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One species, many dia‧sporae

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ONE Species, many dia‧spora-ta !


What good did H'omo Sapiens to chase them around this global territory? Maybe God gave it language to argue, dis‧cuss & agree… to be able to be friends, col-legues, co-operators, col-laborators, neigh-bours & family-members or to become like sisters & brothers in democratical administrated & religional free countries?



GERMAN Dia-Spora & Odyssey

german in the rest of EUROPE

N.B. : The CONTINENT Europa and NOT the political construction in Bruxelles!


Germans - Belgium

Germans - Luxembourg

Germans - Danmark

Germans - Poland

Germans - Sweden

  • ...supplements welcome!
Germans in AFRIKA
Germans in the AMERICA's

Germans in ASIA

Germans in ....etceteraa

DUTCH Dia-Spora & Odyssey

Dutch in EUROPE

  • Germany - United Kingdom - France - Sweden - Danmark - etc.

Dutch in the AMERICA's

  • Dutch in Argentina · since 1889
  • Brazil - Chile - Suriname - Uru

Dutch in other continents &/o countries

