Researching your Reed / Read / Reade / Reede / Reid family? Join forces by collaborating and bring your profiles over (must be set to public). There are many distinct lines for this common surname and sometimes it's just as important to know who we aren't.
Earliest proven ancestor
- Capt. John Reed
- Nathaniel Reed
- Dr. Philip Reade, Sr.
- William "of Weymouth" Reade
- William Reed, of Woburn
- William Read, of Weymouth & New London
- FamilyTree DNA - Reed Surname Project. < link > Reed researchers in the 1920's identified over 100 Reed lines that came to America prior to 1700. DNA tests so far completed have identified some 83 separate lines, representing 8 of the major Y chromosome groupings, that bear the surname Reed or its variants. It has become clear that many unrelated men adopted these surnames either before or after emigration from Europe.
- Reed, Jacob Whittemore (1861). History of the Reed family in Europe and America. < GoogleBooks > careful, has many errors.
- Wright, Ella Frances (Reed), (1909) Reed-Read lineage. Captain John Reed of Providence, R. I., and Norwalk, Conn. and his descendants through his sons, John and Thomas, 1660-1909 by [from old catalog]. (1909). < Archive.Org >
- Reade society for genealogical research. (Publication date 1904-25.) The Reade record no. 1-16. Extra number A < Archive.Org >