wisky, Stump, Mule Kick, Catdaddy, Cool Water, Old Horsey, Rot Gut, Wildcat, Rise and Shine. Fact Beer, Ethanol and Whiskey are all created from the same process, but occur at different stages of the process ...

  • Frontier Justice - the Harpe Brothers

    ==Frontier Justice - The Harpe Brothers== Our objective is to illustrate the world of the Harpe Brothers, called Americas first serial killers. Please add your family profile to the project and contribute to the project overview. ===Their Story===Micajah "Big" Harpe, born Joshua Harper (before 1768 (probably, c. 1748) died August 1799) and Wiley "Little" Harpe, born William Harper (before 1770 ...