Royal Order of Saint Olav ‧ since 1847 ‧ Norway
Den Kongelige Norske Sankt Olavs Orden
Sanct Olafs Orden
The reigning monarch of Norway is the order's Grand Master.
The order consists of three grades, of which two are divided into two classes and may be awarded for either civilian or military contributions in descending order of distinction.
The collar is awarded as a separate distinction of the Grand Cross to those recipients deemed exceptionally worthy.
- Grand Cross : awarded to heads of state as a courtesy and in rare cases to individuals for merit; wears the badge on a collar (chain), plus the star on the left chest. If the collar is not worn the badge may be worn on a sash on the right shoulder
- Commander with Star : wears the badge on a necklet, plus the star on the left chest
- Commander : wears the badge on a necklet
- Knight 1st Class : wears the badge on a ribbon on the left chest
- Knight : wears the badge on a ribbon on the left chest
- 🇳🇱 Elisa Justinus AALDERS ‧ 1880-1950 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Jan van den BERG ‧ 1914-1983 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Feike Rients de BOER ‧ 1892-1976 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Jan Adriaan BREDIUS ‧ 1851-1927 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Filips BREGMAN ‧ 1861-1935 ‧
- 🇳🇱 François Theodore BURGHARD ‧ 1900-1978 ‧ commandeur met de ster
- 🇳🇱 Anton Ferdinand Johannes DIJKGRAAF ‧ c.1881-1974 ‧ officier
- 🇳🇱 Jan DOEKSEN sr. ‧ 1884-1959 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Alfred FURNEE ‧ 1901-1964 jul ‧
- 🇳🇱 Pieter GOEDKOOP Dzn. ‧ 1907-1990 ‧ scheepsbouwer
- 🇳🇱 Pieter Stephan van ’t HAAFF ‧ 1886-1955 ‧ commandeur 1e klasse
- 🇳🇱 Maurits Cornelis van HALL ‧ 1901-1965 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Antoon Johannes HOPMAN ‧ 1894-1968 ‧ ridder 1e klasse
- 🇳🇱 Kornelis JANSMA ‧ 1891-1972 ‧ ridder 1e klasse
- 🇳🇱 Simon de JONG ‧ 1912-1963 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Petrus Franciscus Marie KAHMANN ‧ 1889-1967 ‧ ridder
- 🇳🇱 Cornelis Wijbrand KOSTER ‧ 1903-1990 ‧ ridder
- 🇳🇱 Jan Bernard KOSTERS ‧ 1894-1963 ‧ ridder 1e klasse
- 🇳🇱 Johannes Adrianus KRUIJS ‧ 1886-1974 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Jaap LEEUWENBERG ‧ c.1905-1978 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Percy Douglas LEWIS ‧ 1888-1955 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Johan Marius LOOMAN ‧ 1888-1930 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Gerrit MEIJER ‧ 1870-1940 ‧ Officier
- 🇳🇱 Ivo MÖLLER ‧ 1890-1975 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Alexander MULLER ‧ 1914-1994 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Daniel NEURENBERG ‧ c.1870-1942 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Johan Fredrik Albert NIELSEN ‧ 1894-1971 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Theodorus NIEMEIJER ‧ 1881-1967 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Johannes OVERWEG ‧ 1883-1950 ‧ ridder
- 🇳🇱 Simon Alexander van der PERK ‧ 1891-1977 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Antoon Henri Marie Hubert RECEVEUR ‧ 1900-1982 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Daniel Marie de SMIT ‧ 1898-1969 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Cornelis VELLEKOOP ‧ 1903-1990 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Gerrit WARNDERINK VINKE ‧ 1868-1957 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Hendrik Nicolaas WAKKIE ‧ 1911-1989 ‧
- 🇳🇱 Cornelis WEENINK ‧ 1884-1973 ‧