Ships List for the Papa to Port Adelaide 1877
Immigration: ARRIVAL OF THE PAPA. Another shipload of German emigrants arrived by the Papa on Wednesday, July 25 1877, and, judging from appearances and the doctor's report, the people are likely to prove a most desirable addition to our population. There are mechanics of every kind, and agricultural and other laborers, all of whom are anxious to get to work. Dr. Feige on his second voyage in charge of immigrants, he having arrived home a few months back in a similar capacity. During the voyage everything possible has been done to keep the people in good health and spirits, and the result shows how well this has been accomplished. There are but 12 single women on board and 50 single men. The mid- ship section of the vessel is occupied by the married people with their families. The whole of the emigrants have arrived in good health, and beyond a couple of deaths amongst the children nothing has happened to mar the pleasure of the voyage.
Ships List
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Two Lists were published at the time
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- Heinrich Kessal 27;
- Wilhelm Seidel 30, Marie Seiidel 23, and 2 children;
- Julius Ahlmann 23;
- Constantine Zanker 50;
- Josef Moser 56;
- Theresia Moser 53, and 1 child;
- Johann Hofmeyer 54, Caroline Hofmeyer 47 and 5 children;
- Josef Löser 28, Marie Löser 31;
- Andreas Rawrlee 30;
- Soren Nillsen 25;
- Gottfried Schumann 55, Marie Schumann 49, and 3 children;
- Friedrich Lahne 28, Wilhelmine Lahne 27, and 3 children;
- Christian Lahne 70;
- Augura Mchnerz 28;
- Friedrick Flühge 29, Whilhelmina Flühge 30, and 2 children;
- Friedrick Flüge 59, Christine Flüge 32, and 3 children;
- Andreas Gene 24, August Schroder 35, Emile Schroder, and 2 children;
- Carl Bergmann 18, Emilie Bergmann 26; Auguste Bergmanan 16;
- Johanne Zanker 22, Friederick Zanker 20, Louise Zanker 18, and 5 children, Louise Zanker 44;
- Christian Jacobsen 37, Amalie Jacobson 37, and 3 children;
- Jacob Liend 36, Christine Liend 25, and 2 children;
- Friederick Heise 55, and 5 children;
- Sophie Nietfeld 17, Heinrich Nietfeld 13;
- Fried Beyer 39, Louise Beyer 38, and 5 children;
- Wilhelm Wiese 38, Dorothea Wiese 34 and 9 children;
- Jos. Bommer 25;
- Louise Kleine, 28;
- Auguste Kulbe 39, Louise, Kulbe, 27;
- Bruno Radestock 27, Louise Radestock 25, and 1 child;
- Marie Langer 22; August Schulze, 25;
- Hein Brecht 49, Charlotte Brecht 47, and 5 children;
- August Riedel 35, Ernestine Riedel 39, and 3 children;
- Ewald Arns, 23;
- Heinrich Baurs, 21;
- Anton Berner, 19;
- Carl Hoffmann, 49;
- Dorothea Hoffmann 38, and 6 children;
- Fried Kruger 29, Marie Kruger 29, and 2 children;
- Willhelm Eisemann 26, Ernestine Eismann 31, and 3 children;
- Louisa Helm 22; Carl Kosch 19;
- Franz Lenartowicz 18;
- Andr Zaneczek 18;
- Franz Konopka 17;
- Franciska Konopka 17;
- Johann Bovian 30, Pauline Bovian 29, and 3 children;
- Gustav Hansel 43, Wilhelmine Hansel 39, and 5 children;
- Hein Kleinera 36, Pauline Kleinera 33;
- Wilhelmine Lambrecht 25;
- Otto Bottger 35, Johanne Bottger 35;
- Adolph Schmidt 33;
- Carl Scherer 23;
- H Ulrich Frey 40, Elisabeth Frey 38, and 2 children;
- Sebastian Bri 38;
- Georg Hofer 33;
- Maria Kinas 21;
- Christian Thomsen 23;
- Morson Federsen 20;
- Hans Kasmussel 25;
- Andr Möllecok 24;
- Wilh. Gebers 34;
- Emil Thomsen 25;
- Johann Nielson 26;
- Pauline Nielson 31;
- Johann Kujan 18;
- Carl Dahl 39;
- Thora Dahl 31, and 1 child;
- Jaus Schmidt 21;
- Johann Paulsen 37;
- Camilla Paulsen 38;
- Christian Hassen 19;
- Anton Thomsen 15;
- Franz Rydig 18;
- Rosalie Rubasch 22;
- Christian Andresen 29;
- Harald Hausen 25;
- Gustav Doleski 34;
- Friedrich Uhlich 20 ;
- Conrad Knöffle 25 ;
- Johann Knöffle 20;
- Wilh Rinter 25, Emilie Rinter 24 Jacob Mort 28;
- Caroline Lehmann 20, and 3 children;
- Christian Trinne 43, Elisabeth Trinne 40 and 6 children;
- Fried. Hante 30;
- Wilh Barsteds 35;
- Wielhelm Gertha 22;
- Maria Garase;
- Marie Lunr;
- Gottlieb Schulz 71;
- Franz Madl 45, Anna Madl 52, and 1 child;
- Johann Winiarz 23;
- August Kassner 18;
- Fried. Ruge 78, Louise Ruge 54, and 5 children;
- August Ulbrich 40, Anna Ulbrich 39, and 3 children;
- Heinrich Kranz 25;
- August Heinrich 25, Anna Heinrich 26;
- Hermann Stargard 30, Henriette Stargard 33, and 1 child;
- Christ Sawoda 54, Dorothea Sawoda 51, and 3 children;
- Fried Schadel 25;
- Josef Gerbiich 47, Johanne 36, and 1 child;
- Oswald Finkelde 24;
- Pauline Blaschlk 19;
- Madsen Bockmann 29;
- Fried Gottlis 24;
- Hans Nielsen 21;
- August Mutsmann 25;
- August Brandt 21;
- August Frettler 26;
- Fried Bresht 29;
- Heinrich Strothmann 24;
The Papa arrived on Wednesday, July 25, from Hamburg, having on board 253 German immigrants. During the voyage everything possible has been done to keep the people in good health and spirits, and Dr. Feize, the Surgeon Superintendent, has accomplished the duty well. This is his second voyage, he having arrived here on a similar errand a few months back. There are but 12 single women on board and 50 single men. The immigrants have arrived in good health, and with the exception of two deaths amongst the children nothing has happened to mar the pleasantness of the voyage. The following is a detailed list of the new arrivals : —
Nominated in the Colony.—
- Kleinert, Heinrich (miller), Pauline;
- Böttger, Otto (mechanic), Johanna ;
- Moser, Josef (agricultural labourer), Theresia, Theresia ;
- Neitfeld, Sophie (domestic servant), Heinrich ;
- Langer,Marie (seamstress) ;
- Finkelde, Oswald (carpenter) ;
- Kulbe, Auguste and Louise (domestic servants).
Selected in Germany. —
- Hofmeyer, Johann (vinedresser), Caroline, Johann, Ernst, Heinrich, Carl, and August ;
- Lahne, Christian (agricultural labourer), Friedrich (do.), Wilhelmine, Dorothea, Friedericke, and Friedrich;
- Flühge, Friedericke, Friedrich (agricultural labourer), Wilhelmina, Wilhelm, Otto, Christine, Anne, and Louise;
- Zanker, Louise, Johann (agricultural labourer), Friedrich, Louise, Gustav, Friedrich, Otto, Ernst, and Marie;
- Heise, Friedrich, Friedericke, Louise, Auguste, Friedrich, and Pauline ;
- Brecht, Heinrich, Charlotte, Ferdinand, Louise, Wilhelmine, August, and Gustav;
- Frinne, Christian (agricultural labourer), Elizabeth, August, Friedericke, Christian, Hermann, Marie, and Friedrich;
- Gerblick, Josef (locksmith), Johann, and Josef;
- Hansel, Gustav (baker), Wilhelmine, Bertha, Emilie, Emil, Carl, and Anna;
- Lamprecht, Wilhelm (tailor and agricultural labourer);
- Kessal, Heinrich (mechanic) ;
- Seidel, Wilhelm (carpenter), Marie, Marie, and Louise;
- Ohlmann, Julius Emil (upholsterer) ;
- Meylan, Jules (agricultural labourer) ;
- Marschall, Ludwig (do.);
- Zenkner, Constantin (do.);
- Schmidt, Adolf (baker) ;
- Schern, Carl (mill- wright and agricultural labourer) ;
- Loser, Josef (agricultural labourer), Marie ;
- Rawolle, Andreas (agricultural labourer) ;
- Nielson, Sören Peter (do.) ;
- Schumann, Gottfried (do.), Marie, Marie, Gottfried, and Wilhelm;
- Mehnert, August (tinker and agricultural labourer) ;
- Gene, Andreas (agricultural labourer);
- Schröder, August, Emilie, Auguste, Friedrich ;
- Bergmann, Carl (agricultural labourer), Emilie and Auguste (domestic servants) ;
- Thomson, Christian (agricultural labourer) ;
- Pederson, Morton (do.);
- Jacobson, Christian (do.), Amalie, Christine, Christian, and Turgen;
- Lund, Jacob Hansen (agricultural labourer), Christine, Botilde, and Andreas;
- Beyer, Friedrich (agricultural labourer), Louise, Dorothea, Louise, and Friederike ;
- Beyer, Frederick and August ;
- Wiese, Wilhelm (bricklayer), Dorothea, Fredrich, Gustav, Auguste, Wilhelm, Otto, and Pauline;
- Bommer, Josef (joiner);
- Kleine, Louise (domestic servant) ;
- Radestocke, Bruno (tailor), Louise, and Agnes;
- Frey, Hans Ulrich (kettle-maker and agricultural labourer), Anna, Julius, and Louise ;
- Bieri, Sebastian (agricultural labourer) ;
- Hofer, Georg ,(do.); Schulze, August (do.);
- Arnz, Ewald (do.) ;
- Rinas, Maria (domestic servant) ;
- Riedel, August (agricultural labourer), Ernstine, Gustav, Anna, and Auguste ;
- Banst, Johann Henir (joiner) ;
- Hoffmann, Carf (tailor), Dorothea, Carl, Bernhard, Maria, Adolf, August, and Alwine;
- Krüger, Fredrich (agricultural labourer), Marie, Friedrich, and August (agricultural labourer) ;
- Eisermann, Wilhelm (agricultural labourer), Ernstine, August, Reinhold, and Otto ;
- Bernet, Anton (agricultural labourer ;
- Rasmussen, Hans (do.) ;
- Molbach, Selgen And. (do.);
- Gebers, Wilhelm (do.);
- Thomson, Emil (do.);
- Neilson, Johann (do.), Pauline, Kujan, Johann (joiner) ;
- Dahl, Carl, (agricultural labourer), Thora, and Jenny;
- Paulsen, Johann (agricultural labourer), Camilla;
- Schmidt, Jens Ludwig (agricultural labourer) ;
- Hansen, Christian Fred, (do.) ;
- Thomsen, Anton (do.) ;
- Helen, Louise (domestic servant);
- Kosch, Carl (agricultural labourer);
- Lenar- toroicz, Franz (do.) ;
- Konopka, Franz (do.), Franzisca ;
- Taneczek, Andreas (agricultural labourer);
- Bychly, Franz (do.) ;
- Kübosch, Rosalie (domestic servant);
- Doleski, Gustav (joiner);
- Bocian, Johann (agricultural labourer), Pauline, Ludwig, Anna, and Martha ;
- Ulrich, Friedrich (agricultural labourer);
- Anderson, Christian (bricklayer);
- Hansen, Harold (do.) ;
- Knöpfli, Conrad (joiner), Johann (agricultural labourer) ;
- Morf , Jacob (slater and mason) ;
- Hanse, Friedrich (agricul tural labourer) ;
- Wintor, Wilhelm (do.), Emilie, Wilhelm, Carl, and Emma ;
- Lohmann, Caroline (domestic servant) ;
- Gerthan, Wilhelm (agricultural labourer);
- Lund, Anna Maria (domestic ser vant) ;
- Winiarz, Johann (agricultural labourer) ;
- August, Heinrich (shoemaker), Anna ;
- Stargardt, Hermann (carpenter), Henriette, and Hedwig;
- Blashek, Pauline (domestic servant) ;
- Bockmann, Madsen (locksmith) ;
- Gottig, Friedrich (agricultural labourer) ;
- Nielson, Hans Peter (do.) ;
- Mussmann, August (do.) ;
- Brand, August (do.) ;
- Tretter, August (cooper) ;
- Brecht, Friedrich (agricultural labourer);
- Garske, Maria (midwife).
Full Paid.— Strothmann, Heinrich (locksmith) ;
- Barnstedt, Wilhelm (seaman) ;
- Schulz, Gottlieb (agricultural labourer);
- Madl, Franz (shepherd), Ann, and Mathias ;
- Kässner, Auguste (domestic servant) ;
- Ulbrich, August (brick layer), Anna, Johann, Hermann, and Paul;
- Ruge, Frederich, Louise, Pauline, Ernst, Louise, August, Emilie, and Louis ;
- Kranz, Heinrich (merchant) ;
- Schadel, Friedrich (labourer) ;
- Sarooda , Christian (do.), Dorothea, Carl, Dorothea, and Pauline.
Summary. —
- Colonial assisted passage certificate-holders 7,
- do. free passage certificate holders 6,
- full passage regulations 35½,
- free passage regulations 169½ statute adults.
- Married men 37, women 37,
- single men 70,
- single women 44,
- children from 1 to 12,
- boys 38,
- girls 22,
- children under 16.
- Total, 254, equal to 218 statute adults.
List of Trades and Callings —
- Agricultural labourers, 65;
- blacksmith, 1;
- bricklayers, 6;
- bakers, 2 ;
- carpenters, 3 ;
- cooper, 1 ;
- joiner, 1 ;
- locksmiths, 3 ;
- masons, 2 ;
- mechanics, 3 ;
- millers, 2 ;
- tailors, 2 ;
- vinedressers, 2 ;
- upholsterer, 1 ;
- shoemaker, 1;
- shepherd, 1;
- domestic servants, 12 ;
- seamstress, 1.
- Adds Occupation and childrens' names, sorts type of passage: ARRIVAL OF GERMAN IMMIGRANTS. (1877, July 26). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 5. Retrieved February 6, 2016
- A working file by poster
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