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Rose Hills Memorial Park,Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, 90601 USA

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  • Corporal John Scott Rick (1949 - 1970)
    CPL U.S. ARMY - VIETNAM Started Service: March 23, 1969 Military Region 3: Tay Ninh, So. Vietnam TROOP "A" - 4th CAV - 3rd SQRD Occupation: Armor Intelligence Specialist California Birth Index: JOHN...
  • Leroy Garland Sargent (1909 - 1987)
    Leroy Garland Sargent was born in Custer County, Nebraska, and he passed away at this home in Beaumont, California, on December 5, 1987, at the age of 78 years. He was born on September 16, 1909 in Cus...
  • Howard Lemuel Sargent (1907 - 1954)
  • Blanche Valerie Sargent (1885 - 1964)

Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, 90601 USA:

Find a Grave

Rose Hills claims to be "the single largest memorial park in the world," at approximately 1400 acres.

To aid your search when you visit, make a note of all the burial information provided in the online database search. Stop in at the Main Information front desk (not the little booth in the driveway) and ask them to help you with curb numbers. Curb numbers are not part of the online database and you will want these to help you narrow your search for graves in the lawns.