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  • Eliisa Juhanantytär Elovainio (1872 - d.)
    Ristiina syntyneet 1865-1879 (MKO1-4 I Ba:2) 1872 ; SSHY / Viitattu 22.07.2024 Kaksonen Edla. Ristiina Ristiinan seurakunnan arkisto - I Ab:6 Lastenkirja 1867-1876, jakso 229, sivu 462-463: ...
  • Juho Juhananpoika Tikka, ♊ (1863 - d.)
    Syntymä Ristiinan seurakunnan arkisto - I C:4 Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1841-1864, jakso 329: 1863 Mars-April; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 9.2.2025 Lastenkirjat Ristiinan seurakunnan ...
  • Edla Juhanantytär Tikka, ♊ (1872 - 1873)
    Ristiina syntyneet 1865-1879 (MKO1-4 I Ba:2) Sivu 114 1872 April-Juni. SSHY / Viitattu 09.02.2025 Ristiina kuolleet 1865-1879 (MKO1-3 I Ba:2) Sivu 246 1873 Februari-Maji. SSHY / Viitattu 09.02.2025 ...
  • Charlsie Carnes, ♊ (1916 - 1918)
    Daughter of Daniel & Mary (Martin) Carnes Twin of Charlie
  • Taavetti Antinpoika Hurri (1892 - 1894)
    Antin kaksonen. Hirvensalmen srk. Syntyneet 1887-1892, Taavetti Antinp. Hurri 7.7.1892, Hurrila 3. SSHY - Kirkonkirjat, viitattu 7.5.2019 Hirvensalmen srk. Kuolleet 1886-1908, Taavetti Antinp. Hurri...

This project is of twins and multiples who are a part of one family unit that has more than one set of twins/multiples.
This means both or at least one of the parents have had twins or multiples at least two times.

The Royal College of Midwives estimated that the odds of consecutive sets of twins were more than 700,000-to-one, noting that it is more common when multiple pregnancies are separated by singletons. The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs claims that once you have had fraternal (dizygotic) twins, your chances of having another set are three to four times greater than that of the general population. Compared to the general population, only one in 30 births are twins or slightly more than 3 percent.