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Project Translators Portal

Project Translators Portal

This portal is I hope the start of something big and possibly game changing in Geni.
Geni is creating a WORLD Family Tree and so we need to do what we can to ensure the whole world has good access to the whole of Geni. Language being a key barrier that we must cross in order to achieve this.

This Portal Project will be the start of coordinating people creating projects with people who can translate them so that they are available to anyone and everyone that may be interested instead of a select few. Genealogy is about finding out where we come from so being able to read the projects about WHERE they came from must be essential and yet so often they came from places where the language was and is different so we end up learning nothing. Let us try to put that right here on Geni.

Please understand that only static parts of overviews will be translated.

I hope this will be a two way process:

1. People can advertise their projects that they would like translated and which languages are most suitable and
2. People can advertise that they are able translate and which languages they can do this in.

Getting Involved

Free to follow, request to collaborate

To join the project use the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page.

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Bold links are to Geni projects. Other links take you to external web pages.

If you have a project you would like translated you can advertise this in the discussions of this project &/or Link it as a related project.

If you are willing to translate static areas of project overviews please add your name to the appropriate language(s) below. If your language is missing then please add it to the list this is just a basic starting list.

Also please check the discussions for anyone advertising for translators in your preferred language(s) and feel free to advertise yourself in a discussion.

Please note that if this Portal is successful it will become just that, a portal and I will create seperate projects for each language.

  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Latin
  • Russian
  • Greek, Ancient
  • Hebrew, Biblical
  • Portuguese
  • Korean
  • Hebrew, Modern

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Projects that need to be translated:

Please remove if you have translated

Volunteers able translate:

Geni Translators

Portal Index

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Portal Index

Geni Research Volunteers

Geni's Global Plaza

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