The November Group was a group of German expressionist artists and architects. Formed on 3 December 1918, they took their name from the month of the German Revolution
3 December 1918 TO 24 July 1935
Josef Achmann [de] (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Jankel Adler (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Lou Albert-Lasard
George Antheil
Jean Arp (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Rudolf Ausleger
Willi Baumeister (noted on list from 1925] and 1930)
Herbert Bayer (noted on list from 1925)
Peter Behrens (noted on list from 1918)[
Herbert Behrens-Hangeler [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Rudolf Belling (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Rüdiger Berlit [de] (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Peter August Böckstiegel (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Kseniya Boguslavskaya (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hans Brass [de]
Nikolaus Braun [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Marcel Breuer (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Max Butting
Heinrich Campendonk (noted on list from 1918[25] and 1930)[27]
Heinrich Maria Davringhausen
Walter Dexel (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Christof Drexel
Kinner von Dressler (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Friedrich Peter Drömmer [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Ewald Dülberg [de] (noted on list from 1918)
Heinrich Eberhard [de] (noted on list from 1918[25] and 1930)[27]
A. Eberhardt (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Josef Eberz [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Viking Eggeling (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Heinrich Ehmsen (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hanns Eisler (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Ignaz Epper [de] (noted on list from 1925
Anton Faistauer (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Bedřich Feigl (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Lyonel Feininger (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Conrad Felixmüller (noted on list from 1918[25] and 1930)[27]
Oskar Fischer (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Peter Foerster (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Fred Forbát (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hans Freese [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Otto Freundlich
Theodor Fried (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Alexander Friedrich (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Heinz Fuchs [de] (noted on list from 1918[25] and 1925
Alfred Gellhorn [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Paul Gösch (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Yefim Golyshev (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Werner Gothein [de] (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Gottfried Graf [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Walter Gramatté (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Otto Griebel (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Walter Gropius (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Otto Großmann (noted on list from 1918)[25]
George Grosz (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Paul Grunwaldt [de] (noted on list from 1925)
Hugo Häring (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Erwin Hahs [de] (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Bernhard Hasler [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Emil van Hauth [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Gustav Havemann (noted on list from 1925)[26]
John Heartfield (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Wilhelm Heckrott [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Hans-Siebert von Heister [no] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Wieland Herzfelde (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Oswald Herzog [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Ludwig Hilberseimer (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Karl Jakob Hirsch [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Leon Hirsch [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Wilhelm Heckrot
Hannah Höch (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Bernhard Hoetger (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Lothar Homeyer [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Jascha Horenstein (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Johannes Itten (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Philipp Jarnach (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Alexej Jawlensky (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Andreas Jawlensky [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Walter Kampmann [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Wassily Kandinsky (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Joachim Karsch (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Rita Kersten-Andexer (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Martin Kessel (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Georg Kind [de] (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Bernhard Klein (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Cesar Klein (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Fritz Klein (noted on list from 1918[25] and 1925)[26]
Oskar Kokoschka (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Arthur Korn (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Heinrich Kosina [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Heinrich Kosnick (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hans Krebs (noted on list from 1925
Issai Kulvianski [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Alfred Kubin (noted on list from 1918)[25
Otto Lange (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Eva Lau (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Georg Leschnitzer (noted on list from 1918)[25]
El Lissitzky
Alfred Lomnitz [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hans Luckhardt (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Wassili Luckhardt (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Thilo Maatsch (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Ewald Mataré (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Max Hermann Maxy (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Ludwig Meidner (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Moriz Melzer [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Erich Mendelsohn (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Carlo Mense (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Otto Möller [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Rudolf Möller [de] (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
László Moholy-Nagy (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Georg Muche (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Albert Mueller [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Otto Mueller (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Otto Nagel (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Ernest Neuschul [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Jacobus Oud (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Max Pechstein (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Felix Petyrek (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Hans Poelzig (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Fritz Pollack (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Enrico Prampolini (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Ivan Puni (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Carl Puxkandl (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Franz Radziwill (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hilla von Rebay
Walter Reger [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Hans Richter (noted on list from 1918[25] and 1930)[27]
Heinrich Richter (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Joachim Ringelnatz (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Karl Rössing [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Christian Rohlfs (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Berti Rosenberg (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Kurt Hermann Rosenberg [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Walter Ruttmann (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Hans Scharoun
Edwin Scharff (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Margarete Scheel (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Hermann Scherchen (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Oskar Schlemmer (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Rudolf Schlichter (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Wilhelm Schmid (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Paul Schmolling [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Georg Schrimpf (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Richard Schrötter (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Kurt Schwerdtfeger [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Kurt Schwitters (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Arthur Segal (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Lasar Segall (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Hans Soeder [de] (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Meta Speier (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hans Spiegel (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Walter Spies
Mart Stam (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Heinrich Stegemann (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Milly Steger (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Gertrud Stemmler (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Irma Stern
Franz Stock (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
William Straube [de] (noted on list from 1918)[25]
Fritz Stuckenberg (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Georg Tappert (noted on list from 1918,[25] 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Bruno Taut (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Max Taut (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Heinrich Tessenow (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Heinz Tiessen(noted on list from 1925)[26]
Eduard Trautner (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Rudolf Utzinger (noted on list from 1925)[26]
Karl Völker (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Wladimir Rudolfowitsch Vogel (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Nicolai Wassiliew (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Vincent Weber [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Kurt Weill (noted on list from 1925[26] and 1930)[27]
Ines Wetzel [de] (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Gustav Wiethüchter [de] ((noted on list from 1930)[27]
Carel Willink
Gert Wollheim
Stefan Wolpe (noted on list from 1930)[27]
Willy Zierath (noted on list from 1918)[25]
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