Sailed from Gravesend 2 September 1864, arrived Auckland 5 January 1865.
Captain William GIBBONS
1190 tons registry, built by Potter & Co, Glasgow
Messrs Cruickshank, Smart & Co., Agents
When the Victory left England to sail to Auckland in 1864 it had the misfortune to collide with a French schooner when working down the Channel and suffered considerable damage. She was compelled to run to Portsmouth where necessary repairs were effected. The ship brought 247 passengers to Auckland, 80 of whom were Albertland settlers. It sailed from England 15 Sept 1864 and arrived 4 Jan 1865, the journey taking 110 days.
Shipping List: http://www.ozlists.com/genies/shipping/news_nz/nz650104v.htm