Profiles related to the Otago Somervilles Branch.
The "OTAGO SOMERVILLES" branch has been documented by Lee Somerville in a 1972 and 1997 book - the 1997 book is updated for the Family Reunion held of the same year. They were on the ship "BLUNDELL" with other families, Begg and Law. (Isabella Somerville married Adam Begg, and someone married John Law - give me time i'll have this info soon.) - They arrived in the 1800s (Around 1850s) to the port of otago and settled. The ship manifest is in the Dunedin Public Library in Otago, New Zealand - in it's Genealogy Room - and lists many of the families on that ship including the Somervilles. Many of the somervilles are buried in the Anderson's bay Cemetery, but some are not - and will have resource and sources soon.
Started this project to try and connect the ancient and pre 1700s Somervilles in Scotland, to their modern counterparts - as the Memorie has some possible data connecting them.
Profiles may be from the blundell ship, and not necessarily related to Somervilles. Profiles may be SOMERVILLE and not 100% related to Janet and John (both from Cranston, Scotland) who are the parents of William Somerville who married Marion Davidson.