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  • Abertha Lord (1591 - d.)
  • Abigail Latham (1682 - 1750)
    She is the 2nd person with that name. She was buried in the Starr Cemetery in Groton, Connecticut. This has been confirmed by the Hale Cemetery records. Abigail Burrows was the daughter of John Burrows...
  • Abe Burrows (1910 - 1985)
    Abe Burrows was an American humorist, author, and director for radio and the stage. He won a Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize. was one of the writers of Guys and Dolls. Guys and Dolls was selected as the ...
  • Alfred Burrows (1848 - 1935)
  • Alicia Lock, Convict "Indispensible" 1796 (1774 - 1834)
    ALICE BURROUGHS (age 21) and AMELIA EVANS (age 19) were indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 30th of April, four womens cotton gowns value 1l. 10s. a black silk cloak, value 1l. four womens linen ...

About the Burrows surname

My grandfather was Riley Cecil Burrows, born July 30, 1899 in Crestline, Kansas. Wife was Marvel Irene Forward, born February 6, 1898 in Goddard, Kansas. Riley's father was Charles Benton Burrows, born May 2, 1877 in Cherokke County, Kansas. Riley's mother was Clara Oscenbien (sp?) born December 14, 1878 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Charles father was John Riley Burrows born September 26, 1837 in Washington County, Ohio. Charles mother was Nancy Cory Burrows born June 2, 1838 in Washington County, Ohio. John Riley Burrows' father was John Burrows born about 1789 in Waterford, Washington County, Ohio. His father was John Burrows born in Ireland. He was married to Betsy McMahon. Charles' Burrows mother Nancy Cory Burrows was daughter of Hannah Leget, born June 10, 1815 in Marietta, Washington County, Ohio and Thomas Harfield Cory born March 15, 1809 in Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. Thomas Harfield Cory's parents were Thomas Benton Cory, born May 27, 1765 in Newport, Rhode Island and Mary Slocum Cory born October 1, 1738 in Newport, Rhode Island.